Monday, August 1, 2011

A Pathetic Budget deal

This is a pathetic deal. Seriously, anyone who cannot find more to trim from this massive, wasteful, money sucking black hole federal government isn't trying. This deal is ludicrous because it does not cut enough.

Considering that the republicans control only one branch of the government there is only so much they can do. However it seems like far too many republicans are willing , when push comes to shove, to go back to inside the beltway business as usual and kick the can down the road, rather than make tough decisions and stick to their campaign promises of smaller government and focus the government on protecting our rights, not distributing them to whomever they prefer.

It is a core commitment of the constitution to protect our rights and defend the country. It is NOT a core commitment of the Constitution to take other people’s money and redistribute it ?

Despicable display of partisan politics and maneuvering tactics by the democrats to keep the money spigot flowing full force to Washington. The democrats have refused to address the budget for two and half years, Obama threw together some crap he cherry picked from the Simpson-Bowles report that was voted down 97 to zip.

A total failure in addressing our budget and debt crisis. The Republicans got what they could which wasn't much to talk about. The democrats proved they are irresponsible and out of touch. They were more interested in following the cult of Obama than doing their jobs and addressing the nations budget and debt crisis. They refuse to admit there is a debt problem, and plan to continue to loot defense spending to build and grow the welfare state.

Meanwhile the MSM media is all a buzz reporting that a deal has been reached, usually along with a picture of a smiling Obama, in another pitiful attempt to make it look like a success for Obama and ignore the fact he was completely absent in this debate, and ran from Twitter to the MSM pandering to anyone and everyone that would listen to pass something "he liked" so he could sign it, and oh by the way, he also added another self-serving little tidbit "make sure we kick this can far enough down the road so it doesn't interfere with my 2012 re-election campaign ", a pathetic lack of leadership.

The White House has not experienced such a low level selfish, cheap tricks, stunts, and political pandering since Bill Clinton was renting out Lincoln's bedroom for campaign donations, and he was eventually impeached.

If Obama gets a bump in his poll ratings over this, which we all know he watches as much as his money, it's disgusting. If he does, he can thank the barking dogs in the MSM for spinning this thing for him. It is a lose-lose deal for America no matter how they spin it.

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