Friday, July 29, 2011

Boehner's Credibility Shot With Second Weak Proposal

Boehner tells Republicans "Get Your Ass in Line"; This is the Best Deal Republicans Can Get?

Maybe not, Obama's, Geithner's, and Bernanke's statements about default simply are not credible. Nor are threats of cutoffs to military pay or Social Security. Contrary to popular belief, the US would not default. Troops would still be paid. Medicare and Medicaid would not stop, unless of course Obama and Geithner decided not to pay them.

Not raising debt limit could be a blessing

Republicans put off vote on debt limit

There is easily a month or more to work out a better deal. There are many programs we can easily do away with that should not be funded at all, if they really tried.

Obama's proposals are as fake as his recovery, and unemployment figures, the democrats are playing a game. They have refused to deal with the budget for over 2 1/2 years, and have still not made any credible proposals, the game is to sit back and criticize, complain, and and say NO DEAL on anything that takes a serious shot at reducing spending. Obama's strategy is childish, scold the republicans into making a deal that his voting base will like.

All things considered, especially since Boehner's credibility is gone in his latest weak proposal, the best thing for Congress to do would be to NOT hike the debt ceiling and work out a credible plan over the next month.

Republicans have a golden opportunity to attempt to extract some major concessions in return for tiny tax concessions. Instead,with Bohner's plan they are going to settle for nothing.

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