Thursday, March 10, 2011

Democracy for me, none for thee

The crisis in Wisconsin has brought out the left wing moonbats in droves.One of the more infamous that are finding their way to Madison  is the corporate blackmailer Jesse Jackson. Jackson gave an interview to Fox News' Megan Kelly  video, in it he explains his twisted, distorted, self-serving views on democracy and why the Governor of Wisconsin' efforts to reign in out of control state spending by forcing government unions to make concessions is un-American, and Obama, Pelosi, and Reed were just doing what is right for the American people when the rammed through a a wasteful, pork laden health care bill down our throats. The thrust of  Jackson's reasoning is that people are dying  and suffering in America from being poor and and not having health care, while he fails, again, to mention the dying and suffering that goes on a daily basis in African-American communities from crime, drugs, broken families, fatherless children, or all the free health care that those criminals, drug dealers/users, and dead beat parents get daily that taxpayers must already subsidize. Nice to see that Jesse is still running, running away from reality.

Meanwhile the hypocrisy from the left wing mainstream media is becoming laughable. The mainstream media has managed to almost completely ignore the violence, thuggery, and ugly incidents committed by left wing union thugs, members, and supporters, in Madison, while they continue to warn us to beware of the  dangers
and threats we face from the right wing hate groups. Compare this video with the videos that were put out during the Tea Party rallies, as hard as they tried, the media could find nothing that compares to what you see on this video.

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