Obama says he can't fix immigration on his own
"I think there's been a great disservice done to the cause of getting a Dream Act passed and getting comprehensive immigration passed by perpetrating the notion that somehow by myself I can go and do these things," Obama said. "We have to pass bills through the legislature and then I can sign it."Fix the immigration system is now code for the "Dream Act"
Hispanics have been so conditioned to believe that this is theirs, it belongs to them, they deserve it, that they want it over the top, not under the table -- the poor guy just can't win.
But he has tried to do it by himself. Working with the legislature is bothersome for him, he doesn't like it, it's beneath him. It's not his gangster style. He prefers giving speeches, and doing his dirty work under the table. His style is trashing his opposition, and polarizing the people. He enjoys the game of slipping his agenda through by sleight of hand, or using political trickery, going through his czars, and government appointees -- it's the street way, I rule - I won - I own you.
We know Obama cannot fix anything, we have the wreckage of a failed economy to prove it. The only thing that was ever asked of this president was to respect his oath of office and enforce the laws of the country to protect the American people, which he has refused to do. Whether it is on immigration, bailouts, stimulus, jobs, illegal wars, or the economy, he has never missed an opportunity to stick it to the people he swore to serve and protect yet.
Obama again blamed the problem on the Republicans ;
"Only a few years ago, as I said, you had some Republicans who were willing to recognize that we needed to fix our immigration system," Obama said, noting that his predecessor, George W. Bush, was among them. "Right now you do not have that kind of leadership coming from the Republican Party."
Leadership ? Obama wouldn't know leadership if he tripped over it. Acting unilaterally to push the progressive liberal's political agenda through the judiciary and with political stunts like shoving the Health Care bill down our throats with cloture, and instructing DHS to NOT deport illegal immigrants and let them stay and get work permits, is hurting Obama politically, and he knows it. The "poor me" act seems to be deliberate campaign strategy to distance himself from his miserable record, and portray him as a poor, well intentioned, slug that just get's no respect, or help.
In his speech to the Congressional Black Caucasus he went back to his old "preacher" strategy to fire up the believers (or cult followers) - "I'm with ya", "YOU can do it", I am disappointed in ya... but", " we all know there are setbacks along the way", keep pushing, keep struggling, YOU can do it - It's comical to have a leader of a nation speaking to people this way -- It's an amateurish stunt.
If Obama wins reelection it's back to the political wars. Hispanics, Blacks, as well as all other middle class Americans all will be thrown under the bus again. If Obama is anything, he is an equal opportunity deceiver. Obama will go back to pushing HIS agenda, if he is reelected. Paying off his cronies, bribing states and politicians, and shredding the Constitution. Obama needs to pay for his cherished Welfare State. and we can look forward to him pushing Cap and Trade taxes, carbon taxes, gas taxes, taxes on the wealthy, and vat taxes, and continue to resist any spending cuts for his beloved beast, the Federal Government.
If being a successful leader of the United States of America depended on how much drama the president could generate, Obama would be the most successful president ever, unfortunately it doesn't, in fact all the drama is compounding our problems, and confusing the issues for the benefit of only one person, the anointed one himself.
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