Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why don't the Japanese loot ?

One thing the  the mainstream media in America seems to be conveniently ignoring is the lack of violence, and looting that we have seen in both Japan, and China after the recent earthquakes. Scenes of both disasters show people  disciplined, working together, standing  in line waiting for food and assistance, survivors rescuing their fellow survivors, not  dragging stolen TV's and appliances down the street, no rampaging, angry gangs of youth smashing windows, and threatening to kill, or burn down the city if someone doesn't  "send money" !

The quick answer is "culture" if the Haitians could live in Japan maybe they would stop looting ? Maybe not. The other flip, sarcastic answer is, the reason Japanese don't loot is, because they are not black, maybe too simplistic.

Hats off to the  "Telegraph "  for going where no American newspaper dares go. They did an article " Why is there no looting in Japan ? " and the comments on the article were very interesting. Many of the posters became immediately defensive, and tried to the equate people in Japan searching and foraging for food and clothing  with the rampaging gangs of angry  youth roaming the streets of Haiti and New Orleans,  and denied there was any difference, however even a casual observer would notice there is a big difference.

Many posters equated the rise in violence  and looting in countries like the U.S. Great Britain, to "multiculturalism', another reason I have often heard discussed is "intelligence". Michael Levin's Why Race Matters New Century Books, 2005) and others have pointed out,  high intelligence is invariably associated with greater law-abidingness, low intelligence is associated with a limited ability to conceive of the pain or loss of others and an unwillingness to sacrifice today for benefits tomorrow. These traits are central to the smash-and-grab mentality both of common criminals and post-disaster looters Could Asians just be more intelligent than the rest of us ?  Jared Taylor at, does a very interesting and well researched piece on this topic here 

 The answers may not be so simple, and may involve many different factors, such as race, intelligence, culture and even personality, however there is little doubt that the  homogeneous Asian cultures have  a much stronger belief in patriotism, saving face, family, community, and education. Multiculturalism does seem to have failed, and people are not just thinking about it, they are talking about it. Angela Merkel kicked off a firestorm, and much needed debate, when she announced that "Multiculturalism in Germany has "utterly" failed."

The looting mentality has caught fire in America and have been been rolled into cries of "Get the Rich" "Spread the Wealth" and  "Get Mine". It  now pervades entire segments of the American  population , and is growing fast via unions, government employees, progressive liberals, Marxists, and Socialists. Could it be the "dumbing down" of America we've heard so much about ? the lack of compassion for others, short term gratification, with no concept of sacrificing today, for the long term benefit of tomorrow, (our children and grandchildren ) ?

Throughout history multi-cultural socities have not fared well, they have always been stricken with the same  social diseases that are now pervading western culture. We may have already written our epitaph, and proven beyond a doubt that, Yes, Virginia people are different, very different. Ignore that fact at your risk. Instead of creating Utopia, what we may have created instead, is a human catastrophe.