Rick Perry's stance on major national issues may be, well, evolving. However he has brought some badly needed national exposure to some "hot button" issues like Social Security, tort reform, and now, illegal immigration.
Rick Perry says he is open to sending American troops to Mexico to help battle drug cartels. Perry, the Texas governor, likens the situation to Colombia, where the government accepted American military support in battling the war on drugs.
Perry says the current violence may require similar military action.
Mexico today very much resembles the lawless, chaotic, highly unstable government of 1834-1846 when Mexico was torn apart by bitter internal political battles that verged on civil war - It makes much more sense then sending our military to Libya.
The situation on the southern border with Mexico has reached a crisis. It is grave and quickly deteriorating situation. Drug cartels are in the U.S. and are infiltrating U.S. law enforcement at an alarming rate, and border patrol agents and law enforcement are living a nightmare along the U.S. Mexico border, and the nightmare is moving north.
Drug cartel activity has escalated to whole new level. Whistle-blowers inside law enforcement have stated that Arizona Law Enforcement Officers are under a direct violent threat to themselves and their families, and some are claiming they are being coerced by the U.S. Federal government to coperate with the cartels. One of the whistle-blowers has said that he was asked by the FBI to accept drug shipments coming from Mexico through his ranching company.Law enforcement personnel are constantly approached by the cartels with bribes and now death threats. The choice is take the money and become rich by helping us, or we will assassinate you and murder your entire family.
In Mexico entire police departments have resigned en mass after threats from the cartels. The cartels are now employing the same fear and intimidation tactics against law enforcement officers in the USA. They will corrupt our law enforcement in the same manner. All Law enforcement officers now face the ugly choice of accepting an envelope of cash and helping the cartels or face an assassination of themselves and kidnapping and murder of their families.
The corrosive effect of corruption is spreading fast. The Government of the USA has lost all legitimacy and is quickly losing the consent of the governed by failing it's primary mandate -- defending the borders and protecting the citizens. Failure to defend the border is treasonous.
The cartels are better funded and with the weapons provided by the US Department of Justice and the BATF the cartels are better armed. The cartels have more personnel and many more boots on the ground. The border Sheriffs are at an extreme disadvantage. The Dept of Justice and the CIA need to be disbanded. They are putting American citizens lives in danger and threatening our national security.
This claim is supported by the announcement of the threat to National security by US ARMY Retired Major General Paul Vallely, who is the first national figure to propose an effective plan for the US government to actually secure the US border with Mexico.
We have now raised the threat level of Mexico and the Southern Border. The threat from our Southern Border is greater now than the Afghanistan/Pakistan conflict. The inactions by our government are treasonous.Unless we begin to take this issue seriously things will continue to get worse and worse, the corrosive effects of corruption and money is already destroying the fabric of our culture.
Our leadership in Washington, DC continues on a rudderless course when it comes to National Security. We need leaders that understand current threats and vulnerabilities and place them in charge immediately.
It is now time to enforce the rule-of-law and the protection of Americans and our country. No more excuses…no more delays…no more politics., no more kowtowing to special interest groups, or claims by open-border believers and LaRaza. The fact is, the Citizens of the USA are in daily danger and are being killed because the border and interior states of Mexico are controlled by thugs.
Once again, the entire area is festooned with upheaval, violence, and lawlessness as it was in 1846. The northern states in Mexico; Baja California Norte, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Monterrey and Tamaulipas are under rogue control, and the Mexican Police and Army cannot control them. Therefore, it is in the national interest of the United States to restore order because of this clear and present danger to US Citizens and our economy.
There is nothing more powerful than and idea who's time has come. We must act NOW for the welfare and security of our nation. The stabilization of our Southern border and a secure, prosperous Mexico is vital to our national security. The latter may be out of our hands and not be possible, but first,the border must be secured. Mexico will never begin to solve it's own problems until we stop allowing them to export their poverty, and crime, to the U.S.
Please also consider: Arizona Sheriff implicates ATF, Eric Holder and Obama's Dept of Justice in Fast and Furious
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