Saturday, March 19, 2011

Obama should be ashamed ?

One of the more interesting articles I came across today was an article in "Forbes Blogs" by  a writer named John Mariotti. I don't know John, but this one caught my attention because it goes right to the heart of the of what many Americans, see as the crucial issue in America today, division, polarization, and a country that seems to be hopelessly divided.

John writes a good, seemingly balanced, article that pretty much identifies the culprits that make their living off a divided America, like the media, the unions, democrats, republicans et, al, then he does something that sends my head spinning, he writes this incredible statement:

" Most ironic, no, tragic—is that a black man is finally in the White House, and he is presiding over this one—and doing little or nothing about it.  He should be ashamed."

Obama is a product of race baiting, polarizing politics, and is no dummy, that's what got him there, and that's what he does best.

Okay I have been out of the country often during the Obama's presidency and have missed some things, but  I was wondering what the line "a black man is finally in the White House" is supposed to mean ? It does conjure up images of "messiah" obsession that seems to pervade the left when it comes to Obama. Then goes one step further by deftly shielding Obama from criticism by proclaiming he is only "presiding" over this mess, not actually contributing to it.

You can read the whole article here :

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