Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Latest Obama Gimmick : "The Buffet Rule"

The United States of America 2012 - WANTED: A person who can function as president of the United States, and be, well.... "Presidential". Obama is still giving campaign speeches, and throwing bailing wire, rubber bands, and band aids at our economic problems. The goal of course is to assure his base he hasn't abandoned their cause of taxing the wealthy, and save his own job.

The NYT is reporting that Obama's not so new idea is....drum roll please... "increasing taxes on millionaires" -- You don't say ? The NYT is calling this stunt "political salesmanship" The "Buffet Rule" as Obama is calling it is just new spin on his already tired old game of trying to put the Republicans on the defensive for the Presidential election

Buffet has taken to Obama'a strategy of fixing the economy with "words", while stuffing his own pockets with more profits. He has been hitting the talk show circuit and writing Opinion pieces in the NYT pushing the Tax the Wealthy agenda for Obama :
“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress,” he wrote in an opinion article in The New York Times, a complaint he has repeated in talks and media interviews since. “It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice.”
Buffet says: "It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice " I would agree with that statement, but pushing the tax the wealthy theme is NOT getting serious it's kicking the can down the road and damaging an already fragile economy. Buffet is a self-serving slug.

The Obama presidency has rapidly hastened the arrival of midnight on our country and our economy. While Obama and his rich friends fiddle and increase their personal profits, we are crashing. Obama is dwarfed by this job and could not help the situation if he wanted to, and after three years into this debacle -- that is still a BIG "if" -- we still don't know what his true motives are.

Look up the term "Community Organizer" and see what they do, they don't organize communities. They preach fear-mongering, hate, and racism to polarize the people and extort money from the government, banks, and taxpayers for themselves and their cronies.

Personally I don't care about about the wealthiest top one or two percent. I am sure they can take care of themselves, and you can tax clowns like Buffet, Gates, Zuckerburg into oblivion for all I care, in fact PLEASE do. Tax them so bad that they will never stick their heads up, or shoot their self-serving mouths off in public again. What concerns me is the narrow-minded, selfishness, and pettiness coming from the office of the President of the United States, and the devastating effect that this class-warfare, tax and spend mentality is having on small and medium sized businesses and the middle class- we are under a siege mentality, under siege by a government looking under every rock for more revenue to keep the insane cycle of tax more -- spend more -- going until it breaks us, as it is doing to Europe.

Big Corporations and people like Buffet don't pay taxes, they pass them on or hire lawyers to find the loopholes -- Whatever they hand over to the feds in taxes is easily made up for by passing that cost on to consumers and the middle class. In class-warfare it's the middle class that suffers the most casualties, not the wealthy.

Small business is being hammered by Federal and State taxes, regulations, health care costs, fees, fines, and whatever other name the states and feds can come up with to call a tax. States especially those who are led by Democratic governors and legislatures that are following Obama's tax and spend lead and have -- if it breathes, moves or has a pulse TAX IT -- we don't need no stinking spending cuts-- and it is having devastating effects on those economies, just look at States like Nevada, California, and Illinois.

The 500 pound gorilla in the room that our so-called leader cannot bring himself to deal with is "Tax Reform" a complete overhaul of our tax system, it doesn't work. And the implementation of a fair system that makes everyone a stakeholder in our success and our future. One that generates revenue and doesn't cause people to hide their incomes, and businesses to flee overseas. that is a "Presidential" message not singling out political targets for attack, and beating the drums for class-warfare.

"Tax Reform" that's a Presidential message -- "The Buffet Rule" is a Community organizer's extortion stunt.

Geithner Lectures Europe on Fiscal Responsibilty - Really, he did

Our financial wizard extraordinaire, US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, showed up in Europe for what he expected to be a love in between himself and the European Welfare Zone. Instead he got bitch slapped for chastising European leaders on "loose talk" and infighting. Austria's finance minister put Geithner in his place.

Geithner warns EU against infighting over Greece
"Speaking at a closed meeting of eurozone finance ministers in Poland, he is reported to have told them that the divisions were "very damaging".Some eurozone ministers seemed unhappy with Mr Geithner's comments.They have also delayed a decision over Greece's next bailout loan.

Mr Geithner reportedly said: "What's very damaging is not just seeing the divisiveness in the debate over strategy in Europe but the ongoing conflict between countries and the [European] central bank." He said that "governments and central banks need to take out the catastrophic risk to markets".

His presence at the meeting was measure of how concerned the US is about the danger of economic contagion from Europe's government debt and banking crisis.But his comments about ending divisions seemed to open up some new ones.

Austria's Finance Minister Maria Fekter was one eurozone politician at the meeting who voiced her objection to Mr Geithner's comments.

She said: "I found it peculiar that even though the Americans have significantly worse fundamental [economic] data than the eurozone, that they tell us what we should do."

Mish's Gobal Economic Trends: Geithner Believes "Woods Populated by Pixies"

The quote of the day goes to Jamie Robertson of BBC World News:
"There may be a few people who still believe Greece will not default on its debt, but my suspicion is most of them also believe elephants can fly and the woods are populated by pixies."

In a sense, Geithner is correct. Infighting should stop. However, needs to with the bus in a logical spot, not in woods populated by Geithner loving Pixies. The logical spot is default, with further talk of a Eurozone breakup, not with everyone bowing to Geithner and Pixies.
There is still a sizable amount of people in America that belive Obama, Geithner, and Bernake know what they are doing. This stunt should prove beyond any doubt Geithner is as clueless as Bernake was when he disagreed that we were about to have a recession, and housing crash - We should be very worried.

Foe more on the reasons a Euro breakup is inevitable, please see Eurozone Breakup Logistics (Never Believe Anything Until It's Officially Denied)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

5 Reasons Why GOP Should Give up on Minorities

GOP politicians are constantly trying court black and Hispanic voters, by giving into wasteful, useless welfare programs that don't work, and going soft on immigrations laws that are undermining our laws and our economy, under the delusion that this will lure minorities to vote for them. After over a half a century of these appeasement policies only one thing has become clear - It ain't going to happen, at least not this way.

5 Reasons why Republicans should stop reaching out to minorities

1. The majority of Blacks have never shown indication that they would switch to GOP candidates, regardless of the Republican's stance on entitlements and welfare programs.

2. The majority of Hispanics have never shown much interest in switching their vote to the GOP candidate regardless of their positions on immigrations policies, or entitlements and welfare programs.

3. Over Ninety percent of the people in America that support, limited government, fiscal responsibility, individual freedoms, and State's rights -- all GOP core principles, are white.

4. Ninety percent of Blacks and Hispanics support the Democratic party's core principles of a Nanny State government, welfare states, tax and spend Keynesian economic policies, and the shredding, and ultimate destruction of the Constitution through judicial usurpation

5. Post racial America is a myth -- we are NOT post racial at all - We are hyper-racial - Over ninety percent of blacks and overwhelming majority of Hispanics will begrudgingly vote for Obama in 2012, despite the fact that their lives have been made harsher, more unpredictable, and they have suffered the most economically from Obama's failed economic policies.

It is time for the GOP to start reaching "in" to the majority that support their core values and principles, and stop trying to reach "out" to minorities that do not - If we have learned anything from Obama, it's that you cannot lead a country from behind.

According to Gallup polls () Only 11% of Republicans are Hispanics, or are blacks or members of other races. By contrast, only 12% of Democrats are white conservatives.

A majority of Republicans say they want their party and its candidates to move in a more conservative direction. Which means back to basics and the core values and principles that made America the Great Nation it is -- limited government, fiscal responsibility, individualism, self-responsibility, self-reliance, independent spirit, and individual liberty.

We have reached an ideological schism - If you are still an independent in this hyper-partisan political environment you either don't care, or aren't paying attention - The middle ground is slipping away, the two choices are clear - Follow the Franco-German welfare states in Europe off the cliff to fiscal destruction, or get back to the American values and principles that got us here.

Republicans nave not always held firm to those values, and too often put self-interests, party, and votes before country. But with the Tea Party nipping at their heels they are slowly making the pivot back toward smaller more effective government, fiscal responsibility, individual freedom and open markets that encourage small and medium businesses and entrepreneurship, that is what we excel at.

We should be talking about how to dismantle all the Keynisian clown economics that have eaten away at fiscal integrity and social stability over the last century. Start to get control of, or better yet, do away with, the Fed and fractional banking. Get the banks out of the investment and hedge fund business and back to saving and lending money. Get our currency back on solid ground with a gold standard. Let toxic banks and businesses fail and let the guys who got it right step up to take their place as they should. Let investors who take high risks accept their own losses and stop pushing them off on the taxpayers. And get the government out of rigging the game for their own personal and political interests. Those are the discussions that should be coming out of Washington.

Americans and the GOP needs to stop being bullied by the left and their media propaganda. We can control our destiny. -- It is not a done deal that we will be eventually overrun by poverty, sexual perverts, illegal aliens, criminals, gangsters, drug cartels and Sharia law, by 2050 -- And even if it were inevitable -- we should go down fighting for what we believe in and not just give up like the Europeans have.

Americans Are Increasingly Hostile to the Federal Government,and the majority of Americans now do NOT buy into the "Tea Party are terrorists" hype pushed by the Obama administration and mainstream media 55 % disagree The GOP's policies and core beliefs are gaining ground, and the GOP isn't even paying attention- The middle ground is sliding out from underneath us, it's time to stand on our principles and take America back, or go down fighting for it.

The core values of our culture and country do NOT have to depend on "skin color" but the Democratic party and the mainstream media has used "skin color" to polarize and divide Americans along racial lines to support their political agenda. That is the reality we have to deal with.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Pass This Bill " or I'll never shut up

Obama continued on the campaign trail in COLUMBUS, Ohio where he spoke, excuse me, campaigned on his so-called "Jobs Bill", and implored Congress to follow his lead off the cliff of fiscal insanity and adopt his nearly $450 billion jobs plan, promising it would help workers in the construction industry and rebuild schools in crumbling condition - and he added "My question to Congress is, what on earth are we waiting for ? "

Actually that is a very good question. One of the things we are waiting for is find out what happened to the billions of dollars in the first stimulus that was promised would go to "help workers in the construction industry and rebuild schools in crumbling condition" ?

Comrade Obama likes to come up with chants and slogans to memorize the masses, and his cult followers love them -- Who can forget the video of Obama being primed by his handlers and cued backstage on how to fire up the crowd with his ""Yes We Can" chant -- I knew we were in deep trouble when I saw that stunt, then there was the slogan from the first Stimulus "Shovel Ready" he actually laughed at us after he got the money and we were stupid enough to ask where the jobs were ? ha-ha-ha.

Then there were the Health-care slogans "It's not a Tax" well, yes it is, ha-ha-ha, and "You can keep your insurance if you want" well, maybe not, ha-ha-ha, and now we have "Pass This Bill"

At a high school in the critical electoral state of Ohio, Obama delivered a fiery campaign speech to plug his plan. The outdoor audience was more than willing follow their pop culture idol in adopting his refrain and chanting it back to him, shouting: "Pass this bill!" -- It's amazing how Obama can adopt almost any insane policy, create a slogan, and how many people will blindly chant and follow him, is this still America ?

Obama also asked congress "what on earth are we waiting for ?" But I have a feeling that Obama and his followers are not waiting for an answer, the question is meant only in the rhetorical sense, There is no desire to open the discussion or debate, or include other ideas -- and the reasons to wait are many.

If you are not a Kool Aid drinker, or Obama cult follower and are curious why this guy runs around stumping to promote such a piss poor excuse for an economic policy, the answer is simple, Obama watches the polls.38% of Americans are Kool Aid drinkers and support this so-called "Jobs Bill" 36 % oppose it, and a whopping 26 % are undecided. Obama is trying to swing those undecideds into his camp -- It doesn't matter if it's a good bill, effective bill, or just another pork and patronage bill to pay off the unions and his campaign donors - ITS MY BILL -- PASS IT DAMN IT !

How the hell can you be undecided at such a critical time as this, when the future of America, our jobs, our economy, and the future of our children hangs in the balance ? It's unforgivable.

Obama's list of ideas of how to pay for this all involve cutting future spending years from now or other sleight-of-hand magic like cutting programs that were not in the budget. Also possible are tax hike proposals that will be dead on arrival in the House.

Ultimately he will kick it down the road to the gang-of 12 to figure out how to make this plan balanced -- Good luck with that by the way.

Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas summed it very nicely when he said "It's not the role of this committee to spend more money we don't have on jobs we don't get."

Newt delivers a "knock-out " on Social Security question

Many conservatives like Rush Limbaugh are warning Republicans NOT to get caught up in "side issues" like immigration, and Social Security - That it is a trick by the Democrats to control the discussion and steer it away from Obama's dismal economic policies. If so, so be it. As Newt proves in this video with his response to a question about Social Security: "I'm Not Worried About Romney Or Perry When Obama Scares America Every Single Day! " - The democrats are in the unenviable position of having to support a failed administration, they are vulnerable on every issue, this is no time to play it safe.

Cook County expands on Obama's backdoor immigration policy

The jubilation has barely faded in main-stream media in celebration of the Obama backdoor amnesty program before the open borders jurisdictions have began to expand on it - Cook County won’t hold felons for immigration and will release them - This is a Constitutional nightmare.

The Chicago Sun-Times is reporting, that Cook County, that beacon honest government, has decided to award itself the right to release illegal immigrants involved in other, serious, felonies over Federal objections if they would otherwise be released or can post bail, and super-size Obama's loosely, ill-conceived, reelection immigration policy.

The county board voted 10-5 Wednesday to allow a to halt the practice of employing such holds on behalf of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office. Commissioners Liz Gorman of Orland Park, Gregg Goslin of Glenview, Timothy Schneider of Bartlett, Peter Silvestri of Elmwood Park and John Daley of Chicago voted against the measure sponsored by Commissioner Jesus Garcia of Chicago. Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart can now ignore requests from the federal government to hold suspected illegal immigrants for an additional 48 hours in jail after they’ve either completed their sentence or bailed out ahead of trial.

It will be interesting to see if the "Department of Selective Justice" goes after Cook County for creating it's own immigration laws, as fast as it went after Arizona and Alabama.

In legal challenges to both states’ immigration control laws, the DOJ claims the measures undermine the federal government's immigration enforcement authority. A state cannot set its own immigration policy, much less pass laws that conflict with federal enforcement of the immigration laws, according to the DOJ.

In this case a major county with a population bigger than 29 U.S. states is clearly defying a federal mandate created to protect its residents from foreign criminals.

Supporters of the initiative called the federal hold requests “unfunded mandates” and argued that “millions of dollars” would be saved if they were no longer allowed. They also complained such holds were unconstitutional and violated due process laws.

“What we’re doing here today is righting a wrong against people that are on the soil of Cook County,” said Commissioner Larry Suffredin, an Evanston Democrat.Federal immigration officials may still request such holds if they are willing to pay for them, according to the resolution. A sheriff’s department official said the cost of such holds amount to $143 a day.

See also :  Cook County halts federal immigration holds

Opponents on the board worried that it set a bad precedent and would allow convicted criminals to thwart deportation efforts.“This ordinance in my opinion is a monumental mistake,” said Schneider, a Republican. “These people are going to go back into our communities and commit more crimes.”

The policy has already gone into effect: Chicago Administrative Amnesty Beneficiary Sanchez.

"Eduardo E. Sanchez blew a red light, and then punched and elbowed a police officer who arrested him — sending the officer to the hospital earlier this week, authorities said.

But after being charged with a felony and several traffic offenses, the 32-year-old Southwest Side man posted 10 percent of his $25,000 bond and walked out of Cook County Jail Wednesday, thanks to an hours-old ordinance passed by Cook County commissioners.

While federal authorities had requested the sheriff’s office hold Sanchez for up to 48 hours after he posted bond, the new county ordinance instructs the sheriff to disregard those requests and release suspected illegal immigrants just like anyone else who posts bond… Sanchez…was among several inmates with ICE detainers who were charged with felonies but who posted bond and walked out of jail since Wednesday’s county board vote.

President Obama’s example in refusing to enforce immigration law is being followed, and now expanded on, by the open borders jurisdictions. This is a first-rate Constitutional crisis. WHERE IS THE GOP? As far as I know only U.S. Representative Lou Barletta, PA-11  has categorically condemned the Obama coup.

Perry's Immigration Problem

In the Sept. 7 Republican debate, Perry, governor of a border state for more than a decade, didn't have much to say about immigration. When asked how he would secure the U.S.-Mexican border, his answer was "boots on the ground" -- Border Patrol agents -- and more unmanned drone aircraft - many Republicans and conservatives fear is that he is too soft on immigration. he did go on to criticize Obama on the issue by saying ;
"For the president of the United States to go to El Paso, Texas, and say that the border is safer than it's ever been, either he has some of the poorest intel of a president in the history of this country, or he was an abject liar to the American people," Perry said. "It is not safe on that border."
But Romney was prepared for the question and hit it out of the park, first, he called for a fence along the border. Then, he called for more U.S. agents to secure the fence. And then he called for measures to turn off what he called the "magnet" drawing illegal immigrants to the United States. "Sanctuary cities, giving tuition breaks to the kids of illegal aliens, employers that knowingly hire people who are here illegally -- those things also have to be stopped," Romney said.

The "magnet" and "Sanctuary cities" are the key points in getting a handle on illegal aliens entering the U.S. and now Obama's backdoor amnesty program is yet another magnet drawing them in. Now once they get here they can mostly stay if they keep a low profile and don't break any serious laws. Laws such as illegal entry, document fraud, personal ID theft, driving under the influence, are not likely to get illegals deported any longer - and since the the new policy just begun we are not sure what will ? murder ? rape ? aggravated assault ? carrying a concealed deadly weapon ? we don't know it's entirely up to the discretion of immigration officials, who under Obama are very illegal alien friendly and likely to be very lenient.

Perry's positions will alienate a significant part of the Republican primary electorate. Romney or some other candidate will take advantage of that.

Perry doesn't support the idea of a fence, "Building a wall on the entire border is a preposterous idea," he said recently in New Hampshire. "The only thing a wall would possibly accomplish is to help the ladder business." Perry says he supports some forms of "strategic fencing in certain urban areas," but that's all.

Perry opposes E-Verify, which is a program requiring employers to check the legal status of new hires. It has been very effective in stopping the hiring of illegals, but Perry does not support requiring private businesses to use it, and he doesn't want state agencies in Texas to use it, either. "E-Verify would not make a hill of beans' difference in what's happening today," Perry said in a 2010 debate.

What does Perry support ? Taxpayer-subsidized, in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. Perry signed the Texas Dream Act in 2001. "We must say to every Texas child learning in a Texas classroom, 'We don't care where you came from, but where you are going," Perry said, which makes for a good sound bite, but does nothing to stop Mexico from exporting the education of it's children to the U.S, or helping Americans kids who are getting the shaft when it comes to getting a decent education in the U.S.

Perry also supports a guest worker program "I support a guest worker program that takes undocumented workers off the black market and legitimizes their economic contributions without providing them citizenship status," Perry said in 2006. "A guest worker program that provides foreign workers with an ID removes the incentive for millions of people to illegally enter our country." that's just amnesty with a different label.

The fact that Perry is the Governor of Texas may be a major strike against him after all, not because of liberal "Cowboy" meme that get pushed around in the media, but because of his myopic views on national policies - We don't need a "President of Texas", we need a "President of the the United States" and just duplicating laws that have been implemented in Texas because Texas has created jobs and has an economy with a pulse does mean they are good for the country - On one issue alone Perry's support of guest worker program tries to make the argument that by legalizing these workers they will pay taxes and therefore become productive members of our society - Nothing could be further from the truth. Illegals aliens don't risk their lives, leave their families, and country to come here to see what they can put in, they come here to see what they can get - We already know that while some may pay taxes - it pales in comparison to what they get back in educational grants - social services, and welfare.

The TREASURY INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR TAX ADMINISTRATION RECOVERY ACT has just released a shocking report that revels that with our debt standing at over $14.5 trillion and counting, The Internal Revenue Service allowed undocumented workers to collect $4.2 billion in refundable tax credits last year, a new audit says, almost quadruple the sum five years ago.

We need a President who sees the big picture, and abides by his oath to serve and protect the people of the United States, not another president that thinks he has all the answers and is above the laws and can ignore our Constitution, because he knows better. Maybe he'd be better off staying in Texas.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Obama's Uncle Get's Back Door Amnesty

 No surprise here. The Boston Globe reported Friday that Onyango Obama, the half-brother of the president’s father, was released from jail Thursday after being held for more than two weeks on an immigration detainer after he was arrested on a drunk-driving charge.

Asked about the case last week, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told reporters she couldn’t comment on a specific matter and didn’t know enough about the incident. Yea right, she probably handled the "fix" for Obama's uncle personally.

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee said Friday that President Obama’s half-uncle, an illegal immigrant who was picked up but has reportedly been released from jail, appears to have benefited from the new “backdoor amnesty” the administration announced last month.

“It appears there is a double standard — one for President Obama’s family and one for everyone else,” Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican, said. “Last year, President Obama’s illegal immigrant aunt was granted asylum and now his illegal immigrant uncle has been released from [the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency] custody, even though he was arrested by authorities for drunk driving.”

Just what we need another illegal alien drunk driver running loose killing Americans. Obama's new "backdoor amnesty"policy gives  immigration authorities more discretion to let illegal immigrants go, rather than pursue efforts to deport them. The new policy of course doesn't include entering the country illegally, overstaying your visa, drunk driving, document forgery, personal identification theft etc., as breaking law, and we still don't know what they will consider breaking law, it appears to be highly discretionary and will probably be applied unevenly and unfairly as in the case of the highly connected  Uncle Onyang, who no doubt used his pull with his nephew to ignore our laws for his benefit.

Rep. Lamar Smith said the case will be the first “test case” for a new Homeland Security policy announced last month that gives immigration authorities more discretion to let illegal immigrants go, rather than pursue efforts to deport them.

Now illegal aliens will have to commit more serious crimes before facing deportation , and if they are politically connected like Uncle Onyang probably not even then. And no doubt there will be many more crimes committed against Americans.Cross your fingers and hope it's not YOU or one of your loved ones that becomes a victim of one of these so-called test cases for backdoor amnesty -- many Americans have and will continue to be victims of illegal aliens that disrespect our laws.

A White House spokesman said last week that he did not expect the man to receive special treatment.

The Globe said it was unclear where the president’s uncle was.

So shut up and move on --  nothing to see here.

 It's a "STUPID"  "DANGEROUS" policy

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Solyndra-Gate will take Obama down

I sat out the circus on the reelection speech that Obama gave to a Joint Session of Congress - I was really disgusted by the whole pitiful thing to be bothered. Most of what was going to be said was already leaked, and it was nothing new, even the lies were rehashed from the first Stimulus.

Yesterday I watched the speech for the first time. I lost count on how many lies Obama told at about 8 - 10, and couldn't be sure any longer if I should count them as new lie, or just a spin on a old lie. Then I was literally floored when I heard this :
The American Jobs Act will repair and modernize at least 35,000 schools. It will put people to work right now fixing roofs and windows; installing science labs and high-speed internet in classrooms all across this country.
Excuse me, but wasn't this what we were paying for in the first Stimulus ? Incredibly Obama stood in frot of Congress and the American people and white washed over the fact that stimulus one was a pork and patronage bill that was completely squandered -- then with almost a sarcastic glance toward Congress he added :
The White House could be trusted to be good stewards of the money; "And to make sure the money is properly spent, we're building on reforms we've already put in place. No more earmarks. No more boondoggles."
Apparently Obama believes that it is pork only when somebody else does it, and seemed completely oblivious to scandalous failures like Solyndra and other claims of cronyism from the first Stimulus hanging over the White House.

The demise of Solyndra has already sparked an FBI investigation, congressional hearings, have raised numerous questions of political cronyism and corruption connected to the highest levels of the Obama Administration. Let's see how far it gets -- and if the Obama administration is as successful in covering this one up, as they have been with the others  such as; gunrunner, stimulus spending, trading political favors for jobs etc ,. Maybe not this time, this one is bad.

The Solyndra debacle is rapidly becoming a "big" White House scandal. It is far too symptomatic of an Administration that is founded not on principle, but on Chicago-style cronyism and political corruption in the worst sense of the term. Obama learned his lesson well coming up through the "Chicago Mob" he rarely gets caught, having been mentored by radical terrorists, slum lords, Acorn activists, and gangsters -- most of his bidding is done by others, however as often happens with gangsters they get too much power, become too confident and screw up, Solyandra is the screw up that will take this "gangster government " down

Obama doesn't hate millionaires and billionaires, quite to the contrary, he loves them. He only hates the ones that do not pay up to his campaign fund, and do not support his political policies. George B. Kaiser of Tulsa, a billionaire with banking and oil and gas interests that rank him among the wealthiest people in the world, reportedly contributed $53,500 personally and bundled large amounts more for Obama in 2008, and is also one of the largest investor in Solyndra. Kaiser also visited the White House 16 times between 2009 and 2011. The White House public records indicate that three of Kaiser's visits were on March 12, 2009 and one the following day in which he met with "a Senior Adviser, the former Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, the Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council, and the Deputy Director of the National Economic Council." The $535 million loan was officially approved one week later.

That loan guarantee agreement negotiated on behalf of Solyndra was fast-tracked through approval by Obama Administration officials at the Department of Energy and "included the lowest interest of all the green projects" benefiting from DoE funding, according to ABC News.

The guarantee also subordinated the taxpayer's credit position to private investors, like George Kaiser, should the company go bust.  Republicans warned that the deal "put taxpayers at unnecessary risk" but their warning went unheeded.   This means Kaiser will be at the front of the distribution line when Solyndra assets are liquidated.  Chances of any recovery for the taxpayers is somewhere between slim and none.

The Obama administration even ignored an audit released  just weeks before his visit to Solyndra by PricewaterhouseCoopers that the company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 16, 2010 that should have given the President and the White House considerable pause.   Noting that in the first five years of operation the company had sustained $558 million in losses, the audit report said Solyndra "has suffered recurring losses from operations, negative cash flows since inception and has a net stockholders' deficit that, among other factors, raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern."

Undaunted, Obama arrived on May 26 and praised the solar energy company as the poster child of the $25 billion green energy grants and subsidies doled out through his pork and patronage Economic Stimulus.   Less than two months ago, Solyndra CEO Brian Harrison visited Capitol Hill "trumpeting the company's successes and praising the government loan."  According to Henry Waxman (CA) and Diana DeGette (CO), Harrison assured them that Solyndra was in a "strong financial position."  Apparently, Harrison's verbal reassurance was enough due diligence oversight on behalf of the taxpayers to satisfy the two leading Democrat green energy evangelists.   They now feign surprise that Harrison "did not convey to us the perilous condition of the company."

House Republicans began pressing the Administration for more disclosure about the loan earlier this year—an effort that the White House budget office did not seem to welcome. In July, the Energy and Commerce Committee issued a subpoena to force the White House to answer its queries, which it finally started to do in August.

It will be interesting to see whether or not this investigation gets thrown behind a file cabinet somewhere with the rest of the investigations into the "gangster government" -- Maybe not this time.

Read more here  -- Wall Street Journal  Solyndra Scandal

Libya : Let the Bloodletting Begin

The end game is being played out in Libya. Rebel troops sit and await the final push. Armed Libyan factions within the rebel alliance are waiting like panting hound dogs outside the city limits. They are determined, not only to rid the world of Gadhafi but all those within his tribe who benefited from his 42-year rule.

The cycle of violence continues as it has for over a thousand years. The victims become the victimizers, with the U.N., American, French, and British forces picking the winners and losers in the name of protecting the civilians, and promoting democracy and freedom -- Nothing could be further from the truth.

The vendettas in Libya have already begun. Government buildings in Tripoli have been looted. Poor black sub-Saharan African immigrant workers have been beaten and killed They have become targets of Libyan rebels because they fear that they're mercenaries in the employ of Qaddafi. Suspected Gadhafi loyalists or spies have been tortured and assassinated. These killings will get worse.

The National Transitional Council opposes the presence in Libya of U.N. military observers and police, despite widespread atrocities that are being reported. But just as Gadhafi preferred to do dirty work in secret, so will the new regime. It is an old truism, one that has played out repeatedly for over a thousand years in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, that yesterday’s victims rapidly become today’s victimizers.

The NATO air strikes on the city of Sirte expose the hypocrisy of the“humanitarian” intervention in Libya. Sirte is the last Gadhafi stronghold and the home to Gadhafi’s tribe. When this began six months ago,the United Nations Security Council resolution authorized “all necessary measures … to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack.” Now they have become become the very monster they claimed to want to defeat.

Obama has stepped in pile of shit and he knows it. It is obvious that the NATO bombings do not have anything to do with fulfilling the original objectives of UN Security Council resolutions 1970 and 1973. The mission is to assassinate Kadafi. NATO’s claims that it is protecting Libyan civilians are dubious and in fact the main cause of civilians being slaughtered there are NATO sorties, now nearly 20,000 with more than 8,000 bombing sites. NATO has no plans to stop the bombing until one of three events occur. Those three in order of NATO preference are: Gadhafi is killed, Gadhafi “surrenders” or Gadhafi flees Libya.

Preventing civilian casualties is longer a priority , if  it ever really was ?  And NATO is looking forward to the U.N. giving them another month extension, and expects no problem with an expected U.N. extension next month when NATO’s June renewal expires. That may be in large part because because NATO has reportedly been intensively lobbying the White House to bar Gadhafi’s government from the coming UN debate. The Libyan government, which is keeping statistics on NATO-caused civilian deaths, may not even be able to present its facts to the UN meeting next month. The reason is because Secretary of State Clinton has refused to grant Libya’s UN ambassador a visa. Instead Clinton plans to arrange at the last minute for the National Transitional Council to represent the views of those being bombed by NATO.