Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why would anyone ask Los Angeles for help with gangs ?

I was more than a little taken aback when I read that Britain asked the Mayors of Boston, New York, and Los Angeles for advice on dealing with it's er, ah gang problem. Exactly what could they learn from us that would be helpful ? We are the gang capital of the world. Los Angles boasts 400 plus gangs, and areas around Compton and South Central have a higher causality rate than Afghanistan or Iraq.

Read more here : UK government says must tackle social problems after riots

Philadelphia is progressing to more modern forms of terror with a new fad called flash mobs where gangs of angry youths message each other to arrange a meeting place, then converge on the area to attack people, loot and destroy property, cool huh ?

The mayor of Philadlephia Michael A. Nutter is talking tough and has threathened to get tough on gangs. He has gone so far as to tell them to "take them goddamn hoodies down", impose a 9 pm weekend curfew. I'll bet that has them shaking in their boots. Even the ACLU has agreed to these drastic draconian measures, as long as police do not "harass" kids on the streets. Yes, please don't harass these poor kids.

Read more here : Philadelphia Mayor talks tough to black teenagers after "flash mobs"

I grew up in Philly, I have lived many years in Los Angeles. I would only seek their advice about gangs if I wished to increase my gang problem, not cure it. My kids go to school overseas so they can get an education, and not a social indoctrination in Political Correctness, and an introduction to gangs, drugs, and violence before they learn their ABC's.

The way things are going in Europe and America, I would say that seeking each others advice on such matters could only exasperate the problems, It might be time for some new ideas, and different approaches, the babying, coddling, and labeling criminals as victims and victims as criminals isn't working.

Luckily not everyone agrees with using the U.S as gang consultants - also see : Britain's top cop has slamed the UK role for using US crime guru.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Obama administration looking for re-election "fix"

White House Press Secretary Claims "Unemployment Benefits Could Create Up To 1 Million Jobs"

I am not going to go on the usual rant " ARE THEY NUTS...blah, blah blah " There is no need. Any rational person can see the plan at work here. The Obama administration clearly has their eyes on re-election, not long term growth or healthy economy.

Obama likes this job. He likes flying Air Force One, he likes hopping around in Marine One, and being called "Mr. President" it impresses him, he likes how he looks and feels in this privileged position. If we gave him the choice he would never leave.

The messy democracy, the economy, jobs, wars that's all the stuff that gets in the way of him enjoying himself and being "Obama", but he deals with it.

If we gave every unemployed person in the country $50,000, it would create stuff, no doubt, temporary stuff. It would last until it ran out, just like the Stimulus, then crash again.

Obama's Pastor the foul mouthed Rev Wright likes to say when referencing Obama that "Sheep get lost six feet at time" They can't see well, and stumble from rock, to bush, to outcropping looking for their shepard. Obama can't see past the next election cycle.

The comedy that this admintartion has become is not just embarrassing, it is harmful to our country, economy and people. After taking office Obama assured the world he would knock America down to size. No more of this exceptionlism nonsense. We would be no better or no worse that any other third world country, or banana republic, we are closing in on them fast. His wife Michelle even remarked 'It was the first she was ever proud of her country", after we elected her husband.

Now it's election time. We get speeches about how great America is. We are AAA country, We used to build the best roads and stuff, there is no problem with America, only a problem with congress. Obviously he reads the polls and wants to take advantage of congress's low approval rating. But he should read deeper into the polls, because while Congresses approval rating is at an all time low, when pressed on the question most voters would send their representative back for another term. The polls now are indicating that most voters do not want to send Obama back for another term.

It remains to be seen how far this administration will go to get re-elected, but considering the election cycle has just begun it looks to be getting very ugly. very quickly That's bad news for us.

Real Clear Politics Reports- The White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, claims "Unemployment Benefits Could Create Up To 1 Million Jobs"

Keynesianism & Multiculturalism Failing

After the United Sates got slapped with it credit rating downgrade, much of what has come out of the White House has been political bantering, and denial. Nothing will happen in the U.S. to address it's credit and debt problems until after the elections in 2012.

Meanwhile Europe is buzzing with accusations that multiculturalism has failed. In the wake of the riots in London after Britain implemented austerity measures to reign in it's spending, and the riots and demonstrations in Greece, Europeans are worried that this is just the beginning of a savage return to austerity. The concept of multiculturalism seems to be failing all around Europe.

The one who started the trend was German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “This approach has failed, utterly,” she said

Read more here

To make matters worse, on the heels of the riots and debates on multiculturalism along comes as short but accurate message from Urs Paul Engeler on the Failure of Keynesianism

It is a short message and the external ink is in German, if you read German you can find it here , if not, I've posted below ;

Die Weltwoche - Switzerland | Thursday, August 11, 2011
Urs Paul Engeler on the failure of Keynesianism

The current economic crisis shows that the state has failed to manage the economy and that politicians have too often adopted the Keynesian approach, writes journalist Urs Paul Engeler in the conservative weekly Die Weltwoche: "By following today's apologists of the British economist John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), the so-called 'welfare' states pumped too much money (which they didn't have) into consumption: into pensions for all (Europe), exorbitant armament (US), endangered industries (both), and finally bailouts for ailing mortgage banks (also both). This intervention was celebrated by Keynes' disciples as the 'return of politics'. In reality the hopelessly over-indebted states only exacerbated the crisis. Today they are locations of insecurity.

Those who argue that the state should be active with funds, subsidies and interventions - in short that it should perpetuate the debt economy - turn the wheel in exactly the wrong direction."

Emphasis mine

So far the U.S. has not had the same experience among ethnic minority communities that has been seen in Europe, so far, but we haven't begun to implement austerity measures and spending cuts either.

If your feeling a little uneasy about the stability of the world, and have a sense that it may be in for some big changes soon, your probably right.

What to do ? who knows. It's old axiom in business when beginning a new project or a implementing a new strategy to make sure you have an exit strategy, just in case things don't work out. I don't think the Keynesians,or the Multiticulturalists thought about that. They just knew everything would be fine once we arrived at cloud-cuckoo-land, maybe not ?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Obama campaigns on dead SEALs

I got this story from the guys over at Blackfive. We know this is election cycle is going to get ugly, it has to. Obama and his campaign have no successful policy issues they can run on. They will have to resort to ad hominem attacks against the opposition and pumping up Obama's image, if that's possible ?

Even though most of the families specifically requested no media coverage of the return of the remains of the fallen, Obama showed up with his photographer so they could get some publicity pics for him to use showing him posing as "strong leader".

I'll let them tell you, they said it better than I could.

You can see the story here, along with the pic of our fearless leader

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Fed hands out a whopping $16 trillion in secret loans

The Government Accountability Office's audit of the fed has revealed new details about how the U.S. provided a whopping $16 trillion in secret loans to bail out American and foreign banks and businesses during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

Among the investigation's findings is that the Fed unilaterally provided trillions of dollars in financial assistance to foreign banks and corporations from South Korea to Scotland, according to the GAO report. "No agency of the United States government should be allowed to bailout a foreign bank or corporation without the direct approval of Congress and the president.

The non-partisan, investigative arm of Congress also determined that the Fed lacks a comprehensive system to deal with conflicts of interest, despite the serious potential for abuse. In fact, according to the report, the Fed provided conflict of interest waivers to employees and private contractors so they could keep investments in the same financial institutions and corporations that were given emergency loans.

For example, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase served on the New York Fed's board of directors at the same time that his bank received more than $390 billion in financial assistance from the Fed. Moreover, JP Morgan Chase served as one of the clearing banks for the Fed's emergency lending programs.

The investigation also revealed that the Fed outsourced most of its emergency lending programs to private contractors, many of which also were recipients of extremely low-interest and then-secret loans. The Fed outsourced virtually all of the operations of their emergency lending programs to private contractors like JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo. The same firms also received trillions of dollars in Fed loans at near-zero interest rates.

The conclusion is simple. "No one who works for a firm receiving direct financial assistance from the Fed should be allowed to sit on the Fed's board of directors or be employed by the Fed.

In what may be the understatement of the century Sen. Bernie Sanders said one thing already is abundantly clear. "The Federal Reserve must be reformed to serve the needs of working families, not just CEOs on Wall Street."

Reformed ? How about get rid of it ?

To read the GAO report, click here.

You can't put lipstick on this pig

You don't have to be an economist to understand these numbers, they speak for themselves. This ugly picture is the the Civilian Employment to Population Ratio.

There are two points on the chart that immediately jump out at you. In 1984 jobs and the economy starting growing at an unprecedented rate. In 2008 the chart falls off steeply and begins to look like a graveyard dive.

Reaganomics is generally considered to have ushered in an era of prosperity and growth, this chart seems to bear that out. We are in the midst of a the great liberal experiment, Keynesian economics and spread the wealth Socialism.

Click on chart to see full size

This administration and liberals have been hell bent to prove Reagan wrong. They have had their chance, they have taken their best shot, but they have only made Reagan look better.

In 1984 the percentage of population employed was at about 57 % since then it has steadily grown to reached a level of about 63 % in 2005.

Today it is back to about 58 %. During the Obama administration we have erased almost 30 years of job growth, and are now back at the levels we have not seen since the 1970's.

We either were in one big fantasy bubble from 1980's until 2005 or the Obama administration is definitely on the wrong track.

There is no silver lining in these numbers, it is weak, weak, weak. And confidence that things will improve is getting worse.

As far as Obama saving us from another Great Depression, well, it ain't over yet.

Have you had enough yet ?

Republicans hold off Dems in Wisconsin

A stand by Wisconsin Republicans against a massive effort to oust them from power could reverberate across the country as the battle over union rights and the conservative revolution heads toward the 2012 presidential race.

Six Republicans faced recall elections in the Wisconsin state Senate. Democrats needed to pick up three seats to have a chance at taking control. They picked up two seats, falling short.

Next week Senate Democrats face two recall elections. Thus, the Democrat's gains may be short-lived.

5 Seats were decided earlier, the last seat was just announced. With 96% of the vote in, News 3 is calling District 8 for Incumbent Sen. Alberta Darling.

The two Democrat pickups were in liberal-leaning districts, with one Senator who barely won in the general election having other personal issues.
11:36 P.M.: Democrats have won a second state senate district — Oshkosh Deputy Mayor Jessica King (D) has beaten state Sen. Randy Hopper (R). King lost narrowly to Hopper in a 2008 race that went to a recount; this time around Hopper took hits not just for his voting record but for his messy divorce and relationship with a staffer.

Democrats have taken down two state senators — Dan Kapanke (R), and Randy Hopper. They need to win the final remaining race — against state Sens. Alberta Darling — to have a chance at taking back the state senate. Both Democratic state senators facing recalls next Tuesday will also have to hold onto their seats for the senate to change hands.
These election results will allow Governor Scott Walker to continue with his common-sense efforts to reform Wisconsin. The Democrats in Wisconsin will have to find some other way to subvert the will of the people.

Wis. GOP holds off Democrats in recall elections

Monday, August 8, 2011

Two stories that we should really worry about

Pressure grows for Fed to act as stocks plunge

Obama calls for a ‘renewed sense of urgency’ to solve debt problems.

In his first statements since Friday, Obama proved he is stuck on stupid. He tried to reassure a shocked country, crashing markets and fleeing capital, that he's got this, not to worry. He knows that taxing the wealthy, and a few moderate cuts in entitlements will solve the problem. He doesn't need S&P telling him what to do.

PLEASE - back away from the Oval office slowly, get on Air Force One and circle the planet a few thousand times, or go to Fiji and play a few hundred thousand rounds of golf, but PLEASE, DON'T DO ANYTHING ! And take Bernake and Geithner with you.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Forget Bush and the Tea Party, now it's S&P's fault

In what has become "par for the course" (pun intended) for the Obama administration Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Sunday, that The credit rating agency Standard & Poor's showed "terrible judgment" in lowering the U.S. government's credit rating.
"They've handled themselves very poorly. And they've shown a stunning lack of knowledge about the basic U.S. fiscal budget math," Geithner said in his first public comments about the credit rating decision.
Wait a minute, who has handled themselves poorly ? It doesn't take a downgrade from S&P for most Americans to realize that this economy and country is being badly mismanaged.

Then Geithner played the partisan politics game, only days after his boss gave an eloquent speech talking about all parties "working together" for the good of the country.

Geithner said Congress owns the credit rating because the Constitution gives Congress the power to tax and spend.
The democrats control over two thirds of the government, they have refused to address the budget for over 800 days, other than Obama's pitiful attempt that was voted down 97-0 by a Democratic Senate. Obama danced around negotiations with congress, running from his bully pulpit with the media to spamming Twitter and conducting phony Town Hall meetings trying to circumvent the process by forcing his will of no immediate cuts, and higher taxes

Now Geithner is calling S&P irresponsible, first it's Bush, then the Tea Party, now S&P's fault. If the situation wasn't so critical and ominous it would be funny, but it's not.

This is a unprecedented display of denial, and arrogance even for this administration. Geithner should be forced to resign immediately he has failed miserably.

Read more here

The new CAFE standards will cost U.S. Jobs

The Obama administration’s Department of Transportation (DOT) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are quietly moving to make another round of changes to CAFE standards. (That’s Corporate Average Fuel Economy) The changes would affect model years from 2017 to 2025.

They tried to push this through twice before and it fell flat with both manufacturers and consumers in the polls, the White House now is trying a different tactic. If you want to push through an unpopular program, you need a villain to blame, high gas prices, of course. “We’re doing it to save the consumers!

Okay, we all want more efficient cars. But there is a trade off here. By pushing manufacturers beyond reasonable, attainable goals we are sacrificing our safety. The Obama administration is bereft of even a basic knowledge of economics and physics. It is staffed with so-called experts and academics that are manipulated into "making" things happen. And those things are Obama's delusional fantasies. It's not only a half-witted management style, it's dangerous.

As car manufactures are pushed harder and harder to produce the governments desired results for fuel efficiency, they will have to compromise on the size, and weight of cars. Major structural and technology changes will have to be made to vehicles to achieve these absurd mileage goals, and we will become the guinea pigs for Obama's silly ideological adventures.

A 2002 National Research Council study found that the federal Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards contributed to about 2,000 deaths per year through their restrictions on car size and weight. EPA official mission may be "to protect human health and the environment, and while it it fixates on minute risks such as radon in your drinking water, it cares little about whether or not you and/or your family are sacrificed for the "cause" in one of these small dangerous experimental vehicles, which by the way get great gas mileage !

There are a lot of questions about the wisdom of such foolish, self-serving legislation that the MSM is just NOT addressing. While fuel efficiency is important, we need to be realistic about our programs. Are they attainable ? Will they cost jobs ? Are they safe ?

Yes, it will cost many jobs. According to a new report by The Center for Automotive Research the number could be as high as 264,500 jobs lost just from new automobile fuel efficiency standards being considered by the Environmental Protection Agency. Meanwhile, the cost of a new vehicle could go up by nearly $10,000 and sales could be reduced by 5.5 million vehicles annually, not a good idea in this economy.

How do you define government overreach ? When the government takes over an entire private industry like the auto industry, then pushes, unrealistic, dangerous standards on the industry, and forces through market manipulation me and my family to buy and drive cars that are may be dangerous and deadly, that's too much.

While Obama traverses the country giving re-election speeches about creating jobs, jobs, jobs, his minions continue to kill jobs, and the economy. Obama and his boot licking followers at the EPA, DOT, NRLB, et al, need to be stopped from forcing new regulations on American business and consumers whether they like it or not, no matter the price.

Also consider :

Small Cars Are Dangerous Cars

The statists at the EPA have made their bid for control of the economy of the United States of America and destroy any semblance of rights of American citizens.

Yes, the Huffington Post really did "dis' their messiah

Yes, the Huffington Post really did put together a video montage showing how often Barack Obama has promised to focus on jobs, and how that promise has gone unfulfilled, again, and again ad nauseum.

Even the HufPost is getting sick of the Obama rhetoric. In July, 117,000 jobs were added in the economy, and the unemployment rate dropped to 9.1 percent from 9.2 percent. But the drop in the unemployment rate should not be celebrated as a signal of strong growth: It came almost entirely from Americans dropping out of the labor force.

What will be interesting to see as this train wreck piles up on itself, is whether liberals will reject their failed collectivists policies, or throw their messiah under the bus ?

I think we already know the answer to that question. For liberals it's always party before country, tactics before principles, and everyone is expendable, even Obama.

Huffington Post video, enjoy !