Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Obama instructs advisers to go around Congress

I guess by now it's no surprise that Obama has nothing but disdain for the democratic process (when it doesn't go his way) and prefers to implement his disastrous policies, and legislation by fiat, rather than going through the system that he so despises - He really would prefer a Dictatorship -- all this stuff about "working the levers of the legislative process" is too much trouble for him.

In this video Obama instructs his advisers to "scour" this "jobs" report and not to wait for Congress, but implement it through "administrative actions" despite the fact that the people, the Senate, the Congress have all agreed it's an election stunt that will help the economy, and a pathetic attempt to save only one job, his.

The Blaze

We Will Come First - Occupy Wall Street Condoms

The Hope and Change movement has evolved into the Occupy Wall Street movement. Obama hasn't done much to help the country or the economy, and there is a lot of anger from the left. But where to put it ? They can't blame themselves, when the guy you voted into power fails you what do you do -- blame the system.

Well if the Wall Street protesters aren't working -- the system is, at least for those that still choose to use it.

In a move reflective of the true nature of capitalism, one store has begun offering novelty Occupy Wall Street condoms – with slogans like “We Will Come First!” stamped on each wrapper. To show a little love for the protesters, who have been living on the streets for days, these crowd-stoppers are being sold at a 70 percent discount – “to demonstrate support for social change and the virtuous pursuit of equality for all.”

Sadly, this product is probably one of the few stimuli packages that’ve worked since 2008. Obama has not done much to protect his people or his country’s economy. And despite the “we won’t be screwed!” claims featured on the Occupy Wall Street condoms, it’s precisely the reason for the movement’s existence in the first place.

They got screwed. They weren’t protected. And while they’re shooting blanks at the banks, the robber – and rubber – barons are still feeling good and not playing safe. News

Monday, October 10, 2011

Obama betting 2008 no fluke - Americans really are stupid

Obama is betting that Americans are really as stupid as his 2008 presidential campaign seemed to bear out, and that they will fall for the soaring rhetoric, and ignore his incompetency and failed policies to reelect him in 2012.

He has thrown any pretense of governing the nation out the window and has switched to full campaign mode, not even making the slightest attempt to be truthful, or to try and work the legislative levers to get anything done.

Obama's constant haranguing to pass his jobs bill is more about his power to persuade the American people to vote for him in 2012, then it is about passing legislation or creating jobs. He knows it won't pass, but wants to make sure that Congress gets the blame, not him. And when Obama says "Congress" he means Republicans.

It is all about Obama, he is willing to use his failed jobs bill as a campaign message against the Republicans for his reelection. The people, the economy, the country be damned, its all a campaign stunt.
"He knows it's not going to pass. He's betting that voters won't pick up on it, or even if they do they will blame Congress and he can run against the 'do-nothing Congress,'" said Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, a senior fellow at the University of Southern California's School of Policy, Planning and Development.

When Obama accuses Republicans of standing in the way of his nearly $450 billion plan, he ignores the fact that his own party has refused to unite behind the proposal either.

When Obama says Republicans haven't explained what they oppose in the plan, he ignores the fact that Republicans who control the House actually have done that in detail.

And when he calls on Congress to "pass this bill now," he slides past the point that Democrats control the Senate and were never prepared to move immediately, given other priorities. Senators are expected to vote Tuesday on opening debate on the bill, a month after the president unveiled it with a call for its immediate passage.

To be sure, Obama is only engaging in rhetorical excesses. But he is the president, and as such, his constant remarks on the bill draw the most attention and scrutiny.

The disconnect between what Obama says about his jobs bill and what stands as the political reality flow from his broader aim: to rally the public behind his cause and get Congress to act, or, if not, to pin blame on Republicans.

This is all about campaigning, not governing, and all about the success of Obama, not America.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Left's Filthy, Disgusting, Occupy Wall Street Movement

Here is the Left's version of "Freedom" Shit wherever you like, the rest of us have to put up with it, well... cause YOU have YOUR "rights"

The Cookie Monster says 1% of the monsters eat 99% of the cookies-- maybe not -- these people look like they need to stop eating other people's cookies and get a life. If your going to complain about being poor and hungry you should at least bring some people with you that look poor and hungry.

"HONK IF YOU'RE IN DEBT " and if your not, pull over to the right and drop something into the can cause I am, and this is why ...

... I need to pay off my laptop, iPhone, wide screen TV, and Xbox so I can get something to eat.

The loony left has really blown it this time. They are walking, talking, real life examples of the sham that is liberalism in America today. A refuge for thugs, scoundrels, slackers, Communists, and Socialists. They don't even have the gonads to go after the politicians that are stealing money and jobs from the productive class , and the private sector, because the Democrats control the government and because the black messiah sits in the White House, so they go after the banks, what a bunch of wusses.

The Tea Party is the only serious grass roots movement in America that is addressing real problems with real solutions.

Enough of the madness already - 2012 can't come soon enough.

See more pics here

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thomas Sowell : The Hunger Hoax in Ameirca

If you have ever spent time overseas, as I have, and known that wonderful feeling that comes over you when you return to America --  that feeling the you are back "home" in the most prosperous, civilized country on the planet. And have also been more than a little miffed by all the whining about poverty and hunger in America Thomas Sowell puts it all in some perspective, clearly, concisely, and logically as only he can.

The 'hunger' hoax perpetuates dependency.
Twenty years ago, hysteria swept through the media over "hunger in America."

Dan Rather opened a "CBS Evening News" broadcast in 1991 declaring, "One in eight American children is going hungry tonight." Newsweek, the Associated Press and the Boston Globe repeated this statistic, and many others joined the media chorus, with or without that unsubstantiated statistic.

When the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Agriculture examined people from a variety of income levels, however, they found no evidence of malnutrition among those in the lowest income brackets. Nor was there any significant difference in the intake of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from one income level to another.

That should have been the end of that hysteria. But the same "hunger in America" theme reappeared years later, when Sen. John Edwards was running for vice president. And others have resurrected that same claim, right up to the present day.

Ironically, the one demonstrable nutritional difference between the poor and others is that low-income women tend to be overweight more often than others. That may not seem like much to make a political issue, but politicians and the media have created hysteria over less.

The political Left has turned obesity among low-income individuals into an argument that low-income people cannot afford nutritious food, and so have to resort to burgers and fries, pizzas and the like, which are more fattening and less healthful. But this attempt to salvage something from the "hunger in America" hoax collapses like a house of cards when you stop and think about it.

Burgers, pizzas and the like cost more than food that you can buy at a store and cook yourself. If you can afford junk food, you can certainly afford healthier food.

A Sept. 25 article in the New York Times by Mark Bittman showed that you can cook a meal for four at half the cost of a meal from a burger restaurant. So far, so good.

But then Mr. Bittman says that the problem is "to get people to see cooking as a joy." For this, he says, "we need action both cultural and political." In other words, the nanny state to the rescue!

Since when are adult human beings supposed to do only those things that are a joy? I don't find any particular joy in putting on my shoes. But I do it rather than go barefoot. I don't always find it a joy to drive a car, especially in bad weather, but I have to get from here to there.

An arrogant elite's condescension toward the people -- treating them as children who have to be jollied along -- is one of the poisonous problems of our time.

It is at the heart of the nanny state and the promotion of a debilitating dependency that wins votes for politicians while weakening a society.

Those who see social problems as requiring high-minded people like themselves to come down from their Olympian heights to impose their superior wisdom on the rest of us, down in the valley, are behind such things as the hunger hoax, which is part of the larger poverty hoax.

We have now reached the point where the great majority of the people living below the official poverty level have such things as air-conditioning, microwave ovens, either videocassette recorders or DVD players, and own either a car or a truck.

Why are such people called "poor"? Because they meet the arbitrary criteria established by Washington bureaucrats. Depending on what criteria are used, you can have as much official poverty as you want, regardless of whether it bears any relationship to reality.

Those who believe in an expansive, nanny-state government need a large number of people in "poverty" to justify their programs. They also need a large number of people dependent on government to provide the votes needed to keep the big nanny state going.

Politicians, welfare-state bureaucrats and others have incentives to create or perpetuate hoaxes, whether about poverty in general or hunger in particular.

The high cost to taxpayers is exceeded by the even higher cost of lost opportunities for fulfillment in their lives by those who succumb to the lure of a stagnant life of dependency.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Terry Ponick : Stop bashing poor Ben Bernake

The Washington Times has published a  piece written by Terry Ponick Note to Republicans: Stop bashing Ben Bernanke in which he tries to defend the FED and Ben Bernake, and immediately gets b-slapped back to reality by Mike Shedlock at Mish's Global Economic Trends.

Excerpt from Terry Ponick's article :
In point of fact, whether the Fed’s efforts to provide monetary stimulus to the economy are Keynesian or post-Keynesian is not the real issue here. In the case of an economic emergency (such as 9/11) or an increasingly deflationary environment (such as our current era when plunging housing prices at least initially began to lead to a disastrous decline in the value of commodities), the classic initial fix is to flood the market with liquidity, gradually withdrawing the excess as soon as practicable to avoid the opposite problem of an inflationary environment.

That’s what Bernanke’s Fed has been doing for roughly three years now, yet it hasn’t seemed to have done much good. But the reason is not that the Fed’s policies are necessarily wrong. It’s just that there’s always an implied support expected from the Federal government, courtesy of a competent, concerned Congress that tailors new legislation to aid and abet the efforts of the Fed. In other words, when all the wagons are pulling together, the U.S. can usually extricate itself from any mess—and that means even the current morass.

It’s time to stop the Fed-bashing. It’s time to respect Bernanke for having done what he’s done. And it’s time to give him the hand that he’d been politely requesting all along for those who’d care to listen.
After ten years of  failed stimulus packages, QE1, QE2, and now a new round of stimulus  coming disguised under different names such as the "Jobs Bill"  what do we have to show for it ?  more debt,  higher unemployment, and a economy that is worse than it was when the Keynesian clowns took over. That is exactly the point.

Mish's Global Economic Analysis
Quite frankly that's total bullsheet. History shows the Fed is responsible for blowing bubbles of ever increasing amplitude over the years. The only winners have been banks and Wall Street.

Bernanke deserves no respect. He is an academic wonk with no idea what caused the great depression, and is clueless as to what to do now.

Terry Ponick correctly bashes Democrats and Republicans in his article, but to say the Fed's polices are not wrong is ludicrous. There should not be a Fed in the first place, thus any policy of the Fed can logically be considered wrong.

The only thing that is true is the way in which Perry blasted the Fed is wrong, and I hope that costs Perry the nomination in favor of Chris Christie.
I am not sure I share Mike "Mish" Shedlock's enthusiasm for Christie, yet. Nor do I think that Perry's initial missteps in the campaign will hurt him long term. I am still open on that issue. Let the vetting begin for the presidential election in 2012,  unlike in 2008 when when a "prohibition on thought" thrust an un-vetted, inexperienced  pop-cult  figure into the White House.

And let the fed bashing continue. It's nothing compared to the bashing the American people are taking at the hands of the Keynesian clowns.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rick Perry : Military Intervention in Mexico ?

Rick Perry's stance on major national issues may be, well, evolving. However he has brought some badly needed national exposure to some "hot button" issues like Social Security, tort reform, and now, illegal immigration.

Rick Perry says he is open to sending American troops to Mexico to help battle drug cartels. Perry, the Texas governor, likens the situation to Colombia, where the government accepted American military support in battling the war on drugs.

Perry says the current violence may require similar military action.

Mexico today very much resembles the lawless, chaotic, highly unstable government of 1834-1846 when Mexico was torn apart by bitter internal political battles that verged on civil war - It makes much more sense then sending our military to Libya.

The situation on the southern border with Mexico has reached a crisis. It is grave and quickly deteriorating situation. Drug cartels are in the U.S. and are infiltrating U.S. law enforcement at an alarming rate, and border patrol agents and law enforcement are living a nightmare along the U.S. Mexico border, and the nightmare is moving north.

Drug cartel activity has escalated to whole new level. Whistle-blowers inside law enforcement have stated that Arizona Law Enforcement Officers are under a direct violent threat to themselves and their families, and some are claiming they are being coerced by the U.S. Federal government to coperate with the cartels. One of the whistle-blowers has said that he was asked by the FBI to accept drug shipments coming from Mexico through his ranching company.Law enforcement personnel are constantly approached by the cartels with bribes and now death threats. The choice is take the money and become rich by helping us, or we will assassinate you and murder your entire family.

In Mexico entire police departments have resigned en mass after threats from the cartels. The cartels are now employing the same fear and intimidation tactics against law enforcement officers in the USA. They will corrupt our law enforcement in the same manner. All Law enforcement officers now face the ugly choice of accepting an envelope of cash and helping the cartels or face an assassination of themselves and kidnapping and murder of their families.

The corrosive effect of corruption is spreading fast. The Government of the USA has lost all legitimacy and is quickly losing the consent of the governed by failing it's primary mandate -- defending the borders and protecting the citizens. Failure to defend the border is treasonous.

The cartels are better funded and with the weapons provided by the US Department of Justice and the BATF the cartels are better armed. The cartels have more personnel and many more boots on the ground. The border Sheriffs are at an extreme disadvantage. The Dept of Justice and the CIA need to be disbanded. They are putting American citizens lives in danger and threatening our national security.

This claim is supported by the announcement of the threat to National security by US ARMY Retired Major General Paul Vallely, who is the first national figure to propose an effective plan for the US government to actually secure the US border with Mexico.
We have now raised the threat level of Mexico and the Southern Border. The threat from our Southern Border is greater now than the Afghanistan/Pakistan conflict. The inactions by our government are treasonous.

Our leadership in Washington, DC continues on a rudderless course when it comes to National Security. We need leaders that understand current threats and vulnerabilities and place them in charge immediately.

It is now time to enforce the rule-of-law and the protection of Americans and our country. No more excuses…no more delays…no more politics., no more kowtowing to special interest groups, or claims by open-border believers and LaRaza. The fact is, the Citizens of the USA are in daily danger and are being killed because the border and interior states of Mexico are controlled by thugs.

Once again, the entire area is festooned with upheaval, violence, and lawlessness as it was in 1846. The northern states in Mexico; Baja California Norte, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Monterrey and Tamaulipas are under rogue control, and the Mexican Police and Army cannot control them. Therefore, it is in the national interest of the United States to restore order because of this clear and present danger to US Citizens and our economy.
Unless we begin to take this issue seriously things will continue to get worse and worse, the corrosive effects of corruption and money is already destroying the fabric of our culture.

There is nothing more powerful than and idea who's time has come. We must act NOW for the welfare and security of our nation. The stabilization of our Southern border and a secure, prosperous Mexico is vital to our national security. The latter may be out of our hands and not be possible, but first,the border must be secured. Mexico will never begin to solve it's own problems until we stop allowing them to export their poverty, and crime, to the U.S.

Please also consider: Arizona Sheriff implicates ATF, Eric Holder and Obama's Dept of Justice in Fast and Furious

Friday, September 30, 2011


The Obama administration just can't catch a break, and is getting hit from all sides with accusations that the administration knew much more about Operation Fast and Furious, that it has admitted, and the trail is leading right up to the White House.

Continued stonewalling by the U.S. Department of Justice in providing documents regarding the controversial Operation Fast and Furious is only fueling the speculation that the operation was "dreamed up" by the Obama administration to show proof that U.S. guns are contributing to the crime and violence in Mexico," something that has been alleged by President Obama, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and their supporters in the gun-control lobby.

In a statement released by Mexican Attorney General Marisela Morales, she called Operation Fast and Furious “an attack on Mexicans’ security.”
Morales told Mexican reporters that she is demanding a full and honest explanation from the United States government especially since evidence is being gathered that reveals the Obama administration was more involved in Operation Fast and Furious than top officials admitted in their sworn statements.
President Obama said in June he would discipline the Fast and Furious organizers once the investigation is completed. He then stated that the Fast and Furious fiasco was never approved by his Justice Department officials.

However, reports from several sources including the non-governmental agency Judicial Watch, Fox News Channel strongly suggest there indeed high-level government involvement.

According to Fox News, documents obtained by their news staff revealed that the ATF agents involved actually sold some of the guns to gang members. They allegedly purchased the guns with taxpayer money.

Meanwhile Mexico's Attorney General claims she learned about the operation in the news media rather than being told about it in advance by U.S. government officials, including members of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's staff.
Morales said that if U.S. federal officials were involved, it would be a “betrayal” of Mexico while its police and military were fighting a war against drug cartels. Tens of thousands of Mexicans have been killed since the "war on drugs" began in 2006. Almost weekly, Mexican authorities are finding mass graves of those murdered by the cartels.
Ultimately, some or all of the operation's weapons ended up in the hands of Mexican cartel members who allegedly used them to kill Mexicans and two American law enforcement officers: a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Arizona, and an agent with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau who was gunned down on a Mexican road between Mexico City and Monterrey, Mexico. Both men worked at agencies that are part of the Homeland Security Department.

From the Cypress Times

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Arizona Sheriff implicates ATF, Erci Holder, and Obama Justice Dept in Fast and Furious

Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu opened up last night on CNN. The sheriff implicated the ATF, Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department as accomplices to murder involving weapons used in Operation Fast and Furious. And talked about the level of government involvement in supply guns to drug cartels in Mexico.

It's frightening. The feds are in this up over their ears. Sheriff Babeu says that more than 200 murders can be traced to guns supplied by the U.S government.

The ATF, the CIA, need to be disbanded, they have been corrupted by Obama's gangster government to work with criminals, and drug cartels NOT protect the the citizens of the United States, but to actually supply the guns that are killing Americans.

We are being betrayed by our own government

Other whistle-blowers in law enforcement are beginning to speak up also. They are revealing information that law enforcement personnel are constantly approached by the cartels with bribes and now death threats. The choice is take the money and become rich by helping us, or we will assassinate you and murder your entire family - they live in fear, and in many cases are being coerced by the Feds to cooperate with the cartels.

It's time to stop dicking around with the border issue. We have a war of gigantic proportions…illegal invasions, treacherous drug cartels, gangs, human trafficking, drugs, smuggling, kidnappings, and corruption of officials on both sides of the borders .

The problem of drugs and illegal aliens is no longer a border issue; it is a national security issue which affects every city and county in the USA.
Once the border is secured and safe again, then we can begin deporting those who entered our country illegally.

I look forward to that day when we no longer have the scourge of illegal aliens, drug dealers, thugs, and criminals undermining our culture and destroying our country… And our Federal government is NOT trying to stop them, they are assisting them.

Stuck on Stupid : NYT thinks Europe can still avert a crisis

I received this in my mail today and wanted to share this gem with my readers. I had to take another sip of coffee and adjust my seat, and look again, it was not a mistake it was still there The New York Times headline read :Even if Europe Averts Crisis-Growth May Lag for Years

“We have to adjust to lower growth,” said Thomas Mirow, president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, referring to both Europe and America. “It is of course going to be very painful. But leaders have to speak frankly to their populations.”

The uncertainty about Europe’s future has been driving the gyrations of financial markets since the summer. Earlier this week, stocks rallied on euphoria that a new, more powerful bailout was near, but the rally fizzled Wednesday when cracks began to appear among European nations over the terms of money being given to Greece.

On Thursday, markets were mostly up again after the German approval of the 440 billion euro ($600 billion) bailout fund, intended to keep the crisis from spreading beyond Greece and Portugal to other European countries. Several other nations still have to ratify the agreement, but it now looks likely to be in place by the end of October.

Even this fund, however, is already seen as inadequate. Some worry that it still fails to fully address one of Europe’s most pressing needs: fully recapitalizing its banks.

Coming from the the NYT home of the Keynesian clown Paul Krugman this may not have been a total surprise. But it does point the insanity that the Keynesian clowns live with. I am wondering exactly when they do consider something a crisis ?

Europe is in a crisis and "fully recapitalizing it's banks" is political class doublespeak for passing the losses off onto the taxpayers.

With the lack of leadership both in Europe and in the U.S. and the politicians and bankers continuing to steal money from the taxpayers to cover their risky financial behavior, I agree things will only get worse, but it is already a crisis.

A crisis they are only making worse. when bankers and politicians start saying we all have to share the pain, while only they share in the profits - Things can only get worse.

Germany Approves Expansion of Euro Bailout Fund

Germany Approves Expansion of Euro Bailout Fund

The German Parliament approved the expansion of the bailout fund for heavily indebted European countries Thursday, the most important step in a tortuous process that has rattled markets and raised long-term doubts about the ability of governments to react to the expanding debt crisis.

The vote in Germany, Europe’s largest economy and the only country with the fiscal wherewithal to pull fellow countries in the euro currency zone out of trouble, moved the struggling rescue forward. But analysts said it likely would offer only momentary relief rather than anything like a permanent solution.

And for Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, the victory merely provided breathing room after a divisive debate within her own parliamentary bloc that has weakened her grip on power at a critical moment. Opposition politicians argue that the vocal opposition within her ranks meant that Mrs. Merkel had lost control of her coalition and needed to dissolve the government.

Read More Here from the NYT

Polls show 75% of Germans disapprove of more bailouts

Even more telling is the increasing isolation sentiment in Germany. Polls show shows three-quarters of Germans are against the expanded European rescue fund that's subject to Thursday's vote. So, who is it that politicians represent?

The Wall Street Journal reports Germans Reconsider Ties to Europe

When German lawmakers vote Thursday on whether to put more money into Europe's bailout fund—a step many investors see as essential to prevent a market panic—several conservative deputies, including Wolfgang Bosbach, a prominent champion of European integration, are expected to vote "no." Mr. Bosbach, a high-ranking conservative in Ms. Merkel's Christian Democratic Union, has recently become an outspoken critic of the bailout strategy.

"The first medicine didn't work, and now we are simply doubling the dose," said the lanky Mr. Bosbach of the Greek debt crisis. "My fear is that when the big bang happens, it won't just be us who will have to pay but generations hereafter."

The lawmaker rebellion underscores a broader shift among Germans about their nation's role in Europe since the crisis erupted nearly two years ago. While the Thursday vote is expected to pass, and a vast majority of Germans continue to feel a strong, historical commitment to Europe, with a common currency as its anchor, many have grown doubtful of whether it's worth the ever-growing cost of saving the euro.

A poll for national German broadcaster ZDF earlier this month shows three-quarters of Germans are against the expanded European rescue fund that's subject to Thursday's vote.

The measures before German parliament today would nearly double the main euro-zone's bailout fund's lending capacity to €440 billion ($595 billion) and allow the fund to buy sovereign bonds in the open market.

Germany's contribution to the new, expanded rescue loan package is €211 billion, still less than half the €500 billion it pledged to bail out its banks in 2008. But many see the European Central Bank's moves to buy billions of euros in low-grade government bonds of southern European countries as another sign that European institutions are slipping away from them.

Even more unpalatable is the prospect of making the euro zone collectively liable for its members' debts, as a growing chorus of European officials have recently urged. Many argue so-called euro bonds, which Ms. Merkel has steadfastly opposed, are the bulwark to relieve financial pressure on debt-ridden members and underpin the euro zone's full fiscal union.

But to Germans, it would mean relinquishing their hard-won low borrowing rates to pay for the largess of more free-wheeling members.

"Ultimately the euro-bond issue will come to a head, and Ms. Merkel will have an impossible dilemma," says one senior German coalition lawmaker. "If she goes back to the German people with [euro bonds], she is out. If she doesn't, she will be a very lonely person in Europe."
This will probably be the end for Merkel. She is taking a stance 75% of the nation does not agree with, and that stance is guaranteed not to work.

Greece is going to need more than anyone has to give. Time and more bailouts will not improve this situation, they are just spoon feeding Greece to death.

Thomas Sowell's : "Back to the Future"

In Thomas Sowell's three-part “Back to the Future” series, he looks at the insane fiscal policies that we are still trying to implement more than 60 years after the same Keynesian policies failed during the Great Depression. He points out how the political class fails, perhaps deliberately, to learn from their mistakes.

This Depression era 1930's political cartoon from the Chicago Tribune that asks the question "Planned Economy or Planned Destruction" is just as relevant today as it was then.

In it, members of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's administration are seen shoveling money out of a wagon with a billboard on the side declaring, "Depleting the resources of the soundest government in the world."

click on image for larger view

In Part I, Mr. Sowell exposes Obama's stimulus schemes.

Once we get past the glowing rhetoric, what is the president proposing? More spending! Only the words have changed — from “stimulus” to “jobs” and from “shovel-ready projects” to “jobs for construction workers.” If government spending were the answer, we would by now have a booming economy with plenty of jobs, after all the record trillions of dollars that have been poured down a bottomless pit. Are we to keep on doing the same things, just because those things have been repackaged in different words? …When it comes to specific proposals, President Obama repeats the same kinds of things that have marked his past policies — more government spending for the benefit of his political allies, the construction unions and the teachers’ unions, and “thousands of transportation projects.” The fundamental fallacy in all of this is the notion that politicians can “grow the economy” by taking money out of the private sector and spending it wherever it is politically expedient to spend it — so long as they call spending “investment.”

In Part II, Mr. Sowell exposes the historical fallacy that government intervention ended the Great Depression.

The grand myth that has been taught to whole generations is that the government is “forced” to intervene in the economy when there is a downturn that leaves millions of people suffering. The classic example is the Great Depression of the 1930s. What most people are unaware of is that there was no Great Depression until AFTER politicians started intervening in the economy. There was a stock market crash in October 1929 and unemployment shot up to 9 percent — for one month.

Then unemployment started drifting back down until it was 6.3 percent in June 1930, when the first major federal intervention took place. That was the Smoot-Hawley tariff bill, which more than a thousand economists across the country pleaded with Congress and President Hoover not to enact. But then, as now, politicians decided that they had to “do something.” Within 6 months, unemployment hit double digits. Then, as now, when “doing something” made things worse, many felt that the answer was to do something more. Both President Hoover and President Roosevelt did more — and more, and more. Unemployment remained in double digits for the entire remainder of the decade. Indeed, unemployment topped 20 percent and remained there for 35 months, stretching from the Hoover administration into the Roosevelt administration.

And in Part III, Mr. Sowell explains how tax changes in the 1920s provide great evidence for the Laffer Curve.

Those who believe in high taxes on “the rich” got their way. The tax rate on people in the top income bracket was 73 percent in 1921. On the other hand, the rich also got their way: They didn’t actually pay those taxes. The number of people with taxable incomes of $300,000 a year and up — equivalent to far more than a million dollars in today’s money — declined from more than a thousand people in 1916 to less than three hundred in 1921. …More than four-fifths of the total taxable income earned by people making $300,000 a year and up vanished into thin air. So did the tax revenues that the government hoped to collect with high tax rates on the top incomes. …Mellon eventually got his way, getting Congress to bring the top tax rate down from 73 percent to 24 percent. Vast sums of money that had seemingly vanished into thin air suddenly reappeared in the economy, creating far more jobs and far more tax revenue for the government.

Keynesian clown economics, and Obama’s agenda of bigger government and class-warfare taxation has only undermined America’s economy further - It never needed to get this bad. History had taught us that, but if we learn anything from history, it's that we don't learn from history.

Our Equal Opportunity Deceiver

In an incredible display of utter dishonesty Obama was out pandering to Hispanic voters, again. This time he is whining that he just can't fix immigration alone. Okay folks it's not my fault, so just vote for me okay ?

Obama says he can't fix immigration on his own
"I think there's been a great disservice done to the cause of getting a Dream Act passed and getting comprehensive immigration passed by perpetrating the notion that somehow by myself I can go and do these things," Obama said. "We have to pass bills through the legislature and then I can sign it."
Fix the immigration system is now code for the "Dream Act"

Hispanics have been so conditioned to believe that this is theirs, it belongs to them, they deserve it, that they want it over the top, not under the table -- the poor guy just can't win.

But he has tried to do it by himself. Working with the legislature is bothersome for him, he doesn't like it, it's beneath him. It's not his gangster style. He prefers giving speeches, and doing his dirty work under the table. His style is trashing his opposition, and polarizing the people. He enjoys the game of slipping his agenda through by sleight of hand, or using political trickery, going through his czars, and government appointees -- it's the street way, I rule - I won - I own you.

We know Obama cannot fix anything, we have the wreckage of a failed economy to prove it. The only thing that was ever asked of this president was to respect his oath of office and enforce the laws of the country to protect the American people, which he has refused to do. Whether it is on immigration, bailouts, stimulus, jobs, illegal wars, or the economy, he has never missed an opportunity to stick it to the people he swore to serve and protect yet.

Obama again blamed the problem on the Republicans ;
"Only a few years ago, as I said, you had some Republicans who were willing to recognize that we needed to fix our immigration system," Obama said, noting that his predecessor, George W. Bush, was among them. "Right now you do not have that kind of leadership coming from the Republican Party."

Leadership ? Obama wouldn't know leadership if he tripped over it. Acting unilaterally to push the progressive liberal's political agenda through the judiciary and with political stunts like shoving the Health Care bill down our throats with cloture, and instructing DHS to NOT deport illegal immigrants and let them stay and get work permits, is hurting Obama politically, and he knows it. The "poor me" act seems to be deliberate campaign strategy to distance himself from his miserable record, and portray him as a poor, well intentioned, slug that just get's no respect, or help.

In his speech to the Congressional Black Caucasus he went back to his old "preacher" strategy to fire up the believers (or cult followers) - "I'm with ya", "YOU can do it", I am disappointed in ya... but", " we all know there are setbacks along the way", keep pushing, keep struggling, YOU can do it - It's comical to have a leader of a nation speaking to people this way -- It's an amateurish stunt.

If Obama wins reelection it's back to the political wars. Hispanics, Blacks, as well as all other middle class Americans all will be thrown under the bus again. If Obama is anything, he is an equal opportunity deceiver. Obama will go back to pushing HIS agenda, if he is reelected. Paying off his cronies, bribing states and politicians, and shredding the Constitution. Obama needs to pay for his cherished Welfare State. and we can look forward to him pushing Cap and Trade taxes, carbon taxes, gas taxes, taxes on the wealthy, and vat taxes, and continue to resist any spending cuts for his beloved beast, the Federal Government.

If being a successful leader of the United States of America depended on how much drama the president could generate, Obama would be the most successful president ever, unfortunately it doesn't, in fact all the drama is compounding our problems, and confusing the issues for the benefit of only one person, the anointed one himself.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Obama's Dirty Wars

The media, and Islamic sympathizers continue to stick their heads in the sand and wax on endlessly about the Arab Spring. They have even branded it for public consumption as the "People's Revolt for Democracy and Freedom". But what we see happening defies that description, and is alarming. The Arab world continues to be mired in wars, violence, killing, reprisals, and power struggles. The spread of radical Islam across the Arab world and into Western countries has been re-branded and is being sold to a gullible western populace as the "Arab Spring". There is absolutely no concrete evidence to suggest that this anything more than the traditional centuries old struggle for power, and that spring will quickly turn into fall, then to winter, as it always has.

CNN has reported that thousands of surface to air missiles have been looted in Libya  Libya's 20,000 man-portable air defense systems, or MANPADS, have gone astray in the midst of the revolution and the toppling of the regime of Moammar Gadhafi. And many tens of thousands more exist around the world.

One of the biggest mistakes we made in Afghanistan was to supply the Muhajadeen with the Stinger surface to air missiles, a shoulder fired surface-to-air-missile that can shoot down both military and civilian aircraft. The U.S. and the CIA went on a massive and intense buy back program and spent years searching for the weapons to get them out of the hands of would be terrorists. As far as they know mostly all have been recovered, but are we doing it again ?

The Ultimate Weapon of Terror

Because MANPADS are easy to transport, conceal, and use -- and because a single successful attack against an airliner would have serious consequences for the international civilian aviation industry -- they are particularly attractive weapons to terrorists and criminals," the State Department report said. "Keeping MANPADS out of their hands is thus a major priority for the U.S. government."

Obama Gives Us More Words.

More words and speeches from the Obama administration. How do you do that when your supplying people with weapons and you don't even know who they are. Reports from Islamic and radical Muhujadeen websites indicate that the Mujaheddin of al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) seized the surface-to-air missiles from military depots in Libya. And also claim that AQIM is at least partly involved in the uprising in Libya and is becoming a well equipped genuine army. They hope to make Libya the second Afghanistan, because of it's close proximity to Europe.

The State Department says MANPADS have hit 40 civilian airliners since 1975, resulting in 28 crashes and 800 deaths

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said that the U.S. was working with NATO and Libya's Transitional National Council on the proliferation is of conventional weapons from there.Why does that not sound reassurring. NATO has a long history of failure, and the we do not know who the Transitional National Council are, Carney tries to spread the blame around in typical Obama administration fashion by saying that weapons proliferation from Libya has been a major concern in Libya for MANY years, maybe so, but for many years we did not go in to overthrow the Khadaffi regime illegally and arm and equip radical elements in the region either. This illegal war is raising more questions than it is answering, and more than likely just empowering and arming our enemies in the region.

No Transparency or Accountabilty

Whatever Obama says in his speeches there is still a considerable doubt as to what his intentions really are. Looking past the "words" and "speeches' we see that his actions continue to have disastrous effects on our economy and our national security. The mainstream media is willing to do his bidding and cover for his illegal wars, and corrupt government. CNN has reported on the looting in Libya, and the NYT has reported on Obama's other secret war in Yemen,  but these stories, like the corruption and graft stories in the U.S., get little attention, or traction in the Obama friendly media. They barely scratch the surface as to what's really going on.

The System Works - sort of.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said she knew of no threat from looted Libyan weapons. She is also the one who said "The System Worked" when it was the passengers thwarted an attempt by the underwear bomber to blow up a flight landing in Detroit Christmas Day 2009.

What is at the top of the NYT list of things we should know about and fear today ? The Oil Pipeline from Canada.

We should be afraid, we are alone, there are no adults in charge - and there is no transparency  or accountability for this administration.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Obama’s IRS Unveils New 1040 Tax Form

I found this in my inbox today. I thought I would share it with my readers.

Click on image for larger view.

It is very clever, but I am a little confused by line 6c. It seems to imply that McCain would have been a better choice ? I don't think so.

However take a small break from all the misery that has befallen us since 2008 and the the impending feeling of doom that is beginning to take hold of the Nation that there will be no better choices in 2012 -- and enjoy the cartoon.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Man Works 1 Day Goes on Leave for 15 Years, Gets $158,000 Annual Public Pension

You read that right, a retired Chicago labor leader secured a $158,000 public pension — roughly five times greater than what a typical retired public-service worker in the Windy City receives — after being rehired for just one day of active duty on the city payroll.

According to The Chicago Tribune, Dennis Gannon stands to collect approximately $5 million in city pension funds during his lifetime. He now draws the pension while working for a hedge fund, Grosvenor Capital Management, that does work with public pensions, including the Teachers Retirement System of Illinois. The firm also was one of Mayor Rahm Emanuel's largest campaign contributors.

Gannon, former president of the Chicago Federation of Labor, was able to take a long leave from a city job to work for a union and then receive a city pension based on a high union salary because the city rehired the former Streets and Sanitation Department worker for one day in 1994. That arrangement is allowed under a state law signed by Gov. Jim Thompson on his last day in office in 1991.

The change has enabled a couple dozen labor leaders to become potential millionaires. What is different in Gannon’s case is that he became eligible for the especially lucrative pension deal only because the city rehired the former Streets and Sanitation Department worker for one day in 1994, before granting him an indefinite leave of absence, according to the investigation. He retired from the city job in 2004 at age 50.

'Eligible under the law'

Gannon’s pension is so high that it exceeds federal limits and required Chicago’s pension fund to file special paperwork with the Internal Revenue Service to give it to him, the Tribune reported.
If you need evidence on how corrupt self-serving unions and union officials can be. For Dennis Gannon to go on leave after 1 day shows this was all planned from the outset. Moreover, by granting the leave, the corrupt Streets and Sanitation Department went along with it all the way.

Any guesses as to how many bribes and payoffs were associated with this chain of events?

Gannon says "I am extremely proud of my many years of service to the city of Chicago"

He means one day of service for which he will collect $4 million ripping off taxpayers for his own personal gain. Yes, that is something to be damn proud of.

It is time to end public unions entirely.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The solution to sleazy politicians is: less government

The Solyndra scandal, TARP, bailouts for the zombie banks, bailouts for the auto makers, money for big unions -- it's all coming down hard on Americans, we pay for it all. While the politicians, bankers, CEO's, investors, and thugs cover their losses at tax payer expense and move on to the next game.

The reasons why Solyndra will hit the Obama administration very hard are two fold, first; because it should, and second; because the American people are sick of it.

But if you want a withering indictment of the sleaziness of the whole Obama gangster government enterprise, a trip to Chicago is very illuminating.

Here’s some of what John Kass of the Chicago Tribune wrote about the “Chicago smell” of this issue.

Excerpts below ;
The Solyndra scandal cost at least a half-billion public dollars. It is plaguing PresidentBarack Obama. And it’s being billed as a Washington story. But back in Obama’s political hometown, those of us familiar with the Chicago Way can see something else in Solyndra — something that the Washington crowd calls “optics.” In fact, it’s not just a Washington saga — it has all the elements of a Chicago City Hall story, except with more zeros. …did you really believe it when the White House mouthpieces — who are also Chicago City Hall mouthpieces — promised they were bringing a new kind of politics to Washington? This is not a new kind of politics. It’s the old kind. The Chicago kind. And now the Tribune Washington Bureau has reported that the U.S. Department of Energyemployee who helped monitor the Solyndra loan guarantee was one of Obama’s top fundraisers. Fundraising? Contracts? Imagine that. …it’s the same old politics, the same kind practiced in Washington and Chicago and anywhere else where appetites are satisfied by politicians. When the government picks winners and losers, who’s the loser? Just look in the mirror, hold that thought, and tell me later.
Kass does a great job of describing how these legal forms of corruption take place.
    In Solyndra, like any proper City Hall political scandal, there are similar archetypes. There are the guys who count. The guys who bring the cash. They count because they do the counting. They have leverage. They’re always there at the fundraisers. And so they’re the ones who are allowed to gorge at the public trough. The bureaucrats are the fulcrum so the guys with the leverage can lift great weight without too much effort. And while they might whine privately among themselves, they don’t hold news conferences to blow the whistle. They keep their mouths shut until the deal is done. If anyone gets caught and the problem becomes public, at least they’ve got email to cover their behinds. And they’re doing a good job covering. But there’s one group that doesn’t get their behinds covered. Instead, their behinds are right out there, suspended foolishly, and waiting to get kicked. We’re the taxpayers — in Illinois we call ourselves chumbolones because we’re the ones who stupidly end up covering all the losses. As in the Solyndra mess.
His last point hits right to the heart of the matter. Taxpayers always wind up with the short end of the stick. Meanwhile, all the politicians, bureaucrats, lobbyists, and interest groups simply shrug their shoulders and move on to the next scam.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Liberals vow to challenge Obama in Democratic primaries

It's increasingly likely that liberals will nominate someone to run against Obama. He is weak and unpopular with his democratic base, especially the progressives, and losing ground with independent voters everyday. He still can depend on over 90% of the black vote, majority of Hispanics, and probably most union voters as well. However more and more he is being viewed as a sinking ship, panic is setting in, and the rats are getting ready to jump ship.

The Washington Post is reporting that Ralf Nader and progressive leaders want to field a slate of candidates against President Obama in the Democratic primaries to make him stake out liberal stances as he seeks re-election. Ralf Nader emphasizes that this is not a move to defeat Obama.It is more an attempt to keep him er, uh honest -- good luck with that.
Mr. Nader said the intent is not to defeat Mr. Obama but to make him focus on issues that might get lost in a purely Obama-versus-GOP discussion.
So what have Democrats learned from 2008 -- NOTHING. We know from the campaign in 2008 that Obama will say anything to get elected. Just don't hold him to it after the election. If Obama had any moral integrity it would have shown up by now.

Nader goes on to say that liberals are disappointed in Obama's handling of the Wall Street bailouts, the wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the U.S. involvement in the military effort in Libya. They also criticized Mr. Obama’s decision to extend the Bush-era tax cuts and the recent deal he struck with Republicans over cutting spending to raise the debt ceiling.

Could we say that Obama lied ? No they won't go that far, they dare not. This is how Obama learned to make his living in the halls of America's elite Universities like Harvard, slipping and sliding through the huge cracks liberals leave open for him to duck out of taking any responsibility for his actions or deceptions.

Ralph Nader's message to the poor and middle class that are suffering through the worst economic crisis since the Great depression seems to be -- eat shit and die, we have to raise taxes and generate more revenue for the Nanny State to waste.

It gets better...Nader -- Mr. Snap and Sizzle himself goes on to say that :
“What we are looking at now is the dullest presidential campaign since Walter Mondale — and that’s saying something, believe me,” Mr. Nader told The Washington Times.
We believe you Mr. Nader if anyone knows boring it would be you. The Democrats and liberals are hopelessly out of touch with reality. They are locked onto their failed Keynesian economic policies like a suicide bomber locked onto his detonator switch. More taxes and more stimulus will fix everything. Completely ignoring the wasted $800 billion of the first stimulus, TARP, and the bailouts . In the last ten years we have had so many stimulus programs the government has run out of acronyms for them. The Keynesian's reply to every one of their failed policies is always the same -  It wasn't big enough.

I saved the best for last. The main reason they are worried is that;
They fear the liberal voice is being drowned out in the presidential campaign.
Drown out the liberal voice ? They must be kidding. The liberal voice is everywhere CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, Time, Life, PBS, New York Times, Washington Post, along with thousands of their toady affiliates.  It's not likely their voices will be drowned out any time soon, unfortunately.

I think what they mean is that they fear that someone else may get a chance to be heard, and expose the sham they are running on the American people.

Good Luck with that nomination. Liberals will not vote against Obama in any great numbers, they would then be considered racists, and we all know that can never happen.

California, New York, and IIlinois worst places to do business

Mike Shedlock has done an excellent article graphically pointing out the differences between the worst states to do business, and the States considered the best. California tops the list as the worst, followed by New York, and Illinois. Taxes and high costs were among the factors that contributed to the state's poor showing in the survey. California was deemed to have the worst business climate, followed by New York and Illinois.

Texas, North Carolina and South Carolina were viewed as having the best business climates, according to the survey.

Best and Worst States, Things in Common
  • Illinois, New York, and California all have Democratic governors.
  • Illinois, New York, and California all have governors beholden to public unions.
  • Illinois, New York, and California are not right to work states.
  • Texas, North Carolina, and South Carolina are all right-to-work states.
  • Texas, North Carolina, and South Carolina do not have governors beholden to public unions.

Right to Work States 

Chart courtesy of National Right-to-Work legal defense foundation

Paul Krugman, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, others, Ignore Extortion, Bribery, Coercion, and Slavery; No One Should Own You!

Collective Bargaining neither a Privilege nor a Right

Even FDR Understood the Problem

Public unions get into bed with management and politicians and work out sweet deals for themselves at taxpayer expense. No one looks out for the taxpayer. Even FDR understood the problem.

Message from FDR

Inquiring minds are reading snips from a Letter from FDR Regarding Collective Bargaining of Public Unions written August 16, 1937.
All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management.

The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with Government employee organizations.

Particularly, I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place in the functions of any organization of Government employees.

A strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent on their part to prevent or obstruct the operations of Government until their demands are satisfied. Such action, looking toward the paralysis of Government by those who have sworn to support it, is unthinkable and intolerable.
 The Heritage Foundation also points out that The Davis–Bacon Act (DBA) requires the government to pay construction wages that average 22 percent above market rates. This shields unions from competition on federal construction projects. It will also add $10.9 billion to the deficit in 2011.

Repealing The Davis -Bacon Act would save the taxpayers $10.9 billion dollars. So when the politicians say they cannot find things to cut from the budget it really means they just aren't looking hard enough.

Why Chris Christie wil NOT be President of the U.S.

Chris Christie, the New Jersey governor since 2010, has qualities and achievements that appeal to mainstream conservatives, from his direct style to his impressive budget cutting. As a result, he has won strong support to run as a Republican candidate for president of the United States.

But he has an Achilles heel. Christie has a strange relationship with Radical Islam. Christie's nomination of Sohail Mohammed to be a state judge shows the governor's tin ear for radical Islam. Not only did he appoint a longtime mouthpiece for radical Islamists to be a judge, but Christie has also turned a blind eye to the activities of one of Mohammed's clients – radical imam Mohammed Qatanani, head of one of New Jersey's largest mosques.

Qatanani has a history of Hamas support and was related by marriage to a leading Hamas operative in the West Bank. This fall, Qatanani will return to a New Jersey immigration court, where the Department of Homeland Security is fighting to have him deported. In his initial application for a green card filed in 1999, government lawyers say Qatanani failed to disclose a conviction in an Israeli military court for being a Hamas member and providing support to the terrorist group.

Oddly, Christie – who was then the U.S. Attorney for New Jersey – sided with Qatanani against DHS, allowing a top lieutenant, Assistant U.S. Attorney Charles McKenna, to testify as a character witness at Qatanani's first immigration trial, and publicly embracing the imam at a Ramadan breakfast at his mosque. Christie later appointed McKenna as New Jersey's head of homeland security.

Cristie came under heavy criticism from fellow conservatives for nominating Sohail Mohammed, an Islamist who aspires to apply Islamic law, the Shari'a, as a state superior court judge. In response, Christie delivered a tirade on July 26, 2011, on the topic of Shari'a:
Sharia law has nothing to do with this [i.e., the appointment of Sohail Mohammed] at all. It's crazy. It's crazy. … So, this Sharia law business is crap. It's just crazy. And I'm tired of dealing with the crazies. I mean, you know, it's just unnecessary to be accusing this guy of things just because of his religious background.
Calling critics of Mohammed "crazies" who are "accusing this guy of things just because of his religious background" reveals Christie to be a headstrong ignoramus; the IPT report on Mohammed is not about religious background but political activities.

For a substantial reply to Christie's rant, answering him point by point, see the excellent 2,500-word analysis by Andrew C. McCarthy, a senior fellow at the National Review Institute.

Below is an excerpt from his article, "Christie's 'Crazies': Sharia is not a figment of our imagination":
The questions about Governor Christie's appointment of Sohail Mohammed and his exertions on behalf of Mohammed's client, Mohammed Qatanani, have nothing to do with either sharia or the all-purpose smear of Islamophobia. They are about the governor's judgment. They are about a U.S. attorney with political ambitions pandering to a politically active constituency at the expense of national security and enforcement of the immigration laws. They are about his decision to award a state judgeship to an attorney who was an active and vocal board member of a very troubling Islamist organization — and who has a penchant for presuming that perfectly valid anti-terror prosecutions are, instead, anti-Muslim persecutions. Those questions are not answered by bluster.
Although still a small issue in the U.S., Shari'a has grown very fast since 9/11 as a concern to Americans and should continue to do so for many years to come.

It is possible that Christie could apologize for his remarks and undo much of the damage he has done to his public image, but given his persona, that's not likely to happen. Therefore, Christie's strange, and unremitting friendly attitude toward Islamists will turn conservatives against him and sink his possible candidacy of his for higher office.

Read more here : Gov. Christie's Strange Relationship with Radical Islam

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Gary Locke advises the Chinese on how they can fix American economy.

 In what is becoming theater of the absurd the Obama administration continues find scapegoats for it's failed economic policies.

With more than a year to go until the election the Obama administration is in full campaign mode, and the hypocrisy, and finger pointing is reaching levels of the absurd, even for the Obama administration.

In this video from CNBC Gary Locke raises some valid concerns about the stalled American economy, but fails to explain why he thinks the Chinese should abandon their highly successful economic policies, and begin to focus on creating jobs in America and building the American economy, or why they would even consider following the Obama administration's advice on economics, considering it's perfect track record of FAILURE, except to say it's in Chinese's best interest. I doubt the Chinese are buying any of this. Maybe they should be lecturing Garry Locke ?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Obama lectured Americans on living within their means - really, he did

The all time leading KING of spending other people's money and driving up debt came out and lectured us on "living within our means" As with most Obama speeches it was long on rhetoric and abstract concepts, very short on details, and facts.

We have reached the intersection of Cloud-Cukoo-Land and The Yellow Brick Road. In what can only be described as an another awful political stunt to portray himself as the only fiscally responsible adult in the room. Obama took credit for the talks that averted a government shutdown,and  also lectured America on “living within our means.” and acted as if the last three years never happened, they just went up in Pixie dust right before our eyes ;
“Like any worthwhile compromise, both sides had to make tough decisions and give ground on issues that were important to them,” Obama said before cameras in the White House Blue Room as he acknowledged some of the cuts agreed to would be painful, with certain programs cut back and other projects encountering delays. “But beginning to live within our means is the only way to protect those investments that will help America compete for new jobs,”
Of course, Obama never wanted to cut a dime from the budget that he increased by a trillion dollars in the last three years.

We know because we have video tape, and the internet now to prove it. We've watched hundreds of these speeches by now, and they keep looking more like DNC fund-raisers than an Oval Office address. Though Obama constantly refers to the need to compromise, his idea of compromise  is to take to his bully pulpit and tell the public to overwhelm Republicans with demands to raise taxes. ... never once has asked them to demand congress cut spending, except when it's couched under the guise of raising taxes.

As far as the "Grand Plan' to save the poor honest, hardworking folk it's another reelection scam that he hopes will save a few people enough money on refinanced underwater mortgages, with the hopes that they will then take that money and spend it, creating some positive economic numbers before the election.

This one could actually work, for his reelection, not the economy if we lived in Cloud-Cuckoo-Land. We all know that when Obama wants to hand out money to Wall Street, or pet alternative energy companies like Solyndra, his administration green lights the money, breaks the rules, and possibly the law, to fast track the loans almost immediately.

But when The feds are handing out money to the poor, honest, hardworking folk, they create a maze of red tape and government restrictions that a layman cannot even understand, and needs to hire a lawyer, who will take 50% off the top, just to do the paper work. The money barely trickles out, if it ever trickles at all.

It's a pitiful sight watching a president twisting in the wind, pretending that he is just caught in forces beyond his control, unable to do anything except go on repeating the same mistakes. It takes courage to change course. he doesn't have that courage.

Obama, Geithner and Bernake are ideological prisoners of the failed Keynesian faith they have been following all along -- their conviction is that the country can spend its way out of hard times. And when times get harder, just keep spending more. They couldn't change, even if they wanted to, and they don't want to.

Obama likes to complain no other President in history has been treated worse than him. No one gives him credit for all he has done, and that he can't get anything right. At this point he is right, he's continually doubled down on failed policies for three years, and passed up many opportunities to change course. If he actually gives in to any of the fiscally sound ideas that he's been bashing and rejecting for the last three years now, right before the election, he really looks bad. But he has the audacity to do it. That's for sure.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Latest Obama Gimmick : "The Buffet Rule"

The United States of America 2012 - WANTED: A person who can function as president of the United States, and be, well.... "Presidential". Obama is still giving campaign speeches, and throwing bailing wire, rubber bands, and band aids at our economic problems. The goal of course is to assure his base he hasn't abandoned their cause of taxing the wealthy, and save his own job.

The NYT is reporting that Obama's not so new idea is....drum roll please... "increasing taxes on millionaires" -- You don't say ? The NYT is calling this stunt "political salesmanship" The "Buffet Rule" as Obama is calling it is just new spin on his already tired old game of trying to put the Republicans on the defensive for the Presidential election

Buffet has taken to Obama'a strategy of fixing the economy with "words", while stuffing his own pockets with more profits. He has been hitting the talk show circuit and writing Opinion pieces in the NYT pushing the Tax the Wealthy agenda for Obama :
“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress,” he wrote in an opinion article in The New York Times, a complaint he has repeated in talks and media interviews since. “It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice.”
Buffet says: "It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice " I would agree with that statement, but pushing the tax the wealthy theme is NOT getting serious it's kicking the can down the road and damaging an already fragile economy. Buffet is a self-serving slug.

The Obama presidency has rapidly hastened the arrival of midnight on our country and our economy. While Obama and his rich friends fiddle and increase their personal profits, we are crashing. Obama is dwarfed by this job and could not help the situation if he wanted to, and after three years into this debacle -- that is still a BIG "if" -- we still don't know what his true motives are.

Look up the term "Community Organizer" and see what they do, they don't organize communities. They preach fear-mongering, hate, and racism to polarize the people and extort money from the government, banks, and taxpayers for themselves and their cronies.

Personally I don't care about about the wealthiest top one or two percent. I am sure they can take care of themselves, and you can tax clowns like Buffet, Gates, Zuckerburg into oblivion for all I care, in fact PLEASE do. Tax them so bad that they will never stick their heads up, or shoot their self-serving mouths off in public again. What concerns me is the narrow-minded, selfishness, and pettiness coming from the office of the President of the United States, and the devastating effect that this class-warfare, tax and spend mentality is having on small and medium sized businesses and the middle class- we are under a siege mentality, under siege by a government looking under every rock for more revenue to keep the insane cycle of tax more -- spend more -- going until it breaks us, as it is doing to Europe.

Big Corporations and people like Buffet don't pay taxes, they pass them on or hire lawyers to find the loopholes -- Whatever they hand over to the feds in taxes is easily made up for by passing that cost on to consumers and the middle class. In class-warfare it's the middle class that suffers the most casualties, not the wealthy.

Small business is being hammered by Federal and State taxes, regulations, health care costs, fees, fines, and whatever other name the states and feds can come up with to call a tax. States especially those who are led by Democratic governors and legislatures that are following Obama's tax and spend lead and have -- if it breathes, moves or has a pulse TAX IT -- we don't need no stinking spending cuts-- and it is having devastating effects on those economies, just look at States like Nevada, California, and Illinois.

The 500 pound gorilla in the room that our so-called leader cannot bring himself to deal with is "Tax Reform" a complete overhaul of our tax system, it doesn't work. And the implementation of a fair system that makes everyone a stakeholder in our success and our future. One that generates revenue and doesn't cause people to hide their incomes, and businesses to flee overseas. that is a "Presidential" message not singling out political targets for attack, and beating the drums for class-warfare.

"Tax Reform" that's a Presidential message -- "The Buffet Rule" is a Community organizer's extortion stunt.

Geithner Lectures Europe on Fiscal Responsibilty - Really, he did

Our financial wizard extraordinaire, US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, showed up in Europe for what he expected to be a love in between himself and the European Welfare Zone. Instead he got bitch slapped for chastising European leaders on "loose talk" and infighting. Austria's finance minister put Geithner in his place.

Geithner warns EU against infighting over Greece
"Speaking at a closed meeting of eurozone finance ministers in Poland, he is reported to have told them that the divisions were "very damaging".Some eurozone ministers seemed unhappy with Mr Geithner's comments.They have also delayed a decision over Greece's next bailout loan.

Mr Geithner reportedly said: "What's very damaging is not just seeing the divisiveness in the debate over strategy in Europe but the ongoing conflict between countries and the [European] central bank." He said that "governments and central banks need to take out the catastrophic risk to markets".

His presence at the meeting was measure of how concerned the US is about the danger of economic contagion from Europe's government debt and banking crisis.But his comments about ending divisions seemed to open up some new ones.

Austria's Finance Minister Maria Fekter was one eurozone politician at the meeting who voiced her objection to Mr Geithner's comments.

She said: "I found it peculiar that even though the Americans have significantly worse fundamental [economic] data than the eurozone, that they tell us what we should do."

Mish's Gobal Economic Trends: Geithner Believes "Woods Populated by Pixies"

The quote of the day goes to Jamie Robertson of BBC World News:
"There may be a few people who still believe Greece will not default on its debt, but my suspicion is most of them also believe elephants can fly and the woods are populated by pixies."

In a sense, Geithner is correct. Infighting should stop. However, needs to with the bus in a logical spot, not in woods populated by Geithner loving Pixies. The logical spot is default, with further talk of a Eurozone breakup, not with everyone bowing to Geithner and Pixies.
There is still a sizable amount of people in America that belive Obama, Geithner, and Bernake know what they are doing. This stunt should prove beyond any doubt Geithner is as clueless as Bernake was when he disagreed that we were about to have a recession, and housing crash - We should be very worried.

Foe more on the reasons a Euro breakup is inevitable, please see Eurozone Breakup Logistics (Never Believe Anything Until It's Officially Denied)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

5 Reasons Why GOP Should Give up on Minorities

GOP politicians are constantly trying court black and Hispanic voters, by giving into wasteful, useless welfare programs that don't work, and going soft on immigrations laws that are undermining our laws and our economy, under the delusion that this will lure minorities to vote for them. After over a half a century of these appeasement policies only one thing has become clear - It ain't going to happen, at least not this way.

5 Reasons why Republicans should stop reaching out to minorities

1. The majority of Blacks have never shown indication that they would switch to GOP candidates, regardless of the Republican's stance on entitlements and welfare programs.

2. The majority of Hispanics have never shown much interest in switching their vote to the GOP candidate regardless of their positions on immigrations policies, or entitlements and welfare programs.

3. Over Ninety percent of the people in America that support, limited government, fiscal responsibility, individual freedoms, and State's rights -- all GOP core principles, are white.

4. Ninety percent of Blacks and Hispanics support the Democratic party's core principles of a Nanny State government, welfare states, tax and spend Keynesian economic policies, and the shredding, and ultimate destruction of the Constitution through judicial usurpation

5. Post racial America is a myth -- we are NOT post racial at all - We are hyper-racial - Over ninety percent of blacks and overwhelming majority of Hispanics will begrudgingly vote for Obama in 2012, despite the fact that their lives have been made harsher, more unpredictable, and they have suffered the most economically from Obama's failed economic policies.

It is time for the GOP to start reaching "in" to the majority that support their core values and principles, and stop trying to reach "out" to minorities that do not - If we have learned anything from Obama, it's that you cannot lead a country from behind.

According to Gallup polls () Only 11% of Republicans are Hispanics, or are blacks or members of other races. By contrast, only 12% of Democrats are white conservatives.

A majority of Republicans say they want their party and its candidates to move in a more conservative direction. Which means back to basics and the core values and principles that made America the Great Nation it is -- limited government, fiscal responsibility, individualism, self-responsibility, self-reliance, independent spirit, and individual liberty.

We have reached an ideological schism - If you are still an independent in this hyper-partisan political environment you either don't care, or aren't paying attention - The middle ground is slipping away, the two choices are clear - Follow the Franco-German welfare states in Europe off the cliff to fiscal destruction, or get back to the American values and principles that got us here.

Republicans nave not always held firm to those values, and too often put self-interests, party, and votes before country. But with the Tea Party nipping at their heels they are slowly making the pivot back toward smaller more effective government, fiscal responsibility, individual freedom and open markets that encourage small and medium businesses and entrepreneurship, that is what we excel at.

We should be talking about how to dismantle all the Keynisian clown economics that have eaten away at fiscal integrity and social stability over the last century. Start to get control of, or better yet, do away with, the Fed and fractional banking. Get the banks out of the investment and hedge fund business and back to saving and lending money. Get our currency back on solid ground with a gold standard. Let toxic banks and businesses fail and let the guys who got it right step up to take their place as they should. Let investors who take high risks accept their own losses and stop pushing them off on the taxpayers. And get the government out of rigging the game for their own personal and political interests. Those are the discussions that should be coming out of Washington.

Americans and the GOP needs to stop being bullied by the left and their media propaganda. We can control our destiny. -- It is not a done deal that we will be eventually overrun by poverty, sexual perverts, illegal aliens, criminals, gangsters, drug cartels and Sharia law, by 2050 -- And even if it were inevitable -- we should go down fighting for what we believe in and not just give up like the Europeans have.

Americans Are Increasingly Hostile to the Federal Government,and the majority of Americans now do NOT buy into the "Tea Party are terrorists" hype pushed by the Obama administration and mainstream media 55 % disagree The GOP's policies and core beliefs are gaining ground, and the GOP isn't even paying attention- The middle ground is sliding out from underneath us, it's time to stand on our principles and take America back, or go down fighting for it.

The core values of our culture and country do NOT have to depend on "skin color" but the Democratic party and the mainstream media has used "skin color" to polarize and divide Americans along racial lines to support their political agenda. That is the reality we have to deal with.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Pass This Bill " or I'll never shut up

Obama continued on the campaign trail in COLUMBUS, Ohio where he spoke, excuse me, campaigned on his so-called "Jobs Bill", and implored Congress to follow his lead off the cliff of fiscal insanity and adopt his nearly $450 billion jobs plan, promising it would help workers in the construction industry and rebuild schools in crumbling condition - and he added "My question to Congress is, what on earth are we waiting for ? "

Actually that is a very good question. One of the things we are waiting for is find out what happened to the billions of dollars in the first stimulus that was promised would go to "help workers in the construction industry and rebuild schools in crumbling condition" ?

Comrade Obama likes to come up with chants and slogans to memorize the masses, and his cult followers love them -- Who can forget the video of Obama being primed by his handlers and cued backstage on how to fire up the crowd with his ""Yes We Can" chant -- I knew we were in deep trouble when I saw that stunt, then there was the slogan from the first Stimulus "Shovel Ready" he actually laughed at us after he got the money and we were stupid enough to ask where the jobs were ? ha-ha-ha.

Then there were the Health-care slogans "It's not a Tax" well, yes it is, ha-ha-ha, and "You can keep your insurance if you want" well, maybe not, ha-ha-ha, and now we have "Pass This Bill"

At a high school in the critical electoral state of Ohio, Obama delivered a fiery campaign speech to plug his plan. The outdoor audience was more than willing follow their pop culture idol in adopting his refrain and chanting it back to him, shouting: "Pass this bill!" -- It's amazing how Obama can adopt almost any insane policy, create a slogan, and how many people will blindly chant and follow him, is this still America ?

Obama also asked congress "what on earth are we waiting for ?" But I have a feeling that Obama and his followers are not waiting for an answer, the question is meant only in the rhetorical sense, There is no desire to open the discussion or debate, or include other ideas -- and the reasons to wait are many.

If you are not a Kool Aid drinker, or Obama cult follower and are curious why this guy runs around stumping to promote such a piss poor excuse for an economic policy, the answer is simple, Obama watches the polls.38% of Americans are Kool Aid drinkers and support this so-called "Jobs Bill" 36 % oppose it, and a whopping 26 % are undecided. Obama is trying to swing those undecideds into his camp -- It doesn't matter if it's a good bill, effective bill, or just another pork and patronage bill to pay off the unions and his campaign donors - ITS MY BILL -- PASS IT DAMN IT !

How the hell can you be undecided at such a critical time as this, when the future of America, our jobs, our economy, and the future of our children hangs in the balance ? It's unforgivable.

Obama's list of ideas of how to pay for this all involve cutting future spending years from now or other sleight-of-hand magic like cutting programs that were not in the budget. Also possible are tax hike proposals that will be dead on arrival in the House.

Ultimately he will kick it down the road to the gang-of 12 to figure out how to make this plan balanced -- Good luck with that by the way.

Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas summed it very nicely when he said "It's not the role of this committee to spend more money we don't have on jobs we don't get."