Friday, September 30, 2011


The Obama administration just can't catch a break, and is getting hit from all sides with accusations that the administration knew much more about Operation Fast and Furious, that it has admitted, and the trail is leading right up to the White House.

Continued stonewalling by the U.S. Department of Justice in providing documents regarding the controversial Operation Fast and Furious is only fueling the speculation that the operation was "dreamed up" by the Obama administration to show proof that U.S. guns are contributing to the crime and violence in Mexico," something that has been alleged by President Obama, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and their supporters in the gun-control lobby.

In a statement released by Mexican Attorney General Marisela Morales, she called Operation Fast and Furious “an attack on Mexicans’ security.”
Morales told Mexican reporters that she is demanding a full and honest explanation from the United States government especially since evidence is being gathered that reveals the Obama administration was more involved in Operation Fast and Furious than top officials admitted in their sworn statements.
President Obama said in June he would discipline the Fast and Furious organizers once the investigation is completed. He then stated that the Fast and Furious fiasco was never approved by his Justice Department officials.

However, reports from several sources including the non-governmental agency Judicial Watch, Fox News Channel strongly suggest there indeed high-level government involvement.

According to Fox News, documents obtained by their news staff revealed that the ATF agents involved actually sold some of the guns to gang members. They allegedly purchased the guns with taxpayer money.

Meanwhile Mexico's Attorney General claims she learned about the operation in the news media rather than being told about it in advance by U.S. government officials, including members of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's staff.
Morales said that if U.S. federal officials were involved, it would be a “betrayal” of Mexico while its police and military were fighting a war against drug cartels. Tens of thousands of Mexicans have been killed since the "war on drugs" began in 2006. Almost weekly, Mexican authorities are finding mass graves of those murdered by the cartels.
Ultimately, some or all of the operation's weapons ended up in the hands of Mexican cartel members who allegedly used them to kill Mexicans and two American law enforcement officers: a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Arizona, and an agent with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau who was gunned down on a Mexican road between Mexico City and Monterrey, Mexico. Both men worked at agencies that are part of the Homeland Security Department.

From the Cypress Times

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Arizona Sheriff implicates ATF, Erci Holder, and Obama Justice Dept in Fast and Furious

Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu opened up last night on CNN. The sheriff implicated the ATF, Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department as accomplices to murder involving weapons used in Operation Fast and Furious. And talked about the level of government involvement in supply guns to drug cartels in Mexico.

It's frightening. The feds are in this up over their ears. Sheriff Babeu says that more than 200 murders can be traced to guns supplied by the U.S government.

The ATF, the CIA, need to be disbanded, they have been corrupted by Obama's gangster government to work with criminals, and drug cartels NOT protect the the citizens of the United States, but to actually supply the guns that are killing Americans.

We are being betrayed by our own government

Other whistle-blowers in law enforcement are beginning to speak up also. They are revealing information that law enforcement personnel are constantly approached by the cartels with bribes and now death threats. The choice is take the money and become rich by helping us, or we will assassinate you and murder your entire family - they live in fear, and in many cases are being coerced by the Feds to cooperate with the cartels.

It's time to stop dicking around with the border issue. We have a war of gigantic proportions…illegal invasions, treacherous drug cartels, gangs, human trafficking, drugs, smuggling, kidnappings, and corruption of officials on both sides of the borders .

The problem of drugs and illegal aliens is no longer a border issue; it is a national security issue which affects every city and county in the USA.
Once the border is secured and safe again, then we can begin deporting those who entered our country illegally.

I look forward to that day when we no longer have the scourge of illegal aliens, drug dealers, thugs, and criminals undermining our culture and destroying our country… And our Federal government is NOT trying to stop them, they are assisting them.

Stuck on Stupid : NYT thinks Europe can still avert a crisis

I received this in my mail today and wanted to share this gem with my readers. I had to take another sip of coffee and adjust my seat, and look again, it was not a mistake it was still there The New York Times headline read :Even if Europe Averts Crisis-Growth May Lag for Years

“We have to adjust to lower growth,” said Thomas Mirow, president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, referring to both Europe and America. “It is of course going to be very painful. But leaders have to speak frankly to their populations.”

The uncertainty about Europe’s future has been driving the gyrations of financial markets since the summer. Earlier this week, stocks rallied on euphoria that a new, more powerful bailout was near, but the rally fizzled Wednesday when cracks began to appear among European nations over the terms of money being given to Greece.

On Thursday, markets were mostly up again after the German approval of the 440 billion euro ($600 billion) bailout fund, intended to keep the crisis from spreading beyond Greece and Portugal to other European countries. Several other nations still have to ratify the agreement, but it now looks likely to be in place by the end of October.

Even this fund, however, is already seen as inadequate. Some worry that it still fails to fully address one of Europe’s most pressing needs: fully recapitalizing its banks.

Coming from the the NYT home of the Keynesian clown Paul Krugman this may not have been a total surprise. But it does point the insanity that the Keynesian clowns live with. I am wondering exactly when they do consider something a crisis ?

Europe is in a crisis and "fully recapitalizing it's banks" is political class doublespeak for passing the losses off onto the taxpayers.

With the lack of leadership both in Europe and in the U.S. and the politicians and bankers continuing to steal money from the taxpayers to cover their risky financial behavior, I agree things will only get worse, but it is already a crisis.

A crisis they are only making worse. when bankers and politicians start saying we all have to share the pain, while only they share in the profits - Things can only get worse.

Germany Approves Expansion of Euro Bailout Fund

Germany Approves Expansion of Euro Bailout Fund

The German Parliament approved the expansion of the bailout fund for heavily indebted European countries Thursday, the most important step in a tortuous process that has rattled markets and raised long-term doubts about the ability of governments to react to the expanding debt crisis.

The vote in Germany, Europe’s largest economy and the only country with the fiscal wherewithal to pull fellow countries in the euro currency zone out of trouble, moved the struggling rescue forward. But analysts said it likely would offer only momentary relief rather than anything like a permanent solution.

And for Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, the victory merely provided breathing room after a divisive debate within her own parliamentary bloc that has weakened her grip on power at a critical moment. Opposition politicians argue that the vocal opposition within her ranks meant that Mrs. Merkel had lost control of her coalition and needed to dissolve the government.

Read More Here from the NYT

Polls show 75% of Germans disapprove of more bailouts

Even more telling is the increasing isolation sentiment in Germany. Polls show shows three-quarters of Germans are against the expanded European rescue fund that's subject to Thursday's vote. So, who is it that politicians represent?

The Wall Street Journal reports Germans Reconsider Ties to Europe

When German lawmakers vote Thursday on whether to put more money into Europe's bailout fund—a step many investors see as essential to prevent a market panic—several conservative deputies, including Wolfgang Bosbach, a prominent champion of European integration, are expected to vote "no." Mr. Bosbach, a high-ranking conservative in Ms. Merkel's Christian Democratic Union, has recently become an outspoken critic of the bailout strategy.

"The first medicine didn't work, and now we are simply doubling the dose," said the lanky Mr. Bosbach of the Greek debt crisis. "My fear is that when the big bang happens, it won't just be us who will have to pay but generations hereafter."

The lawmaker rebellion underscores a broader shift among Germans about their nation's role in Europe since the crisis erupted nearly two years ago. While the Thursday vote is expected to pass, and a vast majority of Germans continue to feel a strong, historical commitment to Europe, with a common currency as its anchor, many have grown doubtful of whether it's worth the ever-growing cost of saving the euro.

A poll for national German broadcaster ZDF earlier this month shows three-quarters of Germans are against the expanded European rescue fund that's subject to Thursday's vote.

The measures before German parliament today would nearly double the main euro-zone's bailout fund's lending capacity to €440 billion ($595 billion) and allow the fund to buy sovereign bonds in the open market.

Germany's contribution to the new, expanded rescue loan package is €211 billion, still less than half the €500 billion it pledged to bail out its banks in 2008. But many see the European Central Bank's moves to buy billions of euros in low-grade government bonds of southern European countries as another sign that European institutions are slipping away from them.

Even more unpalatable is the prospect of making the euro zone collectively liable for its members' debts, as a growing chorus of European officials have recently urged. Many argue so-called euro bonds, which Ms. Merkel has steadfastly opposed, are the bulwark to relieve financial pressure on debt-ridden members and underpin the euro zone's full fiscal union.

But to Germans, it would mean relinquishing their hard-won low borrowing rates to pay for the largess of more free-wheeling members.

"Ultimately the euro-bond issue will come to a head, and Ms. Merkel will have an impossible dilemma," says one senior German coalition lawmaker. "If she goes back to the German people with [euro bonds], she is out. If she doesn't, she will be a very lonely person in Europe."
This will probably be the end for Merkel. She is taking a stance 75% of the nation does not agree with, and that stance is guaranteed not to work.

Greece is going to need more than anyone has to give. Time and more bailouts will not improve this situation, they are just spoon feeding Greece to death.

Thomas Sowell's : "Back to the Future"

In Thomas Sowell's three-part “Back to the Future” series, he looks at the insane fiscal policies that we are still trying to implement more than 60 years after the same Keynesian policies failed during the Great Depression. He points out how the political class fails, perhaps deliberately, to learn from their mistakes.

This Depression era 1930's political cartoon from the Chicago Tribune that asks the question "Planned Economy or Planned Destruction" is just as relevant today as it was then.

In it, members of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's administration are seen shoveling money out of a wagon with a billboard on the side declaring, "Depleting the resources of the soundest government in the world."

click on image for larger view

In Part I, Mr. Sowell exposes Obama's stimulus schemes.

Once we get past the glowing rhetoric, what is the president proposing? More spending! Only the words have changed — from “stimulus” to “jobs” and from “shovel-ready projects” to “jobs for construction workers.” If government spending were the answer, we would by now have a booming economy with plenty of jobs, after all the record trillions of dollars that have been poured down a bottomless pit. Are we to keep on doing the same things, just because those things have been repackaged in different words? …When it comes to specific proposals, President Obama repeats the same kinds of things that have marked his past policies — more government spending for the benefit of his political allies, the construction unions and the teachers’ unions, and “thousands of transportation projects.” The fundamental fallacy in all of this is the notion that politicians can “grow the economy” by taking money out of the private sector and spending it wherever it is politically expedient to spend it — so long as they call spending “investment.”

In Part II, Mr. Sowell exposes the historical fallacy that government intervention ended the Great Depression.

The grand myth that has been taught to whole generations is that the government is “forced” to intervene in the economy when there is a downturn that leaves millions of people suffering. The classic example is the Great Depression of the 1930s. What most people are unaware of is that there was no Great Depression until AFTER politicians started intervening in the economy. There was a stock market crash in October 1929 and unemployment shot up to 9 percent — for one month.

Then unemployment started drifting back down until it was 6.3 percent in June 1930, when the first major federal intervention took place. That was the Smoot-Hawley tariff bill, which more than a thousand economists across the country pleaded with Congress and President Hoover not to enact. But then, as now, politicians decided that they had to “do something.” Within 6 months, unemployment hit double digits. Then, as now, when “doing something” made things worse, many felt that the answer was to do something more. Both President Hoover and President Roosevelt did more — and more, and more. Unemployment remained in double digits for the entire remainder of the decade. Indeed, unemployment topped 20 percent and remained there for 35 months, stretching from the Hoover administration into the Roosevelt administration.

And in Part III, Mr. Sowell explains how tax changes in the 1920s provide great evidence for the Laffer Curve.

Those who believe in high taxes on “the rich” got their way. The tax rate on people in the top income bracket was 73 percent in 1921. On the other hand, the rich also got their way: They didn’t actually pay those taxes. The number of people with taxable incomes of $300,000 a year and up — equivalent to far more than a million dollars in today’s money — declined from more than a thousand people in 1916 to less than three hundred in 1921. …More than four-fifths of the total taxable income earned by people making $300,000 a year and up vanished into thin air. So did the tax revenues that the government hoped to collect with high tax rates on the top incomes. …Mellon eventually got his way, getting Congress to bring the top tax rate down from 73 percent to 24 percent. Vast sums of money that had seemingly vanished into thin air suddenly reappeared in the economy, creating far more jobs and far more tax revenue for the government.

Keynesian clown economics, and Obama’s agenda of bigger government and class-warfare taxation has only undermined America’s economy further - It never needed to get this bad. History had taught us that, but if we learn anything from history, it's that we don't learn from history.

Our Equal Opportunity Deceiver

In an incredible display of utter dishonesty Obama was out pandering to Hispanic voters, again. This time he is whining that he just can't fix immigration alone. Okay folks it's not my fault, so just vote for me okay ?

Obama says he can't fix immigration on his own
"I think there's been a great disservice done to the cause of getting a Dream Act passed and getting comprehensive immigration passed by perpetrating the notion that somehow by myself I can go and do these things," Obama said. "We have to pass bills through the legislature and then I can sign it."
Fix the immigration system is now code for the "Dream Act"

Hispanics have been so conditioned to believe that this is theirs, it belongs to them, they deserve it, that they want it over the top, not under the table -- the poor guy just can't win.

But he has tried to do it by himself. Working with the legislature is bothersome for him, he doesn't like it, it's beneath him. It's not his gangster style. He prefers giving speeches, and doing his dirty work under the table. His style is trashing his opposition, and polarizing the people. He enjoys the game of slipping his agenda through by sleight of hand, or using political trickery, going through his czars, and government appointees -- it's the street way, I rule - I won - I own you.

We know Obama cannot fix anything, we have the wreckage of a failed economy to prove it. The only thing that was ever asked of this president was to respect his oath of office and enforce the laws of the country to protect the American people, which he has refused to do. Whether it is on immigration, bailouts, stimulus, jobs, illegal wars, or the economy, he has never missed an opportunity to stick it to the people he swore to serve and protect yet.

Obama again blamed the problem on the Republicans ;
"Only a few years ago, as I said, you had some Republicans who were willing to recognize that we needed to fix our immigration system," Obama said, noting that his predecessor, George W. Bush, was among them. "Right now you do not have that kind of leadership coming from the Republican Party."

Leadership ? Obama wouldn't know leadership if he tripped over it. Acting unilaterally to push the progressive liberal's political agenda through the judiciary and with political stunts like shoving the Health Care bill down our throats with cloture, and instructing DHS to NOT deport illegal immigrants and let them stay and get work permits, is hurting Obama politically, and he knows it. The "poor me" act seems to be deliberate campaign strategy to distance himself from his miserable record, and portray him as a poor, well intentioned, slug that just get's no respect, or help.

In his speech to the Congressional Black Caucasus he went back to his old "preacher" strategy to fire up the believers (or cult followers) - "I'm with ya", "YOU can do it", I am disappointed in ya... but", " we all know there are setbacks along the way", keep pushing, keep struggling, YOU can do it - It's comical to have a leader of a nation speaking to people this way -- It's an amateurish stunt.

If Obama wins reelection it's back to the political wars. Hispanics, Blacks, as well as all other middle class Americans all will be thrown under the bus again. If Obama is anything, he is an equal opportunity deceiver. Obama will go back to pushing HIS agenda, if he is reelected. Paying off his cronies, bribing states and politicians, and shredding the Constitution. Obama needs to pay for his cherished Welfare State. and we can look forward to him pushing Cap and Trade taxes, carbon taxes, gas taxes, taxes on the wealthy, and vat taxes, and continue to resist any spending cuts for his beloved beast, the Federal Government.

If being a successful leader of the United States of America depended on how much drama the president could generate, Obama would be the most successful president ever, unfortunately it doesn't, in fact all the drama is compounding our problems, and confusing the issues for the benefit of only one person, the anointed one himself.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Obama's Dirty Wars

The media, and Islamic sympathizers continue to stick their heads in the sand and wax on endlessly about the Arab Spring. They have even branded it for public consumption as the "People's Revolt for Democracy and Freedom". But what we see happening defies that description, and is alarming. The Arab world continues to be mired in wars, violence, killing, reprisals, and power struggles. The spread of radical Islam across the Arab world and into Western countries has been re-branded and is being sold to a gullible western populace as the "Arab Spring". There is absolutely no concrete evidence to suggest that this anything more than the traditional centuries old struggle for power, and that spring will quickly turn into fall, then to winter, as it always has.

CNN has reported that thousands of surface to air missiles have been looted in Libya  Libya's 20,000 man-portable air defense systems, or MANPADS, have gone astray in the midst of the revolution and the toppling of the regime of Moammar Gadhafi. And many tens of thousands more exist around the world.

One of the biggest mistakes we made in Afghanistan was to supply the Muhajadeen with the Stinger surface to air missiles, a shoulder fired surface-to-air-missile that can shoot down both military and civilian aircraft. The U.S. and the CIA went on a massive and intense buy back program and spent years searching for the weapons to get them out of the hands of would be terrorists. As far as they know mostly all have been recovered, but are we doing it again ?

The Ultimate Weapon of Terror

Because MANPADS are easy to transport, conceal, and use -- and because a single successful attack against an airliner would have serious consequences for the international civilian aviation industry -- they are particularly attractive weapons to terrorists and criminals," the State Department report said. "Keeping MANPADS out of their hands is thus a major priority for the U.S. government."

Obama Gives Us More Words.

More words and speeches from the Obama administration. How do you do that when your supplying people with weapons and you don't even know who they are. Reports from Islamic and radical Muhujadeen websites indicate that the Mujaheddin of al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) seized the surface-to-air missiles from military depots in Libya. And also claim that AQIM is at least partly involved in the uprising in Libya and is becoming a well equipped genuine army. They hope to make Libya the second Afghanistan, because of it's close proximity to Europe.

The State Department says MANPADS have hit 40 civilian airliners since 1975, resulting in 28 crashes and 800 deaths

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said that the U.S. was working with NATO and Libya's Transitional National Council on the proliferation is of conventional weapons from there.Why does that not sound reassurring. NATO has a long history of failure, and the we do not know who the Transitional National Council are, Carney tries to spread the blame around in typical Obama administration fashion by saying that weapons proliferation from Libya has been a major concern in Libya for MANY years, maybe so, but for many years we did not go in to overthrow the Khadaffi regime illegally and arm and equip radical elements in the region either. This illegal war is raising more questions than it is answering, and more than likely just empowering and arming our enemies in the region.

No Transparency or Accountabilty

Whatever Obama says in his speeches there is still a considerable doubt as to what his intentions really are. Looking past the "words" and "speeches' we see that his actions continue to have disastrous effects on our economy and our national security. The mainstream media is willing to do his bidding and cover for his illegal wars, and corrupt government. CNN has reported on the looting in Libya, and the NYT has reported on Obama's other secret war in Yemen,  but these stories, like the corruption and graft stories in the U.S., get little attention, or traction in the Obama friendly media. They barely scratch the surface as to what's really going on.

The System Works - sort of.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said she knew of no threat from looted Libyan weapons. She is also the one who said "The System Worked" when it was the passengers thwarted an attempt by the underwear bomber to blow up a flight landing in Detroit Christmas Day 2009.

What is at the top of the NYT list of things we should know about and fear today ? The Oil Pipeline from Canada.

We should be afraid, we are alone, there are no adults in charge - and there is no transparency  or accountability for this administration.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Obama’s IRS Unveils New 1040 Tax Form

I found this in my inbox today. I thought I would share it with my readers.

Click on image for larger view.

It is very clever, but I am a little confused by line 6c. It seems to imply that McCain would have been a better choice ? I don't think so.

However take a small break from all the misery that has befallen us since 2008 and the the impending feeling of doom that is beginning to take hold of the Nation that there will be no better choices in 2012 -- and enjoy the cartoon.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Man Works 1 Day Goes on Leave for 15 Years, Gets $158,000 Annual Public Pension

You read that right, a retired Chicago labor leader secured a $158,000 public pension — roughly five times greater than what a typical retired public-service worker in the Windy City receives — after being rehired for just one day of active duty on the city payroll.

According to The Chicago Tribune, Dennis Gannon stands to collect approximately $5 million in city pension funds during his lifetime. He now draws the pension while working for a hedge fund, Grosvenor Capital Management, that does work with public pensions, including the Teachers Retirement System of Illinois. The firm also was one of Mayor Rahm Emanuel's largest campaign contributors.

Gannon, former president of the Chicago Federation of Labor, was able to take a long leave from a city job to work for a union and then receive a city pension based on a high union salary because the city rehired the former Streets and Sanitation Department worker for one day in 1994. That arrangement is allowed under a state law signed by Gov. Jim Thompson on his last day in office in 1991.

The change has enabled a couple dozen labor leaders to become potential millionaires. What is different in Gannon’s case is that he became eligible for the especially lucrative pension deal only because the city rehired the former Streets and Sanitation Department worker for one day in 1994, before granting him an indefinite leave of absence, according to the investigation. He retired from the city job in 2004 at age 50.

'Eligible under the law'

Gannon’s pension is so high that it exceeds federal limits and required Chicago’s pension fund to file special paperwork with the Internal Revenue Service to give it to him, the Tribune reported.
If you need evidence on how corrupt self-serving unions and union officials can be. For Dennis Gannon to go on leave after 1 day shows this was all planned from the outset. Moreover, by granting the leave, the corrupt Streets and Sanitation Department went along with it all the way.

Any guesses as to how many bribes and payoffs were associated with this chain of events?

Gannon says "I am extremely proud of my many years of service to the city of Chicago"

He means one day of service for which he will collect $4 million ripping off taxpayers for his own personal gain. Yes, that is something to be damn proud of.

It is time to end public unions entirely.