The NYT is fascinated with the phone hacking scandal in the UK. It seems they can't get enough of it. Could it be that they are really concerned for the family who's privacy was violated and have experienced a terrible trauma, first with the murder of their daughter, then by finding out their phones had been hacked by some overzealous, idiotic reporters ?
I am guessing not. I mean what we know about the liberal media is that cold blooded partisanship, and self-serving reporting is the norm. The interest of the people are only a casual and convenient byproduct for what is disseminated and served to the masses. It is party and cause above country as usual.
Meanwhile here at home what doesn't get much attention is a flat, hamster wheel economy that still is losing jobs, and has put millions of people out of work, people who are also losing their homes, while Obama has handed over hundreds of billions of dollars to the zombie banks, that should have been left to fail and go bankrupt, and the money used to help keep families in their
homes, and keep our communities together, not to save fat cat bankers, No outrage here by the NYT ?
Also just when you thought we had seen the last of the dirty cozy relationship between the Feds and the banks to hand out money to people who cannot pay it back (someone will have to) DOJ gets caught strong-arming small banks with potential charges of racism, if they do not set aside millions to lend to minorities for more, you guessed it, sub-prime loans. No outrage here by the NYT ?
It also seems that the investigation of operation "gun runner" by Darell Isa has revealed some very disturbing information.The Dept of Selective Justice has been running an illegal gun operation into Mexico, with the intent of creating enough outrage here to implement new gun laws to take away guns from, not gangsters, or Mexican drug cartels, but honest hardworking American people. remember when Obama said ; " 99% of the guns being used in Mexico came from the U.S. " Well another bold faced lie from the liar-in-chief, but now it seems it was part of a bigger scam by the White House to implement new gun control laws. And this one directly costs the lives of Americans. No outrage here by the NYT either ?
Obama continues to pursue his strategy of Debt Ceiling Demagoguery and Extortion, and NOT seriously addressing the issue of the National Debt, or Budget. Instead of seriously attacking our spending and debt problem, Obama has launched a two pronged smear and fear mongering campaign to restore his addiction to spending our money. First by scaring Grandma, and Grandpa into thinking that their SSI checks will not come, and then using the debt ceiling talks and refusal to raise the borrowing limit as an excuse for this sick, and dying economy. No outrage here by the NYT either ?
The Obama administration continues it's illegal war in Libya, predator strikes in Pakistan and Afghanistan targeted international killings by the state, that have killed hundreds of civilians, torture at Gitmo, and billions of dollars of stimulus money have disappeared, Billions of dollars in federal aid delivered directly to the local level to help revive the economy have gone overwhelmingly to places that supported President Obama in the 2008 presidential election.
Most of the media have confined their outrage towards torture, war, illegal banking activities, stolen money, payoffs to campaign contributors, and crony capitalism to the years 2001-2008, after that the outrage seems to have faded, no boots in the street, no demonstrations, no concern for murdered civilians, or concern for the human rights of captured terrorists, except of course unless something interesting happens in Israel that fits their narrative. And no concern for the millions of America people who are losing their jobs, and their homes as a result of a Ponzi schemed cooked up by the Federal government, and the big banks to steal our wealth.
Maybe that's the real story.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Obama tosses hope & change under the bus, again .
Never let a crisis go to waste. The fear mongering continues, the hope and change, well that was an election slogan.
That is quite simply an easily refutable bold faced lie.
The truth? As Cato Institute Senior Fellow Michael Tanner points out, the U.S. Treasury estimates that they will collect approximately $203 billion in the month of August. During that same month, interest payments on the debt will total $29 billion.
In other words, there will more than enough money to meet our interest obligations, as well as payments for Social Security, Medicare and military salaries. The real problem is that the government is scheduled to spend $307 billion the same month,
leaving a shortfall of $104 billion.
The only way Grandma and Grandpa will get stiffed is if Obama and Geithner make a concious effort to stiff them, more than enough money will be in the coffers to pay them.
More of that demagoguing apparently occurred on Wednesday. According to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), Mr. Obama “abruptly walked out” of the latest debt ceiling negotiations, after telling Mr. Cantor that no other president would put up with the way he was being treated by the majority leader. He then warned Cantor he would take his case “to the American people.”
Make that some of the American people. For a president who has made a career out of playing one group of Americans off another, his “case” will always come down to the ultimate expression of demagoguery: “us” against “them.”
For as much as they will give me for Social Security, they can take it and shove it. Give me a free, open economy, where I have a chance to survive on my own, and let me keep what I earn for myself and family stick the Federal government dog collar you want to put around my neck up there with your Social Security.
”I cannot guarantee that those [Social Security] checks go out on August 3rd if we haven’t resolved this issue,” the president told CBS News anchor Scott Pelley , ”because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it.”
That is quite simply an easily refutable bold faced lie.
The truth? As Cato Institute Senior Fellow Michael Tanner points out, the U.S. Treasury estimates that they will collect approximately $203 billion in the month of August. During that same month, interest payments on the debt will total $29 billion.
In other words, there will more than enough money to meet our interest obligations, as well as payments for Social Security, Medicare and military salaries. The real problem is that the government is scheduled to spend $307 billion the same month,
leaving a shortfall of $104 billion.
The only way Grandma and Grandpa will get stiffed is if Obama and Geithner make a concious effort to stiff them, more than enough money will be in the coffers to pay them.
More of that demagoguing apparently occurred on Wednesday. According to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), Mr. Obama “abruptly walked out” of the latest debt ceiling negotiations, after telling Mr. Cantor that no other president would put up with the way he was being treated by the majority leader. He then warned Cantor he would take his case “to the American people.”
Make that some of the American people. For a president who has made a career out of playing one group of Americans off another, his “case” will always come down to the ultimate expression of demagoguery: “us” against “them.”
For as much as they will give me for Social Security, they can take it and shove it. Give me a free, open economy, where I have a chance to survive on my own, and let me keep what I earn for myself and family stick the Federal government dog collar you want to put around my neck up there with your Social Security.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Bernake sees chance to blame economic failure on Congress.
The economy is a disaster the Feds micro mis-mangement of the economy, and the collapse of the dollar have increased fears that we are now facing another recession and possibly even financial collapse.
Bernanke repeatedly plunges headlong into fiscal policy, hoping to place the blame for the next collapse on anyone other than the Fed. The fact that Bernake is looking for scapegoats is worrisome. The collapse may be coming, or they just don't know what will happen and are hedging their bets. Whatever is going on Chairman Bernanke warned on Thursday that overzealous cuts to government spending in the short term could derail a shaky recovery and said a debt default could wreak financial havoc.
Did you get that ? Cuts to federal spending could wreak havoc in the economy. The tag team of Obama and Bernake have wreaked more havoc in 2 1/2 years then we have seen since the Great Depression. For Bernake to try an blame the Congress for insisting on spending cuts for this hamster wheel failed economy, is not only a joke, it's irresponsible political pandering, and the reason why why are in the mess in the first place. We have NO leadership.
Bernanke repeatedly plunges headlong into fiscal policy, hoping to place the blame for the next collapse on anyone other than the Fed. The fact that Bernake is looking for scapegoats is worrisome. The collapse may be coming, or they just don't know what will happen and are hedging their bets. Whatever is going on Chairman Bernanke warned on Thursday that overzealous cuts to government spending in the short term could derail a shaky recovery and said a debt default could wreak financial havoc.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned on Thursday that overzealous cuts to government spending in the short term could derail a shaky recovery and said a debt default could wreak financial havoc.
"I only ask ... as Congress looks at the timing and composition of its changes to the budget, that it does take into account that in the very near term the recovery is still rather fragile, and that sharp and excessive cuts in the very short term would be potentially damaging to that recovery," Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee.
On the second day of delivering the Fed's semiannual monetary policy report to Congress, Bernanke renewed his warning that a United States debt default would be devastating for the U.S. and global economies.
"It would be a calamitous outcome," Bernanke said. "It would create a very severe financial shock that would have effects not only on the U.S. economy, but the global economy."
Failure to raise the debt limit in time would constitute a "self-inflicted wound" to the economy, he added.
Did you get that ? Cuts to federal spending could wreak havoc in the economy. The tag team of Obama and Bernake have wreaked more havoc in 2 1/2 years then we have seen since the Great Depression. For Bernake to try an blame the Congress for insisting on spending cuts for this hamster wheel failed economy, is not only a joke, it's irresponsible political pandering, and the reason why why are in the mess in the first place. We have NO leadership.
The transparent president, goes paranoid, schitzoid.
Obama's Waterloo
First Obama imposes a virtual media blackout on the Debt Limit talks. Then he opposes the Republicans request to make the talks public, so the people can see first hand his deceit, now he doesn't like Cantor, and wants to control who can participate. Since this is always about what Obama wants, what Obama likes, why don't we just limit the discussions to Obama, Reid, Pelosi and McConnell. That way Obama can get everything HE wants, and we can call the talks bipartisan.
Where is the Transparency Czar when you need him ?
First Obama imposes a virtual media blackout on the Debt Limit talks. Then he opposes the Republicans request to make the talks public, so the people can see first hand his deceit, now he doesn't like Cantor, and wants to control who can participate. Since this is always about what Obama wants, what Obama likes, why don't we just limit the discussions to Obama, Reid, Pelosi and McConnell. That way Obama can get everything HE wants, and we can call the talks bipartisan.
Where is the Transparency Czar when you need him ?
Dems bash Cantor over debt talks - Cantor must be doing something right.
Democrats bash Cantor over debt talks.
Someone must always be the fall guy for Obama's failures, Bush, Cantor, Ryan, et al, Truth is Obama threw the temper tantrum , took his ball and went home. Cantor must have dissed the messiah ? It's about time. Turn up the heat on this guy, he can't take it. He is privileged, whining, ideologue, that is tightly managed and protected.
Obama is primarily responsible for our debt crisis. He rammed through Congress the $1 trillion failed economic stimulus. He has approved successive budget deficits of $1.5 trillion, and he has saddled us with Obamacare, which will cost trillions of dollars and add more than 30 million Americans to the rolls of Medicaid.
Obama is looking for huge tax increases to support his welfare state, in exchange for PROMISES of entitlement reform, that's it, PROMISES.
Much of the $1 trillion that Democrats have allocated to reduce domestic spending over 10 years comes from money that was supposed to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as $500 billion in interest on those outlays. In other words, the supposed “spending cuts” are nothing more than smoke and mirrors.
The liberals cling to their dream of a Socialist welfare state even as the European models come crashing down around us.
Someone must always be the fall guy for Obama's failures, Bush, Cantor, Ryan, et al, Truth is Obama threw the temper tantrum , took his ball and went home. Cantor must have dissed the messiah ? It's about time. Turn up the heat on this guy, he can't take it. He is privileged, whining, ideologue, that is tightly managed and protected.
Obama is primarily responsible for our debt crisis. He rammed through Congress the $1 trillion failed economic stimulus. He has approved successive budget deficits of $1.5 trillion, and he has saddled us with Obamacare, which will cost trillions of dollars and add more than 30 million Americans to the rolls of Medicaid.
Obama is looking for huge tax increases to support his welfare state, in exchange for PROMISES of entitlement reform, that's it, PROMISES.
Much of the $1 trillion that Democrats have allocated to reduce domestic spending over 10 years comes from money that was supposed to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as $500 billion in interest on those outlays. In other words, the supposed “spending cuts” are nothing more than smoke and mirrors.
The liberals cling to their dream of a Socialist welfare state even as the European models come crashing down around us.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Selling Out !
Okay it's been a long fight. Obama and the Democrats have been utterly irresponsible, and obstinate about spending cuts, and insist that raising taxes (revenue) is the answer to our fiscal woes.
The Democrats and the special interest lobbies, like unions, and government workers will fight austerity every step of the way, it is not in their own self interest. That doesn't mean we should give up.
Mitch McConnell wants to make it even easier by allowing Congress to go through a dog and pony show of feigned cuts that never get cut while allowing escalation of our national debt, McConnell was careful to describe his plan as a "last-choice option" but several conservative groups took aim at the minority leader for effectively destroying, in their view, any leverage Republicans had to negotiate with the president.
This McConnell dog and pony show is more liberal trickery that proposes feigned cuts that never get cut while allowing escalation of our national debt to go on unfettered.
It's a cop out, and a weasel move. This is NOT what the elections in 2010 were all about. And now the fear that Republicans would "cave" and going back to being inside the beltway politicians is coming true.
Now is the time to act, contact your representatives and let them know you do not support his weasel tactics of giving in.
Republicans need to demand concessions from the tax and spend Democrats before raising the Debt Limit Ceiling. Those concessions need to include accross the board spending cuts, not just defense spending and iron clad balanced budget amendment, so we don't have to go through this again. We can do away with the Dept of Education, The Dept of Energy. That would be a good start before tackling Social Security, and Medicare.
Here is where you can find your representative's contact info
The Democrats and the special interest lobbies, like unions, and government workers will fight austerity every step of the way, it is not in their own self interest. That doesn't mean we should give up.
Mitch McConnell wants to make it even easier by allowing Congress to go through a dog and pony show of feigned cuts that never get cut while allowing escalation of our national debt, McConnell was careful to describe his plan as a "last-choice option" but several conservative groups took aim at the minority leader for effectively destroying, in their view, any leverage Republicans had to negotiate with the president.
This McConnell dog and pony show is more liberal trickery that proposes feigned cuts that never get cut while allowing escalation of our national debt to go on unfettered.
It's a cop out, and a weasel move. This is NOT what the elections in 2010 were all about. And now the fear that Republicans would "cave" and going back to being inside the beltway politicians is coming true.
Now is the time to act, contact your representatives and let them know you do not support his weasel tactics of giving in.
Republicans need to demand concessions from the tax and spend Democrats before raising the Debt Limit Ceiling. Those concessions need to include accross the board spending cuts, not just defense spending and iron clad balanced budget amendment, so we don't have to go through this again. We can do away with the Dept of Education, The Dept of Energy. That would be a good start before tackling Social Security, and Medicare.
Here is where you can find your representative's contact info
GE's Immelt lectures business on hiring, after shipping 25,000 jobs overseas
After Shipping 25,000 Jobs Overseas, GE Chairman Tells Business Owners To Stop Blaming Obama And Hire More Workers…
Imelts firm stands as model for the Obama administration's vison of the American recovery. Jeffery Immelt cannot understand why more companies aren't hoarding money, evading taxes, and shipping jobs overseas.
It's bad enough we have to keep listening to all the noise coming out of the White House, about how "we" can do better and Obama believes in "us", and even though "he" has taken some lumps for "us", he's not giving up on "us", but now we have Jeffery Immelt, who is working as an an Obama lackey preaching to business on how to be profitable. With all the high minded lectures and finger pointing going on you could almost forget the fact that the only thing headed into the toilet faster than Obama's approval rating is GE's stock.
While GE enjoys most favored business status from the Obama regime, and huge tax breaks, government contracts, and probably a even a few holes of golf with "The Man" himself, the head of General Electric told a jobs summit at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Monday that businesses needed to take the lead on job creation.
Immelt also happens to be the chair of President Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.
Imelt goes on to say "We all need to be part of the solution.” This from a guy who’s in bed every day with part of the problem.
Sorry but my hypocrisy meter went off the charts on that one , Lack of leadership ?
Ah, yea, right.
Imelts firm stands as model for the Obama administration's vison of the American recovery. Jeffery Immelt cannot understand why more companies aren't hoarding money, evading taxes, and shipping jobs overseas.
It's bad enough we have to keep listening to all the noise coming out of the White House, about how "we" can do better and Obama believes in "us", and even though "he" has taken some lumps for "us", he's not giving up on "us", but now we have Jeffery Immelt, who is working as an an Obama lackey preaching to business on how to be profitable. With all the high minded lectures and finger pointing going on you could almost forget the fact that the only thing headed into the toilet faster than Obama's approval rating is GE's stock.
While GE enjoys most favored business status from the Obama regime, and huge tax breaks, government contracts, and probably a even a few holes of golf with "The Man" himself, the head of General Electric told a jobs summit at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Monday that businesses needed to take the lead on job creation.
"The people who are part of the business sector, the people in this room, have got to stop complaining about government and get some action underway," he told the group. "There's no excuse today for lack of leadership. The truth is we all need to be part of the solution."
Immelt also happens to be the chair of President Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.
Imelt goes on to say "We all need to be part of the solution.” This from a guy who’s in bed every day with part of the problem.
Sorry but my hypocrisy meter went off the charts on that one , Lack of leadership ?
Ah, yea, right.
Madness Abounds’ as Fake Candidates Confuse Wisconsin Recalls
‘Madness Abounds’ as Fake Candidates Confuse Wisconsin Recalls - Bloomberg
Wisconsin Democrats, upset by fiscal sanity and common sense legislation that will benefit all Wisconsin have launched a recall campaign against six Republican legislators who sided with Governor Scott Walker on much needed collective bargaining legislation.
Wisconsin voters will choose among real and fake Democrats this week to challenge six Republican senators in recall elections that may derail the agenda of Governor Scott Walker.
State election law allows open primaries, which means that voters can participate regardless of partisan affiliation. It also allows members of one party to enter another’s primary with “fake candidacies.”
“There’s nothing illegal about it,”
If any recalls succeed, that will encourage more, said, Mike McCabe, executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, a nonprofit that advocates openness in government,including one that has been started against Walker, who cannot be ousted until he has been in office a year.
Wisconsin could more or less have a permanent election season continuing through 2012, It almost becomes a foregone conclusion about recalling the governor.
I commend Governor Walker for his common-sense proposal. The results are in, the elimination of Collective Bargaining is the best thing we can do for school kids.
* Taxpayers are better off.
* School kids are better off
* Class sizes are down
* Struggling school districts now have a budget surplus
Teachers' unions did not want this of course. Why? Because they are bold faced liars that's why. There is not a damn thing unions do for kids. Every action by public unions is for public unions and no one else.
Wisconsin Democrats, upset by fiscal sanity and common sense legislation that will benefit all Wisconsin have launched a recall campaign against six Republican legislators who sided with Governor Scott Walker on much needed collective bargaining legislation.
Wisconsin voters will choose among real and fake Democrats this week to challenge six Republican senators in recall elections that may derail the agenda of Governor Scott Walker.
State election law allows open primaries, which means that voters can participate regardless of partisan affiliation. It also allows members of one party to enter another’s primary with “fake candidacies.”
“There’s nothing illegal about it,”
If any recalls succeed, that will encourage more, said, Mike McCabe, executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, a nonprofit that advocates openness in government,including one that has been started against Walker, who cannot be ousted until he has been in office a year.
Wisconsin could more or less have a permanent election season continuing through 2012, It almost becomes a foregone conclusion about recalling the governor.
I commend Governor Walker for his common-sense proposal. The results are in, the elimination of Collective Bargaining is the best thing we can do for school kids.
* Taxpayers are better off.
* School kids are better off
* Class sizes are down
* Struggling school districts now have a budget surplus
Teachers' unions did not want this of course. Why? Because they are bold faced liars that's why. There is not a damn thing unions do for kids. Every action by public unions is for public unions and no one else.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Omaha Public School District buys 8,000 diversity manuals with stimulus money.
Omaha Public School District buys 8,000 diversity manuals with stimulus money.
Your stimulus money at work. The Omaha Public Schools have spent $130,000 in federal stimulus money to buy 8,000 copies of the book, one for every OPS employee, from principals to teachers to custodial staff.
The book is sort of a combination of Freud meets Marx, and does more to stifle conversation and open-mindedness than it does to inspire it. In fact it is an unabashed attempt to force a the PC mindset of the Federal Govt down our throats.
One paragraph will point out the absurdity of this clunker;
The authors assert that American government and institutions create advantages that “channel wealth and power to white people,” that color-blindness will not end racism and that educators should “take action for social justice.”
The Omaha school board approved buying 8,000 copies of the book — one for every employee, including members of the custodial staff — in April. The decision to buy the book was made 11-0, with board member Mary Ellen Drickey passing on the vote.
Your stimulus money at work. The Omaha Public Schools have spent $130,000 in federal stimulus money to buy 8,000 copies of the book, one for every OPS employee, from principals to teachers to custodial staff.
The book is sort of a combination of Freud meets Marx, and does more to stifle conversation and open-mindedness than it does to inspire it. In fact it is an unabashed attempt to force a the PC mindset of the Federal Govt down our throats.
One paragraph will point out the absurdity of this clunker;
Table 2.4 on page 25 highlights the unhealthy and healthy perspectives associated with the left and the right of the cultural proficiency continuum. Displayed is the fundamental shift in perspective, between the left and right sides of the continuum that comes about when adopting the principles of cultural proficiency as core beliefs and the use of essential elements as standards of action. In addition, disequilibrium arises due to the struggle to disengage with past actions associated with unhealthy perspectives tied to the barriers and a subsequent move toward a healthy perspective connected to the Guiding Principles.
The authors assert that American government and institutions create advantages that “channel wealth and power to white people,” that color-blindness will not end racism and that educators should “take action for social justice.”
The Omaha school board approved buying 8,000 copies of the book — one for every employee, including members of the custodial staff — in April. The decision to buy the book was made 11-0, with board member Mary Ellen Drickey passing on the vote.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The Dept of Selective Justice Launches Witch Hunt Against Alleged Racist Banks
Investers Business Daily
The gangster government is forever finding new ways to subvert the system for their own greedy needs. While we are still reeling from a housing crash, record foreclosures, and millions of people who are under water on the purchase of their homes, ponder an uncertain future. You may have thought the people that helped cause the first crash would at least have the decency to steal away under the darkness of the media blackout about the real causes of the crash and keep their mouths shut, nope they are lining up for more.
Under a broad definition of racism the Dept of Selective Justice is going after (smaller) banks and threatening charges of racism, because they are not lending to minorities. Of course the banks whose balance sheets are still holding terrible losses aren't lending to Whites, Hispanics, or any one else for that matter. But the Justice Department has come up with theory — “disparate impact” — that holds that merely a difference in loan application outcomes is enough to prove racial discrimination.
Prosecutions have already generated more than $20 million in loan set-asides and other subsidies from banks that have settled out of court rather than battle the federal government and risk being branded racist. An additional 60 banks are under investigation, a DOJ spokeswoman says.
As part of settlement deals, prosecutors have required banks to sign “nondisclosure agreements” barring them from talking about the methods used to allege discrimination. Bank lawyers contend the prosecutors are trying to hide the shaky legal grounds on which the cases are built. Under this broad theory, banks have been accused of racism simply for failing to open branches or aggressively market mortgages in black neighborhoods — regardless of the demand for, or viability
Welcome to shakedown Chicago style from the gangster government.
The gangster government is forever finding new ways to subvert the system for their own greedy needs. While we are still reeling from a housing crash, record foreclosures, and millions of people who are under water on the purchase of their homes, ponder an uncertain future. You may have thought the people that helped cause the first crash would at least have the decency to steal away under the darkness of the media blackout about the real causes of the crash and keep their mouths shut, nope they are lining up for more.
Under a broad definition of racism the Dept of Selective Justice is going after (smaller) banks and threatening charges of racism, because they are not lending to minorities. Of course the banks whose balance sheets are still holding terrible losses aren't lending to Whites, Hispanics, or any one else for that matter. But the Justice Department has come up with theory — “disparate impact” — that holds that merely a difference in loan application outcomes is enough to prove racial discrimination.
Prosecutions have already generated more than $20 million in loan set-asides and other subsidies from banks that have settled out of court rather than battle the federal government and risk being branded racist. An additional 60 banks are under investigation, a DOJ spokeswoman says.
As part of settlement deals, prosecutors have required banks to sign “nondisclosure agreements” barring them from talking about the methods used to allege discrimination. Bank lawyers contend the prosecutors are trying to hide the shaky legal grounds on which the cases are built. Under this broad theory, banks have been accused of racism simply for failing to open branches or aggressively market mortgages in black neighborhoods — regardless of the demand for, or viability
Welcome to shakedown Chicago style from the gangster government.
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