Wednesday, July 20, 2011

House Passes the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act

House passes the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011 (H.R. 2560) by a vote of 234-190.  Yesterday,
The House has finally put some teeth in the bill to balance the budget and passed the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act which ensure Washington balances the budget and solves our debt crisis by living within its means.

Obama and the Democrats have no plan they want to continue their spending spree and have avoided their responsibility to present a serious budget proposal to the American people for over two years. Obama throws more rhetoric and promises at the problem. In speeches he gives about the budget he obfuscates, and talks about cutting maybe 500 Billion in maybe 10 years, maybe 15 years, who knows, or cares. It's a ruse, he has no plan and any cuts that are not immediate will never happen.

After playing the "race card' again by accusing Eric Cantor of treating  him worse that "any other" president in history, he storms out of the discussions with Congress and runs back to the  Gang of Six proposal, the one he was against before, he was for it ? Leadership  now  means wait and see what the Republicans offer, complain, criticize and shop around for a better offer.

Any deal that does not do immediate cuts is phony, we know from experience politicians have 100% success rate in fulfilling promises to raise taxes, but are not so good when it comes to making spending reductions real, in fact they will never happen. But the tax increases sure as hell will.

As the debate over the nation’s debt continues, I still believe that any increase in the debt limit must be accompanied by substantial spending cuts and reforms.this measure will ensure Washington balances the budget and solves our debt crisis by living within its means.

The American people are saying to Washington, ‘Quit spending money we don’t have.’  So today House Republicans will bring to the floor the Cut, Cap, and Balance plan…  There is no other credible plan on the table that avoids default and solves the problem.”

The Cut, Cap, and Balance Act contains three provisions designed to avert our debt crisis by controlling federal spending and preventing unnecessary tax hikes on job creators:

    (1) Cuts total spending immediately – $111 billion in cuts over the next year alone and $5.8 trillion over the next decade.
    (2) Caps federal spending at less than 20% of the economic output of the United States within a decade.
    (3) Requires the passage of a balanced budget amendment before raising the nation’s debt limit.

Contact your representative and them know you support this bill. And that you are tired of failed leadership. Let them know you want politicians to do something about out of control spending, government waste, and fraud, and work within a budget.

Click here to find your representative's contact info

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