Friday, August 19, 2011

Elections 2012: Obama Bypasses Congress, Allows Illegals to Stay

Barring some unexpected miracle there is absolutely no chance that the Obama administration will be able to show progress on the economy in time for the election.

With the election looming and a increasing likelihood that the Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania could well end up in the Republican column. The Obama team is looking elsewhere for votes.

Elsewhere would be the Southwest. In the 2010 midterm elections, the Democrats won the Senate elections in Nevada and Colorado thanks to the turnout of new Latino voters who voted heavily in favor of the Democrats. Hispanic American voters are therefore viewed as a key and perhaps decisive prize in the 2012 elections.

Obama has recieved a lack of enthusiasm among Hispanic Americans because he had failed to deliver the goods on immigration reform since the issue was stymied by the debate in Congress. The "goods' being the Dream Act

Republicans have blocked the bill because they felt that amnesty for illegal immigrants who have already arrived would encourage another wave of illegals and also because they claimed that the first priority is to seal the American border against illegal immigrants. Once border security is achieved, then reform could be put on the agenda.

Never fear, Obama and his team never let little things like the rule of law or the constitution get in the way of winning an election.

Now the Obama Administration is bypassing Congress by issuing orders to the bureaucracy not to bother with immigrants who do not pose a threat security. Enforcement proceedings will concentrate on criminals, gang members, people who returned to the United States following deportation and recent arrivals.

Proceedings against others may be reopened, but in the interim they will be allowed to file for a work permit.

The decision will affect 300,000 people at this stage but it is going to be considered as a long term change by supporters and opponents. The longer an immigrant remains in the United States, building ties and work relations while his children attend schools, his immunity against deportation is enhanced.

Economic recessions generally increase hostility to immigration, both legal and illegal. Fairly or not, immigrants are blamed for taking jobs away or being willing to work for lower wages and under worse conditions.

The Wall Street Journal has confirmed that illegal aliens who receive deferred action or parole from deportation can apply for work permits allowing them to compete with 22 million Americans looking for full-time work. That's 300,000 illegal aliens who could potentially receive work permits!

So, while Obama spent much of the week on his "Magical Misery" bus tour promoting a future plan to get unemployed Americans back to work, his Administration was working behind the scenes to help illegal aliens become eligible for jobs in the United States!

Tell me again how President Obama is concerned about Americans being out of work, losing their homes, and being hammered by the worst recession since the 1930's, because it sure looks like he could care less about Americans, and cares more about his re-election.

An Open Letter to Anyone Who Thinks Obama Should Not Go On Vacation

From Red State

While there has been some debate in the media recently about Obama's taking too many vacations and not working hard enough to jump start this economy with some sound economic policies (any policies at all would do) I came across this open letter at Red State that sums up the mood of many at this point. Yes, please take a vacation a long vacation.
Dear People Who Think Obama Should Not Go On Vacation:

Are you out of your ever living mind?!?!?!

Have you not seen what destruction on our economy and morale this man has wrought for three years?!?!

And you want him to go back to Washington, D.C.? Congress too? You are out of your mind.

The correct answer is STAY ON VACATION ALL OF YOU. The stock market tends to do better when Congress is gone. The world tends to run fine when this President is on vacation. Our freedoms cannot be further encroached while Obama is in Martha’s Vineyard.

Please, stop asking this man to come back to Washington where everything he touches tends to break down.

When he comes back in September he says he will have a plan to create jobs. The last several plans he had to create jobs killed or destroyed more private sector jobs than even the most radical leftist could have hoped for. Please, please, please stop saying he needs to come back to Washington.

Mr. President, you take as much vacation as you want. In fact, if you want to leave the country and go visit your relatives in Kenya or just go for a safari or go see your old stomping grounds in Indonesia or, heck, take the family to see penguins in Antarctica or even go to Bora Bora, I’d be glad to have you take say . . . the next twelve months off.

And even better, I’m sure we can find some people to fund your vacation other than the American taxpayers who you’ve been using to fund your political campaign bus tour.

The markets are nervous, and lack confidence. Every time Obama steps to his bully pulpit to speak the world markets crash. He now threatens to reveal his economic plan (three years in) in September, maybe by 2014 he might come up with a budget plan ?

The Washington Post has floated a balloon that this new plan will call for Stimulus II. Stimulus I was a pork and patronage bill, a total waste, now he wants to hand out some more pork before the election. The White House also leaked a little tid bid that the plan will include a tax break for companies that hire new workers.

He really doesn't get it, that would have been a good idea in 2008-2009 when there were still jobs, but there are no jobs now. Stimulus one killed of millions of private sector jobs.

No wonder the markets are nervous, and people want Obama to take a vacation. He claims to have pulled us back from the abyss, please don't help us any more, go ahead take your vacation, a long one.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Brawl breaks out at U.S.-China 'goodwill' basketball game [Video]

A brawl broke out Thursday during an exhibition basketball game between Georgetown University and a Chinese team in a contest that was intended to be a goodwill gesture coinciding with Vice President Joe Biden's visit to China.

The fight occurred with 9 1/2 minutes left in the game as both teams' benches ran onto the court. The foul-filled contest between Georgetown and the Bayi Rockets was immediately called off once order was restored. The teams were tied, 64-64, when the game ended.

So the game ended in a tie, and we lost the fight. Apparently the Chinese didn't get the memo to be intimidated by America basketball players.

The American downgrade continues, If I were Georgetown I'd blame the refs.

Atheist rants against Ron Paul [VIDEO]

I came across this video after I had been discussing the apparent blacklisting of Ron Paul by the lame-stream-media with a friend. I really thought he would get more coverage in this election considering his economic views are solid, he is honest, and has a long proven track record of consistency. Some personal qualities that have been in very short supply the last three years, okay, non-existent

My search for the answer turned up this gem, and atheist ranting about the evils of Ron Paul. I do not particularly like Paul for president, however in a match up against Obama he has my vote. His views on defense, immigration, and international politics are a little fuzzy, and too, well, "whatever dude" for my tastes and I don't think he has the gravitas to be a strong leader, maybe a Vice President ?

What was striking about this rant was the absolute intolerance that this guy has for anyone that does not share his core beliefs, which seem to be Ron Paul is the devil, but there is no devil because there is no god, so that means killing babies is okay, a fetus in not alive so get over it, I mean geeeeeez, and anyone who believes in a God is just stupid as rock, I created this world, I know the "truth" I don't need to search for it, so don't tell me anything.... cool ?

Actually I find atheists to be as silly as religious fanatics - both make a leap of faith, faith something exists and faith something doesn't. And both are convinced they know the truth. I've got no clue - physics implies both are possible - so you got me. But I tend to believe that the honest ones are the ones that are seeking truth, not ranting that they have found it.

He doesn't mention Islam, but these cowards never do.

Obama’s job approval hits a new low .

From the Daily Caller

Only 26 percent of Americans approve of Obama’s handling of the economy. I'll leave you to imagine the demographics of that 26 percent.

(Also see : Obama to give major jobs speech in September)

I don't want too sound pushy, or ungrateful for what he has done to save us from Bush, but he's been in office for almost three years now, what the hell is he waiting for.

The new low is a drop of 11 percentage points since Gallup last measured it in May and well below his previous low of 35 percent in November 2010.

Obama earned similarly low approval for his handling of the federal budget deficit (24 percent) and creating jobs (29 percent). His approval ratings on Afghanistan and foreign affairs also sunk by 15 points and 9 points, respectively.

History will remember this period as three years of political warfare, a Socialist power grab that ignored the state of the union and the majority of the American people in order to push a Socialist political agenda, the messy political debate in Washington over the debt ceiling, followed by distress on Wall Street, the downgrading of our country, and tragedy in Afghanistan,

Gallup wrote on its website. “How much each of these factors is responsible for the overall decline in Obama’s approval rating is unclear. But Americans’ unhappiness with each of them is reflected in recent declines in Obama’s specific job ratings for the economy, the federal budget deficit, and various foreign policy measures, as well as in his markedly low rating for creating jobs.

There is only one word left to describe this political experiment "ugly"

More and more Americans are not seeing any greatness in this president and want to move on.

Calling Obama a liar is a pretty much a sure thing.

Remember when Republican Rep. Joe Wilson famously shouted at President Obama during a 2009 televised presidential address to a joint session of Congress, “You lie!”. well Wilson knows a sure thing when he sees it. The outburst, prompted by Obama pledging his health care reform bill would not benefit illegal immigrants.

But now Wilson says time has proved him right.

In an appearance on Fox News' America Live on Wednesday, Wilson said a recent award of $28 million to community health care centers around the country will no doubt benefit illegal immigrants, despite Obama’s pledge.

On his campaign website, Wilson wrote: “It is inevitable that they will serve illegal aliens. The president specifically promised the American people that ‘Obamacare’ would not cover those who are here illegally. He misled all of us.”

Department of Health and Human Services spokesmen have confirmed $8.5 million of the grant will go to centers serving migrant and seasonal farm workers, saying patients will not be asked about immigration status. The centers will offer primary care to all residents who come in.

On his campaign website, Wilson wrote: “It is inevitable that they will serve illegal aliens. The president specifically promised the American people that ‘Obamacare’ would not cover those who are here illegally. He misled all of us.”

The Department of Health and Human Services shot back, saying the patients still must pay for care.

“By statute, health centers are required to provide primary health care to all residents of the health center’s service area without regard for ability to pay,” spokesman Chris Stenrud wrote in an email to Fox. “However, health centers do not provide free care. All health center patients are expected to contribute to the cost of their care.”

Has the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated the White House

From The Blaze

Maybe not exactly a shocking revelation considering Obama has spent three years protecting and defending Muslim rights in America, it comes as no surprise that this White House would be "Islam" friendly, maybe too friendly ?

You‘ll never guess who’s now warning about a Muslim Brotherhood influence at the White House. Newt Gingrich? Nope. John Bolton? Not exactly.

Instead, it’s Canadian political activist, devout Muslim and self-described liberal Marxist, Tarek Fatah. Surprised?

Fatah is the founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress. Fatah's advocates gay rights, a separation of religion and state, opposition to sharia law, and advocacy for a "liberal, progressive form" of Islam.

Back in June, Fatah appeared at Ideacity, Canada’s “Premier meeting of the minds” to share his shocking viewpoints on both mainstream and radical Islam (including the Muslim Brotherhood). During his fascinating talk, Fatah said that “the religion of Islam is being used as a tool by a fascist force.” It is important to note that Fatah is also a Muslim. Perhaps most shocking, though, were his words about the Muslim Brotherhood and its relation to the American presidency. He said:

“Instead of bringing victory over the fascist forces of the Muslim Brotherhood, we now recognize that their infiltration is right up to the American White House, but we can’t say that.”

So, considering these statements, the question still remains — Has the Muslim Brotherhood truly infiltrated the Obama White House? Fatah certainly seems to think so. His accusations, particularly those that focus on U.S. government infiltration, are worth exploring further.

After all, how better to take down an opponent than to infiltrate U.S. leadership ranks? That, in fact, has been one of the Brotherhood’s plans for years. Cal Thomas writes:

In 1991, a memo written by Mohamed Akram for the Shura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood spelled out the objective of the organization. Akram said the Muslim Brotherhood “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

Considering these bold calls to action and warnings (particularly the charge that the Muslim Brotherhood has worked its way into the White House) one wonders if there is legitimate evidence to backup these claims. And if so, then who, in particular, has infiltrated the U.S. government?

Trevor Loudon has a post on his web site that asks these same questions, while providing two potential names of individuals some say have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Here, we will examine these individuals to see if they do, indeed, have any connection to the radical political group.

Obama’s embrace of those who hate America and actively pursue the destruction of our country from within and externally has been on display for quite awhile and it’s time we see, speak and hear the truth.

Obama brought the Muslim Brotherhood into our White House; no one but Obama did this. He brought George Soros into our White House, an anti-Semite who aided the Nazi’s and a financial terrorist who is making billions off the economic misery Obama has purposely caused in our country. Many Americans fail to understand this while the media hides the truth. From corrupt dictators (e.g. inviting President Ali Bongo of Gabon to the White House) to domestic terrorists (e.g. Bill Ayers) to self-proclaimed Communist/Marxist (e.g. Van Jones), these, and many more like them, are the people Obama brings into our White House… these are his friends and associates.

Do you know people like this? Do you work with people like this? Would you appoint three Muslim Brotherhood members to the White House if you were President?

The Muslim Brotherhood creed:

Fatah stated that "most of the Islamic radicalism that you see today stems from the empowering of Saudi based Jihadi groups that were funded and backed by the U.S. and the CIA throughout the Afghan war against the Soviet Union."

Which is a convenient short sighted view of history, that follows the theory that we caused this mess, when the truth is that radical Muslims first appeared on the scene 13 centuries ago, we are just the latest victims to step into their world of violence, murder, and Jihad all in the name of Allah

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Louis Farrakhan Preaching Hate in Harlem

Louis Farrakhan Preaching Hate in Harlem: Farrakhan in NYC Says Fort Hood Shooter Is Not a Terrorist Just a Good Muslim Who Was Driven Crazy By The Terrorist American Soldiers Who Rape Muslim Woman, Men & Families.

When I watch this clown I can't help but to remember that our troops fight to preserve his right to spew this garbage. And this is how he thanks them.

Rick Perry - Another Texan, but NOT another Bush

To get Obama unelected we need a strong candidate that can connect across party lines and beak through the polarization created by almost three years of Obama's class-warfare. That won't be easy, but Rick Perry may be just the ticket. The rabid media will have a hard time trashing Perry, he's been successful, in fact their attempts to do so may just backfire. The democrats and the rabid liberal media will not have much to work with trying to bash this guy. Unlike Bachmann, who I admire, Perry is more electable.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, 61, made his decision to enter the race last week. He sat out the debate in Iowa, which may prove to be a stroke of political genius, he has separated himself from the pack already. The new man in the ring, with his Texas swagger, has wasted no time since his entrance, taking on contenders left and right. In less than 24 hours, the 2012 presidential race's newest candidate managed to call President Obama the "greatest threat to our country," raise questions about rival Mitt Romney's record as governor of Massachusetts and suggest that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke might be close to committing a "treasonous" act, those three statements immediately got my attention.

Fiscal Conservative

Perry has distanced himself from his former patron Bush, criticizing his stance on government spending, immigration and education. In 2007, Perry bashed Bush at a Republican House party in Iowa. He says, as captured in YouTube video, "George Bush was never a fiscal conservative, never was. I mean, '95, '96, '97, '99, George Bush was spending money." Of Bush's No Child Left Behind law, Perry harshly criticized it, calling it a "monstrous intrusion" in an interview with National Review.

Texas Job Growth

Perry has touted Texas' job growth under his tenure, which was twice the national average. Indeed, of all the jobs created since June 2009, 30 percent were created in Texas. As governor, Perry has made international recruitment the framework for his economic policy and more than two dozen Chinese companies are now in Texas.

Family Values

Perry is anti-abortion and opposes government funding for elective abortion. In 2011, he signed a bill that prohibited taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. In 2005, he signed a bill that limited late-term abortions at the third trimester and required girls under the age of 18 to have parental consent before an abortion.


In 2001, Perry touted a new law that extended in-state tuition to children of undocumented workers. He said at Border Summit , "We must say to every Texas child learning in a Texas classroom, "We don't care where you come from, but where you are going and we are going to do everything we can to help you get there." To pacify the anti-illegal immigration conservatives, Perry pushed for a bill
that would have prohibited Texas cities from acting as safe havens for illegal immigrants and would allow local law enforcement to become more involved in immigration enforcement but it failed to pass.

States Rights

In 2009, Perry made comments that sparked questions about his thoughts on the possible secession of Texas. Perry responded to a reporter's question about secession, saying, "Texas is a unique place. ... My hope is that America and Washington in particular pays attention. We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, who knows what may come of that.

When Rick Perry announced his campaign for president last weekend in a speech to the RedState Gathering in Charleston, S.C., he saved

his best line for the end. “I’ll promise you this,’’ he said to exuberant cheers and applause, “I’ll work every day to try to make Washington, DC, as inconsequential in your life as I can.’’

I think we have learned from experience not to put too much faith in politicians and waste time on silly idol worship, they WILL fail us eventually. Perry looks solid though, and will be able to handle the pissing matches with the media. His record speaks for itself, he is experienced, and successful.
If he can survive the media onslaught and connect with voters across party lines, he will be the next President of The United States.

Great interview with Gorbachev on the end of the Soviet Union

SPIEGEL Interview with Mikhail Gorbachev

'They Were Truly Idiots'

Great interview by Der Spiegel with Mikhail Sergeyevich on the final days of the Soviet Union. You come away from this interview with an appreciation for the insanity of trying to obtain freedom in bits and pieces, and without ever really conceding power to the people, only the illusion of it. One thing is clear, world leaders love their power and glory, once they take it away from us we may never get it back.Click here for full interview. Here are a few nuggets:

Part 3: 'I Was Tired and at My Limits'

SPIEGEL: You always sought dialogue, probably for too long. When the presidents of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus met near Brest in December 1991 and dealt a death blow to the USSR behind your back, the deputy head of the Presidential Chancellery advised you to send out two or three helicopters with a special unit and to place the three men under house arrest. Would that have been an option? You had the results of the referendum to support you.

Gorbachev: It wasn't like that. Yeltsin had discussed the trip to Belarus with me and said that he also wanted to invite the Ukrainian president, (Leonid) Kravchuk, to attend. He said that it would become difficult to convince the Ukrainians to participate in the new union agreement after the Kiev referendum on independence. I argued that this would not stand in the way of their signing the agreement at all. After all, all other republics had already declared their independence, as a sign of greater sovereignty. Then Yeltsin asked: But what happens if the Ukrainians refuse to sign the new agreement? I replied that they would undoubtedly sign it, but that it was a decision for the Ukrainian parliament to make, and that Moscow would not oppose Ukrainian independence. Then I reminded him that after his return, a meeting was to be held, and that I had already invited the presidents of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan to attend. Yeltsin and his supporters were in fact acting as secret conspirators against the constitution. When this became clear, I said immediately that three people alone could not dissolve the union.

SPIEGEL: Are you saying that you couldn't have used force against the three presidents?

Gorbachev: That might have led to a civil war, which was to be avoided at all costs. Secondly, the country was in a state of shock. The press was silent, and no one went out into the streets to defend the union. The people were confused. They didn't understand what sort of a "Commonwealth of Independent States" Yeltsin and his allies had launched. It sounded harmless, like something that would provide more freedom for the republics in the union. It wasn't until later that they realized that this large country had imploded. Even today, a majority of people surveyed say that they regret the fact that the USSR collapsed. But only 9 percent say that they would want it back.

SPIEGEL: Nowadays most people, including Americans and Germans, claim that they would have supported the preservation of the Soviet Union.

Gorbachev: Because they didn't know whether the parts would descend into chaos after its demise. Because what had happened before that? President Bush held back the Ukrainians, even though others in Washington were already rubbing their hands together, even secretly working to bring about our downfall. When I went to the G-7 summit in July 1991 and asked for loans to address the difficult economic situation, the Americans and the Japanese were opposed, while (then German Chancellor) Helmut Kohl said nothing. Only (then French President Francois) Mitterand and the European Commission supported me.

SPIEGEL: Kohl was opposed? That's not what he says today.

Gorbachev: What I said was that he remained silent. (German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich) Genscher was in favor. We expected $30 billion, but it was in vain. Our partners lacked vision.

SPIEGEL: Then came the coup. But the Americans had already warned you against it early enough -- two months earlier, in fact. And they had even named names, including that of KGB chief Kryuchkov. Is that true?

Gorbachev: Bush called me. He referred to information from the Moscow mayor, Gavriil Popov.

SPIEGEL: You didn't believe him?

Gorbachev: The conservatives had announced several times that they wanted to get rid of Gorbachev, and they had already tried it in various committees, but without success. By then, we had the anti-crisis program, which was supported by all republics. The new union treaty was to be signed on Aug. 20, and an extraordinary congress was to reform the party. The opponents of perestroika had suffered a defeat, and then they organized the coup.

SPIEGEL: And you chose to go on vacation in Crimea at a time like that?

Gorbachev: I thought they would be idiots to take such a risk precisely at that moment, because it would sweep them away, too. But unfortunately they were truly idiots, and they destroyed everything. And we proved ourselves to be semi-idiots, myself included. I had become exhausted after all those years. I was tired and at my limits. But I shouldn't have gone away. It was a mistake.

SPIEGEL: What would be better today if the Soviet Union still existed?

Gorbachev: Isn't that clear to you? Everything had grown together over the decades: culture, education, language, the economy, everything. They were building cars in the Baltic republics and airplanes in the Ukraine. We still can't get by without each other today. And a population of 300 million was also a plus.

SPIEGEL: Are there other things that you did that still torment you today?

Gorbachev: My goal was to avoid bloodshed. But unfortunately there was some bloodshed, after all. It also troubles me that I didn't resolve the problem with the Communist Party in time. And that I underestimated the fact that the establishment in the other national republics wanted to decide issues relating to their own lives on their own, without anyone from the central government getting involved. Now they have this possibility.

SPIEGEL: Let's jump forward in time to present-day Russia. When Putin came into office in 2000, you supported him. Had you already known him for some time?

Gorbachev: He helped me when I ran in the 1996 presidential election.

SPIEGEL: You thought he was clever at the time. Now you say that under his leadership Russia came to resemble an African country, where dictators rule for 20 to 30 years. What do you suddenly find so objectionable about him?

Gorbachev: Careful: It is you that is using the word "dictator." I supported Putin during his presidency, and I still support him in many ways today.

SPIEGEL: You asked him not to run for president again.

Gorbachev: What troubles me is what the United Russia party, which is led by Putin, and the government are doing. They want to preserve the status quo. There are no steps forward. On the contrary, they are pulling us back into the past, while the country is urgently in need of modernization. Sometimes United Russia reminds me of the old Soviet Communist Party.

SPIEGEL: Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev want to decide between themselves who will be the next president in 2012.

Gorbachev: Putin wants to stay in power, but not so that he can finally solve our most pressing problems: education, health care, poverty. The people are not being asked, and the parties are puppets of the regime. Governors are no longer directly elected. Direct mandates in elections were eliminated. Everything works through party lists now. But new parties are not being allowed, because they get in the way.

SPIEGEL: Like the social democratic party that you have tried to found several times.

Gorbachev: And yet we need new forces to bring progress to the country. And we need parties that bring together the interests of politics and the economy, can achieve a social partnership and guarantee democratic development.

Miami may be the first major city to declare bankruptcy

If you were wondering which major America city would be first to declare bankruptcy, Miami is looking like a pretty strong bet.

Miami Declared a Financial State of Emergency. Miami is in a disastrous financial state because of unions. Bankruptcy would be the best solution. A bankruptcy agreement could dissolve the unions and all their agreements. Unions, not taxpayers should suffer the consequences of this mess.

Bloomberg reports Miami Declares ‘Financial Urgency’ as It Moves to Cut Worker Pay, Benefits

Miami, facing a $61 million fiscal 2012 deficit, declared a state of “financial urgency” for a second straight year, moving toward wage and benefit cuts.

The declaration gives unions for municipal workers two weeks to agree to contracts for the year that starts in October or be subject to actions imposed by the City Commission. Workers including police and firefighters absorbed about $80 million in reduced pay, health insurance and pensions in fiscal 2011.

“In order to balance the budget, sacrifices have to be made by everyone,” Pat Santangelo, a spokesman for Mayor Tomas Regalado, said today by telephone. The city is the state’s second-largest by population, after Jacksonville.

Miami is bankrupt. Unfortunately the city refuses to admit it.

In an enormously foolhardy attempt to make ends meet, in spite of the fact that Miami home prices have been hammered and 1-in-8 are unemployed, the County keeps pouring on the painful tax and fee increases.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pawlenty Quitting Republican Presidential Race

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty Quitting Repubican Presidential Race

Tim Pawlenty, the former governor Minnesota, dropped out of the race for the Republican presidential race on Sunday.

Mr. Pawlenty told supporters on a conference call Sunday morning that he would announce later in the day that he was ending his campaign after a disappointing finish in the Iowa straw poll on Saturday. The poll was a test of organizational strength and popularity in the state whose caucuses lead off the nomination fight.

Mr. Pawlenty had struggled to gain traction in Iowa, a state he had said he must win, after laying the groundwork for a campaign for nearly two years. He’s been eclipsed in polls in recent months by his Minnesota rival, Representative Michele Bachmann. She topped the straw poll on Saturday.

Read More here

Border attacks in Europe - More signs of deflation

From: Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

In an "eye for eye, tooth for tooth" retaliation to French farmers throwing Spanish produce in the streets, Spanish farmers have threatened to "look for French interests and cause the most damage possible."

Agrarian Association of Young Farmers in Catalonia announced Friday that blocked the return of French tourists to their country by cutting the road to La Jonquera response to the boycott of Gallic producers and recent attacks on trucks from transporting fruit Peninsula and vegetables.

Asaja coordinator in Catalonia, Albert Castelló, has said that already run out of patience, "eye for eye, tooth for tooth," and said it is absurd to continue with good words and wait for action by governments.

It has also warned that if they attack at the border now and the end of the month "automatically go looking French interests and cause the most damage possible." He called on the Catalan police to be "gatekeepers" and to defend the interests of Catalan and Spanish when these attacks occur, as has ensured that the security forces do Gauls.

Asaja has hit back against the Government for its "immobility" when taking concrete steps to defend the interests of local producers, which this week have been suffering more attacks on the border.

The European Commission has indicated it has not been formally informed of the latest attacks of French farmers against trucks carrying fruits and vegetables from Spain, but has made ​​clear that it condemns "all sorts of illegal and destructive action" and has reminded France that European Union countries should take steps to ensure the free movement of goods.

Courtesy of Google Translate please consider Spanish farmers threaten to block border with France

Hallmarks of Deflationary Times

Trade wars are hallmarks of deflationary times. Disputes between farmers in Spain and farmers in France are a case in point. When there are ample jobs, everyone is happy. When not, people blame their neighbors.

Bear in mind more austerity is coming to Spain, France, Italy, and Greece. A massive European recession is on the way, complete with rising unemployment and civil unrest, and ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet wants to hike rates. It is economic madness.

To be fair, the market should set interest rates not Central Banks.

Where would the market set rates for Europe?

I do not know, nor does anyone else, especially central bankers. However, I do know "one size does not fit all" when it comes to interest rates when countries have widely varying fiscal conditions and problems.

As one of the founding fathers of the Euro, Trichet is in a mess of his own making.

For more on the mess in Spain, please see Numerous Spanish Towns Face Bankruptcy.