Saturday, August 6, 2011

Europe's Death Grip on American Liberals

Misery and failure love company, nobody likes to suffer alone. So it is that as Europe comes to grips with it's failing Euro Zone concept of cradle-to-grave welfare, open borders, and a single currency, it eagerly encourages America to follow the same path to destruction. And the the radical left in America is all too happy to hold hands with their Socialist European brothers and leap off the cliff of economic insanity to destruction.

The "Tea Party" in Europe has become a household word. The lefties in Europe call it the radical right "Tea Party" and proclaim it will bring the utter destruction of Democracy and Freedom in America. In fact, it is difficult to know where the left in Europe ends and the left in America begins anymore, they have become virtually identical movements.

Der Speigal does a hatchet job on the Tea Party in and article that it calls "Annihilating Democracy with the Tea Party " If I didn't know better I would think I was reading the Daily Kos it's the same rehashed tripe, here is an example :
Democracy depends on compromise and the American government depends on all branches working together. The Tea Party movement shuns both, preferring instead to drive the state into bankruptcy. On principle.

Suddenly liberals are all about compromise and all branches of the government working together. However when all branches of government worked together to block the disastrous Obamacare Health Care bill, they used political trickery to shove it down our throats.

The article goes on to complain that the American government has been virtually hijacked by these right-wing radicals and they are not answerable to the people :
It's a matter of principle. They view themselves as being on a mission and proudly claim to not think about their re-election chances. They are focused on their principles.

Yet, in so doing, they are betraying the principles of democracy. It is in the nature of democracy to think about re-election. It means politicians remain in touch with their voters -- and it keeps them open to compromise.

The truth is the only reason we were able to slow down the massive power grab by the federal government to seize our wealth and confiscate our private enterprises was because of the elections in 2010. The freshman Republicans are doing EXACTLY what their constituents sent them to Washington to do "starve the beast".

But it doesn't go far enough. Boehner is in serious trouble of losing his leadership role, seventy four percent of the House members polled in 3,500 chapters said it is time to look at new leadership, and want somebody in the House who is more fiscally responsible.

The deal on the the debt limit debate was more of the same old crap, with spending ramping up immediately and cuts being implemented over a ten year period. We know that this congress cannot legally hold future congresses to any deals it makes today, the cuts will probably never happen, except for Obama's hatchet job on defense spending.

So while the liberals in both America and Europe are accusing the Tea Party of driving America into chaos and destruction, the truth is that America's problems today didn't start in 2009 when the Tea Party arrived on the scene. They started in the 1960's with LBJ's War on Poverty and what became the "second wave" of the great Socialist cause in America. That's when welfare and spending programs skyrocketed, families and communities and the public education system began to self-destruct, and our major cities became hellholes of blight and poverty.

If you were wondering when our European friends would speak out and and warn their American friends of the catastrophic results of the European welfare state, you can stop waiting. They are not going to warn us, they want to take us with them.

You can read the the entire article here :

"Annihilating Democracy with the Tea Party "

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