Sunday, September 18, 2011

Obama lectured Americans on living within their means - really, he did

The all time leading KING of spending other people's money and driving up debt came out and lectured us on "living within our means" As with most Obama speeches it was long on rhetoric and abstract concepts, very short on details, and facts.

We have reached the intersection of Cloud-Cukoo-Land and The Yellow Brick Road. In what can only be described as an another awful political stunt to portray himself as the only fiscally responsible adult in the room. Obama took credit for the talks that averted a government shutdown,and  also lectured America on “living within our means.” and acted as if the last three years never happened, they just went up in Pixie dust right before our eyes ;
“Like any worthwhile compromise, both sides had to make tough decisions and give ground on issues that were important to them,” Obama said before cameras in the White House Blue Room as he acknowledged some of the cuts agreed to would be painful, with certain programs cut back and other projects encountering delays. “But beginning to live within our means is the only way to protect those investments that will help America compete for new jobs,”
Of course, Obama never wanted to cut a dime from the budget that he increased by a trillion dollars in the last three years.

We know because we have video tape, and the internet now to prove it. We've watched hundreds of these speeches by now, and they keep looking more like DNC fund-raisers than an Oval Office address. Though Obama constantly refers to the need to compromise, his idea of compromise  is to take to his bully pulpit and tell the public to overwhelm Republicans with demands to raise taxes. ... never once has asked them to demand congress cut spending, except when it's couched under the guise of raising taxes.

As far as the "Grand Plan' to save the poor honest, hardworking folk it's another reelection scam that he hopes will save a few people enough money on refinanced underwater mortgages, with the hopes that they will then take that money and spend it, creating some positive economic numbers before the election.

This one could actually work, for his reelection, not the economy if we lived in Cloud-Cuckoo-Land. We all know that when Obama wants to hand out money to Wall Street, or pet alternative energy companies like Solyndra, his administration green lights the money, breaks the rules, and possibly the law, to fast track the loans almost immediately.

But when The feds are handing out money to the poor, honest, hardworking folk, they create a maze of red tape and government restrictions that a layman cannot even understand, and needs to hire a lawyer, who will take 50% off the top, just to do the paper work. The money barely trickles out, if it ever trickles at all.

It's a pitiful sight watching a president twisting in the wind, pretending that he is just caught in forces beyond his control, unable to do anything except go on repeating the same mistakes. It takes courage to change course. he doesn't have that courage.

Obama, Geithner and Bernake are ideological prisoners of the failed Keynesian faith they have been following all along -- their conviction is that the country can spend its way out of hard times. And when times get harder, just keep spending more. They couldn't change, even if they wanted to, and they don't want to.

Obama likes to complain no other President in history has been treated worse than him. No one gives him credit for all he has done, and that he can't get anything right. At this point he is right, he's continually doubled down on failed policies for three years, and passed up many opportunities to change course. If he actually gives in to any of the fiscally sound ideas that he's been bashing and rejecting for the last three years now, right before the election, he really looks bad. But he has the audacity to do it. That's for sure.

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