Friday, August 26, 2011

That's not how our system works - Well, it does now

It only took about a month -- that's right, a whole month, to change the system -- Obama had this to say about Rule of Law in America:
"I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books. ... I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own -- that's not how our system works."

In a shameless stunt to secure the Hispanic vote, and undaunted by congressional rebuffs, Obama has resorted to fiat execution of the unpopular DREAM Act -- a.k.a. the "Amnesty Bill.

The Department of Homeland Security announced that it will halt all deportation proceedings against illegal immigrants who attend school, who have family in the military or who are primarily responsible for the care of other family members, allowing them to apply for work permits. This means that only illegal aliens who have committed serious criminal offenses in the United States will now be candidates for detention and deportation. -- setting aside of course the first serious criminal offenses that many illegals commit entering the U.S. illegally such as; illegal entry, using false documents, giving false names, carrying weapons etc,.

The Mexican Ministry of Foreign Relations puts out a guide telling Mexicans how they break into the United States in it the Mexican government covers topics like how to safely cross rivers, and deserts, how to avoid human traffickers, (COYOTES, POLLEROS) What rights they have if they are caught, such the right to receive medical attention, the right to contact a Mexican Consulate, the right to receive legal representation without conditions and obstacles, the right To have safe transport. the right to have food and water whenever you needed, and the right to NOT state your migratory status at the time of arrest to authorities.

I am looking forward to reading the follow up guide that will no doubt be published by the Mexican government now that Dream Act has been implemented by executive fiat. How to stay in the United States after you have broken in :

1. Apply for Student Loans and get into school.
2. If your a male knock someone up, preferably an American citizen.
3. If your female, get knocked up early, and often.
4. Apply for work permits.

Remember you have rights, demand they are respected !

Article II, Section 3 directs the president to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed." That is, it directs the Executive Branch to ensure that laws Congress enacts are carried out. It does not direct the president either to write his own laws or to carry out laws Congress itself has refused to pass. To do so is a blatant violation of the "Separation of Powers" doctrine that the Founders integrally wove throughout the fabric of the Constitution.

The same president who swore an oath on his inauguration to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" is thus continuing to trample it by refusing to enforce existing immigration laws and by making up his own. Apparently, that's how "our system" works now.

Our rights and our laws be damned -- by order of the so-called President of the United States !

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