Thursday, August 18, 2011

Atheist rants against Ron Paul [VIDEO]

I came across this video after I had been discussing the apparent blacklisting of Ron Paul by the lame-stream-media with a friend. I really thought he would get more coverage in this election considering his economic views are solid, he is honest, and has a long proven track record of consistency. Some personal qualities that have been in very short supply the last three years, okay, non-existent

My search for the answer turned up this gem, and atheist ranting about the evils of Ron Paul. I do not particularly like Paul for president, however in a match up against Obama he has my vote. His views on defense, immigration, and international politics are a little fuzzy, and too, well, "whatever dude" for my tastes and I don't think he has the gravitas to be a strong leader, maybe a Vice President ?

What was striking about this rant was the absolute intolerance that this guy has for anyone that does not share his core beliefs, which seem to be Ron Paul is the devil, but there is no devil because there is no god, so that means killing babies is okay, a fetus in not alive so get over it, I mean geeeeeez, and anyone who believes in a God is just stupid as rock, I created this world, I know the "truth" I don't need to search for it, so don't tell me anything.... cool ?

Actually I find atheists to be as silly as religious fanatics - both make a leap of faith, faith something exists and faith something doesn't. And both are convinced they know the truth. I've got no clue - physics implies both are possible - so you got me. But I tend to believe that the honest ones are the ones that are seeking truth, not ranting that they have found it.

He doesn't mention Islam, but these cowards never do.

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