Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Pass This Bill " or I'll never shut up

Obama continued on the campaign trail in COLUMBUS, Ohio where he spoke, excuse me, campaigned on his so-called "Jobs Bill", and implored Congress to follow his lead off the cliff of fiscal insanity and adopt his nearly $450 billion jobs plan, promising it would help workers in the construction industry and rebuild schools in crumbling condition - and he added "My question to Congress is, what on earth are we waiting for ? "

Actually that is a very good question. One of the things we are waiting for is find out what happened to the billions of dollars in the first stimulus that was promised would go to "help workers in the construction industry and rebuild schools in crumbling condition" ?

Comrade Obama likes to come up with chants and slogans to memorize the masses, and his cult followers love them -- Who can forget the video of Obama being primed by his handlers and cued backstage on how to fire up the crowd with his ""Yes We Can" chant -- I knew we were in deep trouble when I saw that stunt, then there was the slogan from the first Stimulus "Shovel Ready" he actually laughed at us after he got the money and we were stupid enough to ask where the jobs were ? ha-ha-ha.

Then there were the Health-care slogans "It's not a Tax" well, yes it is, ha-ha-ha, and "You can keep your insurance if you want" well, maybe not, ha-ha-ha, and now we have "Pass This Bill"

At a high school in the critical electoral state of Ohio, Obama delivered a fiery campaign speech to plug his plan. The outdoor audience was more than willing follow their pop culture idol in adopting his refrain and chanting it back to him, shouting: "Pass this bill!" -- It's amazing how Obama can adopt almost any insane policy, create a slogan, and how many people will blindly chant and follow him, is this still America ?

Obama also asked congress "what on earth are we waiting for ?" But I have a feeling that Obama and his followers are not waiting for an answer, the question is meant only in the rhetorical sense, There is no desire to open the discussion or debate, or include other ideas -- and the reasons to wait are many.

If you are not a Kool Aid drinker, or Obama cult follower and are curious why this guy runs around stumping to promote such a piss poor excuse for an economic policy, the answer is simple, Obama watches the polls.38% of Americans are Kool Aid drinkers and support this so-called "Jobs Bill" 36 % oppose it, and a whopping 26 % are undecided. Obama is trying to swing those undecideds into his camp -- It doesn't matter if it's a good bill, effective bill, or just another pork and patronage bill to pay off the unions and his campaign donors - ITS MY BILL -- PASS IT DAMN IT !

How the hell can you be undecided at such a critical time as this, when the future of America, our jobs, our economy, and the future of our children hangs in the balance ? It's unforgivable.

Obama's list of ideas of how to pay for this all involve cutting future spending years from now or other sleight-of-hand magic like cutting programs that were not in the budget. Also possible are tax hike proposals that will be dead on arrival in the House.

Ultimately he will kick it down the road to the gang-of 12 to figure out how to make this plan balanced -- Good luck with that by the way.

Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas summed it very nicely when he said "It's not the role of this committee to spend more money we don't have on jobs we don't get."

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