Sunday, July 31, 2011

Reform Welfare ? Let's cut the crap out of Defense.

Obama has the business class and the military directly in his sights. His war on the business class and his Keynesian economic policies has had devastating effect on our jobs, and economy. What isn't talked about much in the MSM is his war against the military and the recklessness with which he is going about cutting what he considers a cash cow for his social programs.

For all of his lavish new spending plans, President Obama is making one major exception: defense.

Obama has no real intention of tackling the government spending programs that pose the greatest risk to our future financial security. If he has his way, I think we all know what will happen, they will increase exponentially.

“I think what's absolutely true is that core commitments that we make to the most vulnerable have to be maintained,” [President Barack] Obama said. “A lot of the spending cuts that we're making should be around areas like defense spending as opposed to food stamps.”

Rather than a careful analysis of requirements, President Obama has encouraged a reckless approach to defense. When introducing his second pass at a budget proposal, the president announced a completely arbitrary $400 billion reduction in defense spending. Last week president Obama said :

"The nice thing about the defense budget is it's so big, it's so huge, that, you know, a one percent reduction is the equivalent of the education budget...I'm exaggerating. But it's so big that you can make relatively modest changes to defense that end up giving you a lot of headroom to fund things like basic research or student loans or things like that."

That is frightening statement to hear coming from the President of the United States, it's childlike and reveals what our commander-in-chief really thinks about America's defense, and it ain't much. Cut the budget ? Obama is rearranging the deck chairs and looking to loot the budget to fund his favorite programs.

It is a core commitment of the government of the United States to protect and defend the citizens of the country as outlined in the Constitution of the United States, It is NOT a core commitment of the Constitution to take other people’s money and redistribute it?

It would be more reassuring to see the so-called only adult in the room take an intelligent, bi-partisan, across the board approach to reining in our debt and balancing the budget. Obama has taken the partisan, linear approach, he will kill off the things "he" doesn't like first, then look at the other stuff later, if need be. That is not only crazy, it's dangerous.

The inexperience and amateurishness of this executive is becoming painfully obvious with each passing day, let's hope that the only thing that the damage from this train wreck isn't long term, and and our soldiers in harms way don't pay the ultimate price for this executives on the job training.

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