Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Left's Filthy, Disgusting, Occupy Wall Street Movement

Here is the Left's version of "Freedom" Shit wherever you like, the rest of us have to put up with it, well... cause YOU have YOUR "rights"

The Cookie Monster says 1% of the monsters eat 99% of the cookies-- maybe not -- these people look like they need to stop eating other people's cookies and get a life. If your going to complain about being poor and hungry you should at least bring some people with you that look poor and hungry.

"HONK IF YOU'RE IN DEBT " and if your not, pull over to the right and drop something into the can cause I am, and this is why ...

... I need to pay off my laptop, iPhone, wide screen TV, and Xbox so I can get something to eat.

The loony left has really blown it this time. They are walking, talking, real life examples of the sham that is liberalism in America today. A refuge for thugs, scoundrels, slackers, Communists, and Socialists. They don't even have the gonads to go after the politicians that are stealing money and jobs from the productive class , and the private sector, because the Democrats control the government and because the black messiah sits in the White House, so they go after the banks, what a bunch of wusses.

The Tea Party is the only serious grass roots movement in America that is addressing real problems with real solutions.

Enough of the madness already - 2012 can't come soon enough.

See more pics here

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