Friday, August 19, 2011

An Open Letter to Anyone Who Thinks Obama Should Not Go On Vacation

From Red State

While there has been some debate in the media recently about Obama's taking too many vacations and not working hard enough to jump start this economy with some sound economic policies (any policies at all would do) I came across this open letter at Red State that sums up the mood of many at this point. Yes, please take a vacation a long vacation.
Dear People Who Think Obama Should Not Go On Vacation:

Are you out of your ever living mind?!?!?!

Have you not seen what destruction on our economy and morale this man has wrought for three years?!?!

And you want him to go back to Washington, D.C.? Congress too? You are out of your mind.

The correct answer is STAY ON VACATION ALL OF YOU. The stock market tends to do better when Congress is gone. The world tends to run fine when this President is on vacation. Our freedoms cannot be further encroached while Obama is in Martha’s Vineyard.

Please, stop asking this man to come back to Washington where everything he touches tends to break down.

When he comes back in September he says he will have a plan to create jobs. The last several plans he had to create jobs killed or destroyed more private sector jobs than even the most radical leftist could have hoped for. Please, please, please stop saying he needs to come back to Washington.

Mr. President, you take as much vacation as you want. In fact, if you want to leave the country and go visit your relatives in Kenya or just go for a safari or go see your old stomping grounds in Indonesia or, heck, take the family to see penguins in Antarctica or even go to Bora Bora, I’d be glad to have you take say . . . the next twelve months off.

And even better, I’m sure we can find some people to fund your vacation other than the American taxpayers who you’ve been using to fund your political campaign bus tour.

The markets are nervous, and lack confidence. Every time Obama steps to his bully pulpit to speak the world markets crash. He now threatens to reveal his economic plan (three years in) in September, maybe by 2014 he might come up with a budget plan ?

The Washington Post has floated a balloon that this new plan will call for Stimulus II. Stimulus I was a pork and patronage bill, a total waste, now he wants to hand out some more pork before the election. The White House also leaked a little tid bid that the plan will include a tax break for companies that hire new workers.

He really doesn't get it, that would have been a good idea in 2008-2009 when there were still jobs, but there are no jobs now. Stimulus one killed of millions of private sector jobs.

No wonder the markets are nervous, and people want Obama to take a vacation. He claims to have pulled us back from the abyss, please don't help us any more, go ahead take your vacation, a long one.

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