Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dems bash Cantor over debt talks - Cantor must be doing something right.

Democrats bash Cantor over debt talks.

Someone must always be the fall guy for Obama's failures, Bush, Cantor, Ryan, et al, Truth is Obama threw the temper tantrum , took his ball and went home. Cantor must have dissed the messiah ? It's about time. Turn up the heat on this guy, he can't take it. He is privileged, whining, ideologue, that is tightly managed and protected.

Obama is primarily responsible for our debt crisis. He rammed through Congress the $1 trillion failed economic stimulus. He has approved successive budget deficits of $1.5 trillion, and he has saddled us with Obamacare, which will cost trillions of dollars and add more than 30 million Americans to the rolls of Medicaid.

Obama is looking for huge tax increases to support his welfare state, in exchange for PROMISES of entitlement reform, that's it, PROMISES.

Much of the $1 trillion that Democrats have allocated to reduce domestic spending over 10 years comes from money that was supposed to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as $500 billion in interest on those outlays. In other words, the supposed “spending cuts” are nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

The liberals cling to their dream of a Socialist welfare state even as the European models come crashing down around us.

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