Saturday, August 6, 2011

Obama is winning his war against America

Standard & Poor's Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating to AA+

Not only were the majority of the American not fooled by the dog and pony show that Washington put on during the debt ceiling debate, neither was the S&P.

S&P downgraded the U.S credit rating to AA+ in what has been clearest message yet to Washington that we need to be serious about this mess, and do something positive to address America's debt problems.

The White House response has been predictable. They blame the messenger, S&P, for miscalculating 2 trillion dollars in debt. The S&P said it discussed the issue with the Treasury, but that it did not change their decision.

No one was convinced when Congress and the White House said that their agreement over a debt ceiling increase will include $1 trillion in spending cuts over the next decade.

Most of it is backloaded, and is another attempt to kick the can down the road. One of the caveats Obama wanted in this deal was to raise the limit until after the 2012 elections. His concern is more with getting re-elected, and not having to make any potentially damaging political decisions until after his re-election.

Boehner is in serious trouble of losing his leadership role, seventy four percent of the House members polled in 3,500 chapters said it is time to look at new leadership, and want somebody in the House who is more fiscally responsible.

The republicans are right to insist on cuts before tax increases. The game is to promise future cuts, but the cuts never happen, and the taxes are forever, but they didn't go nearly far enough.

Mark Meckler, 49, the co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots in the United States, has said we have compromised our way to disaster
The compromises that we have witnessed on debt have taken our country to the brink of financial collapse. Currently, the American government is spending 44 cents of each dollar on interest payments. We have compromised our way into disaster. None of the budget plans proposed have real cuts in them -- only promises to cut. The reality is that legally one Congress cannot bind the future Congress to cut, so these promises are actually a lie. We need real and immediate cuts.

Europe's Death Grip on American Liberals

Misery and failure love company, nobody likes to suffer alone. So it is that as Europe comes to grips with it's failing Euro Zone concept of cradle-to-grave welfare, open borders, and a single currency, it eagerly encourages America to follow the same path to destruction. And the the radical left in America is all too happy to hold hands with their Socialist European brothers and leap off the cliff of economic insanity to destruction.

The "Tea Party" in Europe has become a household word. The lefties in Europe call it the radical right "Tea Party" and proclaim it will bring the utter destruction of Democracy and Freedom in America. In fact, it is difficult to know where the left in Europe ends and the left in America begins anymore, they have become virtually identical movements.

Der Speigal does a hatchet job on the Tea Party in and article that it calls "Annihilating Democracy with the Tea Party " If I didn't know better I would think I was reading the Daily Kos it's the same rehashed tripe, here is an example :
Democracy depends on compromise and the American government depends on all branches working together. The Tea Party movement shuns both, preferring instead to drive the state into bankruptcy. On principle.

Suddenly liberals are all about compromise and all branches of the government working together. However when all branches of government worked together to block the disastrous Obamacare Health Care bill, they used political trickery to shove it down our throats.

The article goes on to complain that the American government has been virtually hijacked by these right-wing radicals and they are not answerable to the people :
It's a matter of principle. They view themselves as being on a mission and proudly claim to not think about their re-election chances. They are focused on their principles.

Yet, in so doing, they are betraying the principles of democracy. It is in the nature of democracy to think about re-election. It means politicians remain in touch with their voters -- and it keeps them open to compromise.

The truth is the only reason we were able to slow down the massive power grab by the federal government to seize our wealth and confiscate our private enterprises was because of the elections in 2010. The freshman Republicans are doing EXACTLY what their constituents sent them to Washington to do "starve the beast".

But it doesn't go far enough. Boehner is in serious trouble of losing his leadership role, seventy four percent of the House members polled in 3,500 chapters said it is time to look at new leadership, and want somebody in the House who is more fiscally responsible.

The deal on the the debt limit debate was more of the same old crap, with spending ramping up immediately and cuts being implemented over a ten year period. We know that this congress cannot legally hold future congresses to any deals it makes today, the cuts will probably never happen, except for Obama's hatchet job on defense spending.

So while the liberals in both America and Europe are accusing the Tea Party of driving America into chaos and destruction, the truth is that America's problems today didn't start in 2009 when the Tea Party arrived on the scene. They started in the 1960's with LBJ's War on Poverty and what became the "second wave" of the great Socialist cause in America. That's when welfare and spending programs skyrocketed, families and communities and the public education system began to self-destruct, and our major cities became hellholes of blight and poverty.

If you were wondering when our European friends would speak out and and warn their American friends of the catastrophic results of the European welfare state, you can stop waiting. They are not going to warn us, they want to take us with them.

You can read the the entire article here :

"Annihilating Democracy with the Tea Party "

Friday, August 5, 2011

Ezra Klein is just stupid

Watch this exchange between Ezra Klein and Rick Santelli from earlier today on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Santelli, whose February 2009 on-air rant over fiscal and economic mismanagement inspired the start of the Tea Party.

Klein still clings to the holy grail of the Keynesians, that is, that money must be confiscated then "moved around" and distributed fairly by the political class to ensure equality, Santelli lays into the arrogant little snot, watch him squirm like the weasel he is.

Despite the failed, stimulus, failed, bailouts, and a worsening economy, liberals still believe that the failure is because we have implemented more of their insane, suicidal, tax and spend economic policies.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Suddenly Obama wants to save jobs - His own

When you are entering a campaign season with the dismal job performance that Obama has what do you do ? The same thing you've always done, Point fingers blame someone else, and unleash a wall of ad hominem attacks against your opponents, but whatever you do, DO NOT talk about your specific policy failures, unemployment statistics, and the fact that you are dropping like a rock in the polls.

For 2 1/2 years we have been told how the economy and the wars were George Bush's fault. Obama ramped up the wars, started another illegal war of his own, and has driven the economy almost into contraction, it's barely surviving, and on life support. Job losses have increased, confidence is at all time low, and just when Obama was running out of ammunition for the shame and blame game he plays so effortlessly, along comes the debt ceiling crisis. Obama must of thought to himself Yes, Virginia there is a God, Allah, or Pink Unicorns, or whatever he believes in ?

Well okay it wasn't a crisis. We all knew weeks ahead of time what would happen. The politicians would fuss, sputter and spit for the cameras for a few weeks and then put together a useless deal and sign it at the last minute. But never let a god crisis go to waste, and if you don't have a crisis, create one. The democrats and MSM are all over this media manufactured crisis, and now they are spinning it into the new straw-man for Obama's failures, or at least trying.

I am not sure anyone other than the hard core Obama groupies are buying this load of crap, but that's not stopping the MSM from dishing it out.

At a Cabinet meeting, Obama told reporters the debt crisis - for which he blames House Republicans - created “an unnecessary negative impact on the economy.” He also criticized lawmakers for failing to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration and putting thousands out of work, calling it “a good example of how undone work here in Washington can have an adverse impact on that economy.” He said he called his Cabinet together to make sure “they are redoubling their efforts” to improve the economy.

He forgot to mention that House Republicans have introduced a dozen bills to create jobs, including cutting government regulation and expanding oil drilling, nearly all of which stalled in the Democrat-led Senate.

So the next time obama tells you he is worried about saving jobs, remember he has had almost 3 years to work on that problem. But he was too busy with the Health Care Bill, Pushing Chevrolet to make little electric cars, advancing the gay rights people causes, and dodging the Constitution to start more wars, and let more illegal aliens into the country. But don't worry Obama and his cabinet are working diligently to get the economy back to where it was before the debt ceiling debate...wait a minute ?

The only job he is really concerned about his his own.

Also see :

Obama: Congress to blame for economy

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Just 22% Approve of Debt Ceiling Deal, Most Doubt It Will Cut Spending.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 22% of Likely Voters nationwide approve of the agreement while 53% disapprove. Twenty-six percent (26%) are not sure.

It seems the voters were right all along. While the media and the politicians fixated on the event, predicting doom and gloom, and Nancy Pelosi even going as far as scaring the old folks into thinking the Tea Party folks were out to kill them.

Most of knew weeks ago this would be the result. After weeks of beltway drama, they would agree to do nothing and go back to business as usual, each with enough evidence to prove to their constituents that they had tried their best, but this was the best they could do.

It's a little crazy really when you think about it, sending a politician to reduce the size of govt and reign in out of control spending that just happens to be their bread and butter. Anyone have a better idea, this ain't going to work.

Rasmussen Poll

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How will Obama pay for his welfare state ?

Obama's first term was all about putting the building blocks in place for his European style welfare state. That's why the Health Care Bill was important enough to be pushed through using political trickery, "cloture". Let's not forget the democrats controlled all three branches of government and could not legally pass that monstrosity. But it is key to building the welfare state, and had to be put in place. Entitlements once on the books can almost never be taken back. Even if sometime after the 2012 elections Republicans manage to get control of all three branches of government, it's not clear they would ever be able to kill the Health Care bill.

Cap and Trade is still on the agenda

Cap and Trade would have been a major source of funding for the Obama's Franco-German welfare state, along with the VAT tax. Cap and Trade is dead for now, but the media will continue tp push the Global warming fear mongering campaign, and the government will continue to spread it's propaganda, if the right crisis or opportunity arises, they will be ready to try and capitalize on it and pass Cap and Trade.

The European welfare state requires huge levels of public spending and taxation. Public spending in France, Italy and Sweden is more than 50% of GDP. Germany provides the lower boundary at a "modest" 48%. Some of this public spending goes to the unfortunate, but the bulk goes to the middle class for retirement and health benefits.

If Obama wins re-election the Vat Tax may be the next.

The VAT tax almost certainly will be among the first issues that will Obama will push if he is re-elected. The VAT tax has now become even more important since Cap and Trade has died. Obama is desperate and need funds, he is looking at every option. Another avenue is energy, and gas taxes. Obama and the Dept of Energy are looking at imposing punitive taxes on gas as well as other types of fossil fuel energy sources, all in the name of pushing "green energy" and will claim those taxes will to that cause, but will slowly disappear into the general fund and make their way into the welfare and entitlement programs.

Obama sees defense spending as a cash cow waiting to be slaughtered, and the money used to fund his welfare programs.

And lastly the Health Care bill itself will provide a source of funding, with the government taking on food and health by taxing and regulating so-called "un-healthy" foods, that it will claim adds to our health care costs.

It's only going to get worse.

If Obama wins re-election don't look for the class-warfare to end, it will only increase. Obama needs to implement the last pillars of his Welfare state. The pillars of the European welfare state are state retirement (often at relatively young ages), universal state health care,and entitlements for poverty and unemployment that are virtually unrestricted by calendar limits. And massive amounts of funds must be found to pay for it.

Please also consider :

Obama Has Nearly Achieved His European Welfare State

Many view the Obama presidency as a failure, but not if you are a progressive liberal, Marxist, or Socialist. Obama has massively increased the welfare state, and he knows full well that once it is implemented, it just keeps growing, and is almost impossible to stop.

George Orwell only got two things wrong, the method and the decade.

As Washington celebrates it's debt ceiling farce, the U.S. economy is in deep trouble

As the politicos in Washington all smile for the cameras, and pat each other on the back for pulling off another pathetic exercise in can-kicking, Washington's favorite sport, the U.S economy is showing signs of deep problems ahead.

According Dow Jones ESI indicator there is evidence of a huge US slowdown, a Dow Jones Sentiment Indicator says Return to a Recession is a Real Risk.

It would be easy to blame the dip in the ESI on the U.S. debt crisis, but much of the gloom stems from Main Street rather than Washington,” says Dow Jones Newswires “Money Talks” columnist Alen Mattich. “The readings this summer have fallen enough that it seems to suggest a slide back into recession is a real risk.”

Please see : Recession is "Real Risk" According to Dow Jones ESI Indicator

Also consider :

US GDP on Verge of Contraction in 1st Quarter, Mere 1.3% Annual Rate 2nd Quarter; Summary of Massive Revisions; Second-Half Recovery Nonsense

Does the Deficit Deal Guarantee a Recession?

It's not temporary

Europe is now in austerity-mode, US cities and states are cutting back, the odds of more fiscal stimulus in the US are roughly zero, the US might (and should) lose its AAA rating, Australia is a basket case on the bursting of its property bubble, Canada has the second or third largest property bubble next to China and Australia, the bond market is targeting Italy and Spain, Brazilian defaults are soaring, China is overheating and needs to slow, yet the average economist is looking for a robust second-half, and Obama still tells us he pulled the country back from the abyss.

Yea, right.

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Pathetic Budget deal

This is a pathetic deal. Seriously, anyone who cannot find more to trim from this massive, wasteful, money sucking black hole federal government isn't trying. This deal is ludicrous because it does not cut enough.

Considering that the republicans control only one branch of the government there is only so much they can do. However it seems like far too many republicans are willing , when push comes to shove, to go back to inside the beltway business as usual and kick the can down the road, rather than make tough decisions and stick to their campaign promises of smaller government and focus the government on protecting our rights, not distributing them to whomever they prefer.

It is a core commitment of the constitution to protect our rights and defend the country. It is NOT a core commitment of the Constitution to take other people’s money and redistribute it ?

Despicable display of partisan politics and maneuvering tactics by the democrats to keep the money spigot flowing full force to Washington. The democrats have refused to address the budget for two and half years, Obama threw together some crap he cherry picked from the Simpson-Bowles report that was voted down 97 to zip.

A total failure in addressing our budget and debt crisis. The Republicans got what they could which wasn't much to talk about. The democrats proved they are irresponsible and out of touch. They were more interested in following the cult of Obama than doing their jobs and addressing the nations budget and debt crisis. They refuse to admit there is a debt problem, and plan to continue to loot defense spending to build and grow the welfare state.

Meanwhile the MSM media is all a buzz reporting that a deal has been reached, usually along with a picture of a smiling Obama, in another pitiful attempt to make it look like a success for Obama and ignore the fact he was completely absent in this debate, and ran from Twitter to the MSM pandering to anyone and everyone that would listen to pass something "he liked" so he could sign it, and oh by the way, he also added another self-serving little tidbit "make sure we kick this can far enough down the road so it doesn't interfere with my 2012 re-election campaign ", a pathetic lack of leadership.

The White House has not experienced such a low level selfish, cheap tricks, stunts, and political pandering since Bill Clinton was renting out Lincoln's bedroom for campaign donations, and he was eventually impeached.

If Obama gets a bump in his poll ratings over this, which we all know he watches as much as his money, it's disgusting. If he does, he can thank the barking dogs in the MSM for spinning this thing for him. It is a lose-lose deal for America no matter how they spin it.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Reform Welfare ? Let's cut the crap out of Defense.

Obama has the business class and the military directly in his sights. His war on the business class and his Keynesian economic policies has had devastating effect on our jobs, and economy. What isn't talked about much in the MSM is his war against the military and the recklessness with which he is going about cutting what he considers a cash cow for his social programs.

For all of his lavish new spending plans, President Obama is making one major exception: defense.

Obama has no real intention of tackling the government spending programs that pose the greatest risk to our future financial security. If he has his way, I think we all know what will happen, they will increase exponentially.

“I think what's absolutely true is that core commitments that we make to the most vulnerable have to be maintained,” [President Barack] Obama said. “A lot of the spending cuts that we're making should be around areas like defense spending as opposed to food stamps.”

Rather than a careful analysis of requirements, President Obama has encouraged a reckless approach to defense. When introducing his second pass at a budget proposal, the president announced a completely arbitrary $400 billion reduction in defense spending. Last week president Obama said :

"The nice thing about the defense budget is it's so big, it's so huge, that, you know, a one percent reduction is the equivalent of the education budget...I'm exaggerating. But it's so big that you can make relatively modest changes to defense that end up giving you a lot of headroom to fund things like basic research or student loans or things like that."

That is frightening statement to hear coming from the President of the United States, it's childlike and reveals what our commander-in-chief really thinks about America's defense, and it ain't much. Cut the budget ? Obama is rearranging the deck chairs and looking to loot the budget to fund his favorite programs.

It is a core commitment of the government of the United States to protect and defend the citizens of the country as outlined in the Constitution of the United States, It is NOT a core commitment of the Constitution to take other people’s money and redistribute it?

It would be more reassuring to see the so-called only adult in the room take an intelligent, bi-partisan, across the board approach to reining in our debt and balancing the budget. Obama has taken the partisan, linear approach, he will kill off the things "he" doesn't like first, then look at the other stuff later, if need be. That is not only crazy, it's dangerous.

The inexperience and amateurishness of this executive is becoming painfully obvious with each passing day, let's hope that the only thing that the damage from this train wreck isn't long term, and and our soldiers in harms way don't pay the ultimate price for this executives on the job training.