Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Far right terrorism is NOT on par with foreign Islamic threat

The American MSM seems to have been thrown a curve with the new revelations in the shootings in Norway. While most of the MSM was eager to jump on the story and publicize the ethnicity of the perp to advance it's theory that extremism comes in all flavors and even caused CNN to do a knee jerk, insane article that tries to claim that "Far right domestic terrorism is on par with foreign threat" but the MSM has been extremely slow in revealing other facts about the violence in Norway.

It seems that there is a significant pro-Palestinian movement in Norway, and Norway was getting ready to vote for Palestinian Statehood The teenagers who took part in Norway's ruling party youth camp in the island of Utoya met with Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere and demanded he recognize Palestine on Wednesday, two days before the deadly terror attack which left many of them dead. Earlier in the week, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited Norway and was told that Oslo will recognize Palestine, but not just yet. The Norwegian FM told the youths Oslo is waiting for the official Palestinian proposal to be submitted to the UN in September.

Glen Beck has come out on his syndicated radio show he likened the victims of the shooting at a Norwegian summer camp to young members of the Nazi Party. In a seven-minute segment Monday morning on the Premiere Radio Network's "The Glenn Beck Program," Beck described the attack "as a shooting at a political camp, which sounds a little like the Hitler Youth. I mean who sends their kids to a political camp?”

The American media is often slow to produce details about terrorist attacks, and mass murders especially in the U.S. unless it can verify immediately the perp is a native born American. After checking ethnicity and immigration status of the killer they either rush to use the story as proof that not only Muslims commit terrorist acts. If the perp turns out to be an illegal alien, a minority, or Muslim, they work hard at covering up the details.

For example in Binghampton in 2009 (Vietnamese immigrant, 13 dead), or in the case of the “Georgia Man“ earlier this year (Central American, two dead), we know it will go down the Orwellian Memory Hole. But if the perp is a native-born American alas, there is a flurry of interest as the ruling class in America tries to use it as an excuse to suppress its critics. Unless, of course, the “American” turns out to be the son of Muslim immigrants, like 2009 Fort Hood shooter Nidal Mailk Hasan, 12 dead.

Currently there are six deaths (including the suicidal killer) that occurred last Saturday evening in Texas (Gunman opens fire, killing 6 in domestic dispute at Grand Prairie roller rink, By Tanya Eiserer and Theodore Kim, Dallas Morning News, July 23, 2011, how many people know that the victims were Vietnamese ?

The murders in Norway are reprehensible, and unforgivable for any reason, political or otherwise. Terrorism is a despicable act no matter which group claims responsility. The MSM's cover-ups and excusing Muslims from responsibility only make it worse.

Modern terrorism as we know it today was born and bred in the Middle East. The Palestinians perfected their craft throughout the later half of the 20th century, and became a media sensation as they incorporated commercial aircraft into their reign of terror. Tens of thousands have been terrorized and killed by Muslim terrorist.

I am not advocating blaming ALL Muslims, any more than I would advocate blaming all Right wing Norwegian Christians for the latest terrorist attack in Norway. But the media cover ups are just compounding and distorting the problem. There are a much
larger number of Islamist terrorists who commit the vast majority of terror attacks worldwide, and represent a greater threat than the rare, although sadly effective, domestic terrorists like Norway's Breivik or the always cited Timothy McVeigh.

The facts show that more than 90% of the terror attacks committed each year are done by avowed Muslims in the cause of jihad. That is not an indictment of all Muslims any more than Breivik's Christianity is an indictment of all Christians. It is simply noting who is perpetrating these horrific acts and what their cause is, and informing the public of the facts, not propagandizing these incidents to fit their political narratives.

As the late great Jack Web used to say, "Just the facts ma'am, just the facts " that is what should drive our counter terrorism efforts, not Orwellian double-speak, and political correctness gone mad.

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