Friday, July 29, 2011

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

Forbes Magazine reports New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth's atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, reports a new study in the peer-reviewed science journal Remote Sensing.

In short, the central premise of alarmist global warming theory is that carbon dioxide emissions should be directly and indirectly trapping a certain amount of heat in the earth's atmosphere and preventing it from escaping into space. Real-world measurements, however, show far less heat is being trapped in the earth's atmosphere than the alarmist computer models predict, and far more heat is escaping into space than the alarmist computer models predict.

Will this stop the global-warming fear-mongers? Of course not. Worse yet, even if global warming was a genuine threat, the cap-and-trade measures proposed as solutions are downright idiotic.

Who Pays for Cap and Trade

Cap and trade is a tax, and a scheme to redistribute income and wealth. Obama was depending on vast new carbon revenues in his budget. Politicians love cap and trade because they can claim to be taxing "polluters," not workers. Hardly. Once the government creates a scarce new commodity -- in this case the right to emit carbon -- and then mandates that businesses buy it, the costs would inevitably be passed on to all consumers in the form of higher prices.

Global Warming is based on a hoax. Yet governments spend nearly $60 billion globally on such nonsense every year. The Money flows to those bound to a set of predetermined answers that are ;

1. Global Warming exists, and is a substantial problem.

2. And there is Something "we" the taxpayers can do about it.

Fortunately cap-and-trade died in the US senate. Unfortunately, no amount of research is likely to stop GE and other beneficiaries as well a fools led by Al Gore from pushing the idea.

This Week's Jack Ass of the Week Award

This week's Jack Ass of the Week award goes to none other than our spender-in-chief, who continues to prove he absolutely out of touch with reality and not even living on the same planet as the rest of us.

We are in for a long tough ride. Obama continues to double down on his failed policies. He is either deliberately attempting to crash the American economy, or is just an arrogant, out of touch, privileged, inexperienced, schlep. Either way it doesn't matter much. If the Dems get this guy re-elected in 2012, get out the fork, and bring in the fat lady, we may not be able to survive 4 more years of this amateurish lunacy.

Obama said in his Prime Time Speech

"To make matters worse, the recession meant that there was less money coming in, and it required us to spend even more." --Barack Obama in his prime time speech Monday

Yes, you read that right. There is less money coming in, so we have to spend more ?

What does a trillion dollars look like ?

While the budget battle drags on and we watch as politicians throw our money around like chips in a poker game. Most Americans have a hard time visualizing exactly the incredible amounts of money that our government takes in and wastes.

The folks at have put up a great visual to give us some sense of what a couple of trillion dollars looks like. It is great way to explain both the debt crisis and the huge sums of money being discussed in Washington.

A Visualization of the U.S. Debt

McCain leads RHINO Charge Against Tea Party Freshman

McCain led a RINO charge against Tea Party freshmen in Congress for insisting on a balanced budget amendment, saying they just don’t know how things work because they’ve “only been here a few months.”

McCain still doesn't get it, and has no clue as why he lost the election. The whole point is that the Tea Party freshman are new, and were voted into office to shakeup the old beltway establishment.

Here’s McCain reading, and agreeing with, a Wall Street Journal editorial that references “Tea Party Hobbits”:

The insanity of all this is, McCain agrees with Bohner's plan, the one that Harry Reid and Obama have threatened to veto, a plan which delivers minuscule cuts, and back loads much of what it promises.

So if the Democrats are going to veto everything, and Nancy Pelosi is going to continues to scare seniors by telling them that the Boehner plan might kill them and the GOP freshmen who are being deceptive ?

Why not aim big, go for the serious, and immediate spending cuts, and the balanced budget amendment. It's good for the economy and the country. If Obama and the Dems veto it let them come up with a plan.

Boehner's Credibility Shot With Second Weak Proposal

Boehner tells Republicans "Get Your Ass in Line"; This is the Best Deal Republicans Can Get?

Maybe not, Obama's, Geithner's, and Bernanke's statements about default simply are not credible. Nor are threats of cutoffs to military pay or Social Security. Contrary to popular belief, the US would not default. Troops would still be paid. Medicare and Medicaid would not stop, unless of course Obama and Geithner decided not to pay them.

Not raising debt limit could be a blessing

Republicans put off vote on debt limit

There is easily a month or more to work out a better deal. There are many programs we can easily do away with that should not be funded at all, if they really tried.

Obama's proposals are as fake as his recovery, and unemployment figures, the democrats are playing a game. They have refused to deal with the budget for over 2 1/2 years, and have still not made any credible proposals, the game is to sit back and criticize, complain, and and say NO DEAL on anything that takes a serious shot at reducing spending. Obama's strategy is childish, scold the republicans into making a deal that his voting base will like.

All things considered, especially since Boehner's credibility is gone in his latest weak proposal, the best thing for Congress to do would be to NOT hike the debt ceiling and work out a credible plan over the next month.

Republicans have a golden opportunity to attempt to extract some major concessions in return for tiny tax concessions. Instead,with Bohner's plan they are going to settle for nothing.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

AWOL Soldier Arrested in New Fort Hood Terror Plot

AWOL Soldier arrested planning an attack on Fort Hood.

An Army private has been arrested in connection with an alleged plot to attack Fort Hood soldiers that authorities suggest was close to being carried out. The arrest, first reported by Fox News, comes nearly two years after a deadly shooting rampage at the base.

Read more at Fox News

Sean Linnane also had a post up about Private Abdo's AWOL 12 days ago. Check it out.

Obama should lead, follow, or get out of the way.

With five days remaining before the government is forced to drastically cut services to avoid a default, Republicans have a bill that can't pass the Senate, and Democrats have a bill that House Republicans hate, this is what hope and change looks like, polarization and class-warfare.

You can't lead from behind. The president has not even put anything is writing. All we get from Obama are platitudes, promises, and threats, along with what he will not go along with. This has been a critical debate concerning our country's budget, and our future. Obama and the democrats have been completely absent and hiding in the bushes. Leaders must take risks, not just watch the polls and go along with whatever will get them re-elected. We have a total lack of leadership and a FAILURE of the the exectutive to do his job. When Obama tells us we must share the sacrifice, what is he sacrificing ? NOTHING !

Boehner should be given credit for trying, he has stuck to the principles that got him elected, smaller govt, less spending. In the end he will get more than the dems wanted to give up, and it is a step in the right direction, but a long way from anything substantial to turn the tide against the beast that is devouring our
wealth, and freedom.

The CBO likes Boehner's plan,they haven't mentioned Obama's plan yet, Oh, wait a minute, he has no plan !

According to the CBO, Boehner's plan is good. It's cuts now exceed the amount by which his plan would initially raise the debt ceiling. Their analysis concludes that his proposal would cut and cap spending by $917 billion over ten years It would also cut $22 billion in spending over the next year, and reduce discretionary expenditures each year thereafter. Boehner's new plan also requires Congress to propose at least another $1.8 trillion in spending cuts." So of course, Harry Reid has said it is DOA before he sees it, and is vowing to vote it down, and just in case it should get past the Senate, Obama is vowing to veto it.

Dear Mr. Speaker:

As you requested, the Congressional Budget Office has estimated the impact on the
deficit of the Budget Control Act of 2011, as posted on the Web site of the Committee on Rules on July 25, 2011.


In total, if appropriations in the next 10 years are equal to the caps on discretionary spending and the maximum amount of funding is provided for the program integrity initiatives, CBO estimates that the legislation would reduce budget deficits by about $850 billion between 2012 and 2021 relative to CBO’s March 2011 baseline adjusted for subsequent appropriation action.

As requested, CBO has also calculated the net budgetary impact if discretionary savings are measured relative to its January baseline projections. Relative to that baseline, CBO estimates that the legislation would reduce budget deficits by about $1.1 trillion between 2012 and 2021.

At least it's a plan.

So there it is, Boehner has proposed a $850 billion reduction over 10 years, a minuscule $85 billion a year on a deficit of $1.4 trillion. It is far worse than it looks because it is heavily back-loaded.

Unfortunately I think that Boehner's plan which is the best so far, is a joke. He has proposed a $850 billion reduction over 10 years, a measly $85 billion a year on a deficit of $1.4 trillion, and it's heavily back loaded. but at least it is a plan.

But it's not surprising that various Tea-Party members will not vote for it.
If we pass Obama's plan we get to see what's in it, again.

Obama's press secretary when pressed on the issue finally admitted what we already knew. Obama has no plan, or at least he doesn't want to put it to paper, so it doesn't become politically charged, in other words, we have to pass it to see what's in it again.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Road to Hell is Paved With Welfare

The net worth of whites is now 20 times higher than for blacks and 18 times higher than for Hispanics, both records. For white households, the median net worth (assets minus liabilities) in 2009 was $113,149. That compares to $6,325 for Hispanics and $5,677 for black Americans.

There are, of course, many reasons for this. While minority families gained from the economic growth of the the 1980s, 1990s and mid-2000s, much of their wealth was tied up in their homes. When the housing market crashed in 2008, so did their net worth. Meanwhile, whites have been helped by the rebound in stock prices in the last two years. Stock market investments, including IRAs, 401(k)s and other market-based accounts, make up 28% of white Americans' wealth, vs. just 19% for blacks and 15% for Hispanics. If nothing else, these data point out the failure of federal welfare and anti-poverty policies to do what they intended: eradicate wealth differences in our country.

Today, some 44 million Americans are on food stamps. In 2007, it was 26 million. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner recently boasted that U.S. issues more than 80 million checks a month. But while the U.S. has more than 70 means-tested welfare programs, the poverty rate today is higher than it was in the late 1960s. How can that be ?

Robert Rector, a Heritage Foundation economist in a recent report, said that most anti-poverty/welfare spending erodes work and marriage,' As a result ... low-income Americans are less capable of self-support than when the War on Poverty began.' ... The road to hell, it's said, is paved with good intentions. But sometimes it's paved with taxpayers' money."

Investor's Business Daily

"Average Guy" rants about Debt Ceiling Debate

Here is a video of rant by a self-proclaimed " average guy " that asks a few simple questions that we all would like to ask.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ohio cleared to opt out of Affordable Health Care Act

Ohio Health-Care cleared for the fall ballot.

Ohio wants to send a message to the Obama administration "Keep health care between doctors and patients, and keep bureaucrats out of it." Voters in Ohio will get the chance to decide whether Ohio can opt out of the national health care overhaul after the state's top election official said Tuesday that opponents of the federal law have enough signatures to put a constitutional amendment on the Nov. 8 ballot. Ohio has 427,000 valid signatures. They had submitted more than 546,000 and needed roughly 358,000 of them validated to make it on to the ballot.

The measure would change the Ohio Constitution to prohibit any federal, state or local law from forcing Ohio residents, employers or health care providers to participate in a health care system. It also would prevent the state from enacting a Massachusetts-style health care program, where the state requires a minimum level of insurance coverage.

If passed, the amendment would not apply to any law or rule in effect before March 19, 2010, so as not to prohibit Ohioans for participating in programs such as Medicare.

A coalition of tea party organizations, small government advocates and religious groups gathered the signatures to get the health care measure on the ballot and now plan to mount a statewide campaign in support of it.

The coalition has more than 35,000 volunteers, an "army of grass roots support," ready to mobilize to raise money to turn out voters in November's election, said Jeff Longstreth, campaign manager for Ohioans for Healthcare Freedom, a group that played a large role in the petitions.

Obamacare is a job killer, it has been a disaster for the country and the economy, and the bulk of it doesn't even kick in until 2014.

Far right terrorism is NOT on par with foreign Islamic threat

The American MSM seems to have been thrown a curve with the new revelations in the shootings in Norway. While most of the MSM was eager to jump on the story and publicize the ethnicity of the perp to advance it's theory that extremism comes in all flavors and even caused CNN to do a knee jerk, insane article that tries to claim that "Far right domestic terrorism is on par with foreign threat" but the MSM has been extremely slow in revealing other facts about the violence in Norway.

It seems that there is a significant pro-Palestinian movement in Norway, and Norway was getting ready to vote for Palestinian Statehood The teenagers who took part in Norway's ruling party youth camp in the island of Utoya met with Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere and demanded he recognize Palestine on Wednesday, two days before the deadly terror attack which left many of them dead. Earlier in the week, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited Norway and was told that Oslo will recognize Palestine, but not just yet. The Norwegian FM told the youths Oslo is waiting for the official Palestinian proposal to be submitted to the UN in September.

Glen Beck has come out on his syndicated radio show he likened the victims of the shooting at a Norwegian summer camp to young members of the Nazi Party. In a seven-minute segment Monday morning on the Premiere Radio Network's "The Glenn Beck Program," Beck described the attack "as a shooting at a political camp, which sounds a little like the Hitler Youth. I mean who sends their kids to a political camp?”

The American media is often slow to produce details about terrorist attacks, and mass murders especially in the U.S. unless it can verify immediately the perp is a native born American. After checking ethnicity and immigration status of the killer they either rush to use the story as proof that not only Muslims commit terrorist acts. If the perp turns out to be an illegal alien, a minority, or Muslim, they work hard at covering up the details.

For example in Binghampton in 2009 (Vietnamese immigrant, 13 dead), or in the case of the “Georgia Man“ earlier this year (Central American, two dead), we know it will go down the Orwellian Memory Hole. But if the perp is a native-born American alas, there is a flurry of interest as the ruling class in America tries to use it as an excuse to suppress its critics. Unless, of course, the “American” turns out to be the son of Muslim immigrants, like 2009 Fort Hood shooter Nidal Mailk Hasan, 12 dead.

Currently there are six deaths (including the suicidal killer) that occurred last Saturday evening in Texas (Gunman opens fire, killing 6 in domestic dispute at Grand Prairie roller rink, By Tanya Eiserer and Theodore Kim, Dallas Morning News, July 23, 2011, how many people know that the victims were Vietnamese ?

The murders in Norway are reprehensible, and unforgivable for any reason, political or otherwise. Terrorism is a despicable act no matter which group claims responsility. The MSM's cover-ups and excusing Muslims from responsibility only make it worse.

Modern terrorism as we know it today was born and bred in the Middle East. The Palestinians perfected their craft throughout the later half of the 20th century, and became a media sensation as they incorporated commercial aircraft into their reign of terror. Tens of thousands have been terrorized and killed by Muslim terrorist.

I am not advocating blaming ALL Muslims, any more than I would advocate blaming all Right wing Norwegian Christians for the latest terrorist attack in Norway. But the media cover ups are just compounding and distorting the problem. There are a much
larger number of Islamist terrorists who commit the vast majority of terror attacks worldwide, and represent a greater threat than the rare, although sadly effective, domestic terrorists like Norway's Breivik or the always cited Timothy McVeigh.

The facts show that more than 90% of the terror attacks committed each year are done by avowed Muslims in the cause of jihad. That is not an indictment of all Muslims any more than Breivik's Christianity is an indictment of all Christians. It is simply noting who is perpetrating these horrific acts and what their cause is, and informing the public of the facts, not propagandizing these incidents to fit their political narratives.

As the late great Jack Web used to say, "Just the facts ma'am, just the facts " that is what should drive our counter terrorism efforts, not Orwellian double-speak, and political correctness gone mad.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Jackass of the Week Award :Sheila Jackson Lee

U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, says 'the minority community' blames racism for the Republican refusal to increase the debt limit without conditions. Then she goes on to play the race card, "Only THIS president, Ony THIS one has received the kind of attacks and disagreements and inability to work, only THIS one ".
Translation : Questioning Obama's costly government takeover of health care, his failed $800 billion 'stimulus' plan and the over $4 trillion in new debt equals racism. Lee says she speaks on behalf of the 'minority community.' Would this be the minority community with 16.2 percent black unemployment, up from 12.6 percent in the two-and-a-half years of the Obama administration ? -- Larry Elder

Sheila Jackson Lee is an embarrassment to the entire state of Texas. The district she represents is in Houston’s inner city and her constituents are about 95% black and solidly Democratic. As a result, she will have that seat until she either dies or retires, or they can redistrict her out of office.

Her race baiting of opponents and anyone who disagrees with her is legendary. She’s a disgrace.

Obama's Head Fake on the Debt Plan

Mark Steyn

Obama announced a 4 trillion dollar deficit plan. His media barking dogs ran off to file their pieces praising Obama and calling him ""the only adult in the room", the problem is, there is no plan. The only plan that Obama has put on paper was his February budget that increased spending, and doubled the debt.

The Democratic Senate has shown no interest in producing a budget for two-and-a-half years. Sen. Reid can't even be bothered pretending he's interested in spending reductions. His only interest is to carry on spending without limits. Obama's budget plan ? Obama rolls out his teleprompter and his aides write some really big numbers on it, he reads them, and that passes for leadership.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The time has come for a balanced budget amendment

Republicans captured Congress in the 1994 midterm election by campaigning on the need for a balanced budget amendment when the federal deficit was only $203 billion.The Congressional Budget Office reported last Thursday that the federal deficit reached $1.2 trillion after only the first 10 months of the fiscal year.

The fact we are having this heated debate is evidence that we have reached critical mass with a massive intrusive Federal government that taxes us to death, and has a blank check to borrow whatever the difference is between what it spends, and what it takes in. Common sense should tell us this is a recipe for disaster, and in fact that disaster has already begun to play out.

When we had these budget compromises in the 1980s and 1990s, spending was reduced, taxes were raised, and the crisis was kicked down the road, but only for a short period of time. Over time, the tax increases always remain, but the spending begins to increase almost as soon as the deals are finished. A constitutional amendment is the medicine for Washington's spending ailment.

We have witnessed an unprecedented spending binge from this administration. Even in the face of a failing economy, rising unemployment, and a growing mountain of debt for our children and grandchildren, this administration still demands a blank check to waste money on failed welfare programs, a failed economic stimulus program, a health care bill that keeps driving up costs, and no one understands, and continues to shove it's disastrous green energy initiatives down our throats. Instead of a serious discussion about our budget, Obama gives us talking points, and threatens us if we fail to raise the debt limit for his reckless irresponsible administration.

The whole idea of the Debt Ceiling is for the Government to explain it's spending, and for the American people to ask what are we getting for our money ? In the case of the Obama administration we are getting unprecedented spending levels for welfare and entitlement programs that are rife with massive fraud, and waste, class-warfare against the business class, stifling over-regulation, the end of our manned space program, an irresponsible, piecemeal approach to defense spending cuts, with no oversight, and no discussion, higher unemployment, a stalled economy, and continual cries for more money.

Obama owns this mess, he isn't cleaning up Bush's mess, he is only creating a bigger mess. He is using the recession, and the crisis to advance his own political agenda, which has been a Franco-German welfare state, and it has been disastrous for our country and the economy. Obama hasn't caused runaway government spending, but he sure has kicked up into the stratosphere.

2010 midterms gave us fresh hope.This amendment will demonstrate we are taking action. If conservatives across the country can stand behind this, we may have a chance of getting it through. That’s what it is going to take.

Amending the constitution is an arduous endeavor. Not only would both chambers have to pass an amendment, but 38 state legislatures would have to ratify it. More likely this year,may be an agreement to grant the president “enhanced rescission” the ability to target wasteful spending via a line-item veto.

Personally, I think that a vote on a balanced-budget amendment is one of the demands we should exact for a vote on the debt ceiling. The current effort to enact a balanced budget amendment is not going to go away. Cut, Cap and Balance, is driven by the very real predictions that our nation is heading for bankruptcy.

There is growing realization that the only way to get the spenders in Washington to stop spending is to give them no choice.