Saturday, August 27, 2011

More Obama/Reid dirty tricks when Senate reconvenes

From Red State

Just when you thought Congress was starting to resemble a branch of the government that represents the people again, along comes another poisonous issue that snuck through Congress and raises its ugly head in the Senate.

It’s known as ”patent reform” (HR 1249/SB 23) and it’s anything but reform with it’s current Section 18 intact. It’s a bald-faced sellout to Big Banking and Wall Street. There are several difficulties with the bill, but the one that jumps out at me is the fact that it’s simply a major job-killer. And for unconstitutionality, it’s a two-fer.

Sen. Chuck Schumer is the one who inserted the Section 18 language into the Senate version of the America Invents Act, and Harry Reid wants the Senate to pass the bill without knowing what’s in it, so he scheduled the bill to hit the floor in non-amendable fashion the day the Senate reconvenes.

Thanks to Sen Tom Coburn (R OK) the Senate version of the bill is currently on hold, but that won’t last when Reid moves for cloture. Section 18 applies only to the electronic payment processing industry* and it gives the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) the authority to revoke patents it has granted in the past. Under this measure, the USPTO can only reconsider patents that have been upheld in federal court when challenged. If the America Invents Act passes with Section 18 intact, then expect to see big banks and Wall Street challenge issuance of patents to inventors to whom they currently must pay royalties.

There’s the pay-off for the banks and Wall Street: they get out of millions of dollars of royalties paid to inventors by getting Congress to confiscate the property rights of inventors and kill plenty of jobs in the process – after a court has confirmed the validity of the patent!

Contact your representative and let them know you are opposed to yet another attempt by the big banks and the politicians to steal wealth from the private sector.

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If we do not get involved in the democratic process to influence our politicians on how they vote and ensure they protect our rights, and freedoms, the special interests and big banks will influence them... to take them away.

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