The NYT is reporting that Obama's not so new idea is....drum roll please... "increasing taxes on millionaires" -- You don't say ? The NYT is calling this stunt "political salesmanship" The "Buffet Rule" as Obama is calling it is just new spin on his already tired old game of trying to put the Republicans on the defensive for the Presidential election
Buffet has taken to Obama'a strategy of fixing the economy with "words", while stuffing his own pockets with more profits. He has been hitting the talk show circuit and writing Opinion pieces in the NYT pushing the Tax the Wealthy agenda for Obama :
“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress,” he wrote in an opinion article in The New York Times, a complaint he has repeated in talks and media interviews since. “It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice.”Buffet says: "It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice " I would agree with that statement, but pushing the tax the wealthy theme is NOT getting serious it's kicking the can down the road and damaging an already fragile economy. Buffet is a self-serving slug.
The Obama presidency has rapidly hastened the arrival of midnight on our country and our economy. While Obama and his rich friends fiddle and increase their personal profits, we are crashing. Obama is dwarfed by this job and could not help the situation if he wanted to, and after three years into this debacle -- that is still a BIG "if" -- we still don't know what his true motives are.
Look up the term "Community Organizer" and see what they do, they don't organize communities. They preach fear-mongering, hate, and racism to polarize the people and extort money from the government, banks, and taxpayers for themselves and their cronies.
Personally I don't care about about the wealthiest top one or two percent. I am sure they can take care of themselves, and you can tax clowns like Buffet, Gates, Zuckerburg into oblivion for all I care, in fact PLEASE do. Tax them so bad that they will never stick their heads up, or shoot their self-serving mouths off in public again. What concerns me is the narrow-minded, selfishness, and pettiness coming from the office of the President of the United States, and the devastating effect that this class-warfare, tax and spend mentality is having on small and medium sized businesses and the middle class- we are under a siege mentality, under siege by a government looking under every rock for more revenue to keep the insane cycle of tax more -- spend more -- going until it breaks us, as it is doing to Europe.
Big Corporations and people like Buffet don't pay taxes, they pass them on or hire lawyers to find the loopholes -- Whatever they hand over to the feds in taxes is easily made up for by passing that cost on to consumers and the middle class. In class-warfare it's the middle class that suffers the most casualties, not the wealthy.
Small business is being hammered by Federal and State taxes, regulations, health care costs, fees, fines, and whatever other name the states and feds can come up with to call a tax. States especially those who are led by Democratic governors and legislatures that are following Obama's tax and spend lead and have -- if it breathes, moves or has a pulse TAX IT -- we don't need no stinking spending cuts-- and it is having devastating effects on those economies, just look at States like Nevada, California, and Illinois.
The 500 pound gorilla in the room that our so-called leader cannot bring himself to deal with is "Tax Reform" a complete overhaul of our tax system, it doesn't work. And the implementation of a fair system that makes everyone a stakeholder in our success and our future. One that generates revenue and doesn't cause people to hide their incomes, and businesses to flee overseas. that is a "Presidential" message not singling out political targets for attack, and beating the drums for class-warfare.
"Tax Reform" that's a Presidential message -- "The Buffet Rule" is a Community organizer's extortion stunt.