Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu opened up last night on CNN. The sheriff implicated the ATF, Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department as accomplices to murder involving weapons used in Operation Fast and Furious. And talked about the level of government involvement in supply guns to drug cartels in Mexico.
It's frightening. The feds are in this up over their ears. Sheriff Babeu says that more than 200 murders can be traced to guns supplied by the U.S government.
The ATF, the CIA, need to be disbanded, they have been corrupted by Obama's gangster government to work with criminals, and drug cartels NOT protect the the citizens of the United States, but to actually supply the guns that are killing Americans.
We are being betrayed by our own government
Other whistle-blowers in law enforcement are beginning to speak up also. They are revealing information that law enforcement personnel are constantly approached by the cartels with bribes and now death threats. The choice is take the money and become rich by helping us, or we will assassinate you and murder your entire family - they live in fear, and in many cases are being coerced by the Feds to cooperate with the cartels.
It's time to stop dicking around with the border issue. We have a war of gigantic proportions…illegal invasions, treacherous drug cartels, gangs, human trafficking, drugs, smuggling, kidnappings, and corruption of officials on both sides of the borders .
The problem of drugs and illegal aliens is no longer a border issue; it is a national security issue which affects every city and county in the USA.
Once the border is secured and safe again, then we can begin deporting those who entered our country illegally.
I look forward to that day when we no longer have the scourge of illegal aliens, drug dealers, thugs, and criminals undermining our culture and destroying our country… And our Federal government is NOT trying to stop them, they are assisting them.
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