Sunday, March 6, 2011

Busting the myth that unions are just poor working folk

While the lefties are busy blaming the wealthy and NOT the Unions for our financial problems, outside of the wacky world of liberal land, facts are being reported, such as; The Center for Public Integrity found compensation for leaders of the 10 largest unions ranged from $173,000 at the United Auto Workers to $618,000 at the Laborers’ International Union of North America and almost $480,000 for the president of the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees.

We ain't talkin no po folk here, and the members that go along for the ride take all their masters will hand out they don't give nothing back, ever ! This is money that should be put back into the productive sectors of our economy, not for fat cat union leader salaries and to elect Democratic politicians.

If you think Obama is concerned about the economy and jobs, think again. Obama has a goal of raising 1 billion dollars for the 2012 election campaign, he's lickin his chops looking at the money big labor is raking in, and it no secret why he supports unions, he sees in all going into his campaign fund, that's how much Democrats  and the Moron in the White House REALLY care about poor folk.

I noticed the media  has taken to using the term "unions" when much of the problem at this stage at least, involves government unions, just like with Immigration, just drop the parts you don't like to talk about, like illegal, and government, some things never change.

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